Make the builds fully reproducable

asm v1
Hamish Coleman 8 years ago
parent 0e4b155ce8
commit e25ba35146

@ -170,6 +170,7 @@ $(DEPSDIR)/slice.insert.deps: Makefile
%.iso.bat: %.iso.orig %.iso.orig.desc autoexec.bat.template
sed -e "s%__DIR%`mdir -/ -b -i $<@@$(FAT_OFFSET) |grep FL2 |cut -d/ -f3`%; s%__FL2%`mdir -/ -b -i $<@@$(FAT_OFFSET) |grep FL2 |cut -d/ -f4`%; s%__DESC%`cat $<.desc`%" autoexec.bat.template >$@.tmp
mv $@.tmp $@
touch -d @1 $@
# helper to write the ISO onto a cdrw
%.iso.blank_burn: %.iso
@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ $(DEPSDIR)/slice.insert.deps: Makefile
# If we ever want a copy of the dosflash.exe, just get it from the iso image
%.dosflash.exe.orig: %.iso.orig
mcopy -i $^@@$(FAT_OFFSET) ::FLASH/DOSFLASH.EXE $@
mcopy -m -i $^@@$(FAT_OFFSET) ::FLASH/DOSFLASH.EXE $@
## Use the system provided geteltorito script, if there is one
#GETELTORITO := $(shell if type geteltorito >/dev/null; then echo geteltorito; else echo ./geteltorito; fi)
@ -231,7 +232,7 @@ endef
# $1 = FL2 filename
# $2 = ISO image
define rule_iso
$(2): $(1) $(2).bat ; ./slice.insert $(1).slice $(1) $(2) && mcopy -o -i $(2)@@$(FAT_OFFSET) $(2).bat ::AUTOEXEC.BAT
$(2): $(1) $(2).bat ; ./slice.insert $(1).slice $(1) $(2) && mcopy -m -o -i $(2)@@$(FAT_OFFSET) $(2).bat ::AUTOEXEC.BAT
