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use Getopt::Std;
# a bootimage extractor
# Script that will extract the first El Torito bootimage from a
# bootable CD image
# R. Krienke 08/2001
# License: GPL
# Get latest version from:
# Version 0.6
# 2015/02/25
# I included a patch by Daniel Kekez, to make geteltorito
# better compatible with windows:
# "To run this Perl script using using Strawberry Perl under Windows, I
# found it was necessary to explicitly open the files in binary mode since
# Windows will default to text mode when open() is called."
# Version 0.5
# 2009/06/22
# A patch for harddisk emulation images from <>.
# For BootMediaType=4 (harddisk emulation) SectorCount is always 1, and
# returns just MBR. This patch guesses the correct bootimage size
# from MBR (offset+size of the first partitition).
# Version 0.4
# 2007/02/01
# A patch from Santiago Garcia <> to use a virtual sector
# size (vSecSize) of 512 bytes, as defined on "El Torito" specs and change
# unpack of the sector count from n to v to get the correct sector count.
# Version 0.3
# 2006/02/21
# A patch from Ben Collins <> to make the
# utility work on PPC machines (change from 'L'-encoding in pack to 'V')
# Version 0.2
# Several patches included from Nathan Stratton Treadway(
# to adjust the platform output as well as fixes for other minor bugs
# Version 0.1
# Initial release
# For information on El Torito see
# Read a particular sector from a file
# sector counting starts at 0, not 1
sub getSector{
my ($secNum, $secCount, $file)=@_;
my ($sec, $count);
open(FILE, "<:raw", $file) || die "Cannot open \"$file\" \n";
seek(FILE, $secNum*$secSize, 0);
$count=read(FILE, $sec, $vSecSize*$secCount, 0) ;
if( $count != $vSecSize*$secCount ){
warn "Error reading from file \"$file\"\n";
# Write eltorito data into a file
sub writeOutputFile{
open(OUT, ">:raw", $name)|| die "$0: Cannot open outputfile \"$name\" for writing. Stop.";
print OUT $value;
# Usage
sub usage{
warn "\n$0 [-hv] [-o outputfilename] cd-image \n",
"Script will try to extract an El Torito image from a \n",
"bootable CD (or cd-image) given by <cd-image> and write \n",
"the data extracted to STDOUT or to a file.\n",
" -h: This help. \n",
" -v: Print version of script and exit.\n",
" -o <file>: Write extracted data to file <file> instead of STDOUT.\n",
exit 0;
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if( defined($opt_v) ){
warn "Version: $utilVersion \n";
exit 0;
if( defined($opt_h) || $#ARGV <0 ){
if( defined($opt_o) ){
if( ! -r $imageFile ){
die "Cannot read image/device \"$imageFile\". Aborting\n";
# Read Sector 17 from CD which should contain a Boot Record Volume
# descriptor. This descriptor contains at its start the text ($isoIdent)
# CD001 and ($toritoSpec)
# see
# for details
$sector=getSector(17, 1, $imageFile );
($boot, $isoIdent, $version, $toritoSpec,
$unUsed, $bootP)= unpack( "Ca5CA32A32V", $sector );
if( $isoIdent ne "CD001" || $toritoSpec ne "EL TORITO SPECIFICATION" ){
die "This data image does not seem to be a bootable CD-image\n";
# Now fetch the sector of the booting catalog
$sector=getSector($bootP, 1, $imageFile );
print STDERR "Booting catalog starts at sector: $bootP \n";
# The first 32 bytes of this sector contains the validation entry for a
# boot. The first byte has to be 01, the next byte determines the
# architecture the image is designed for, where 00 is i86, 01 is PowerPC
# and 02 is Mac. More data give info about manufacturer, etc. The
# final two bytes must contain 0x55 and 0xAA respectively (as
# defined by the El Torito standard).
$validateEntry=substr($sector, 0, 32);
($header, $platform, $unUsed, $manufact, $unUsed, $five, $aa)=
unpack( "CCvA24vCC", $validateEntry);
if( $header != 1 || $five != 0x55 || $aa != 0xaa ){
die "Invalid Validation Entry on image \n";
print STDERR "Manufacturer of CD: $manufact\n";
print STDERR "Image architecture: ";
print STDERR "x86" if( $platform == 0 );
print STDERR "PowerPC" if( $platform == 1 );
print STDERR "Mac" if( $platform == 2 );
print STDERR "unknown ($platform)" if( $platform > 2 );
print STDERR "\n";
# Now we examine the initial/defaultentry which follows the validate
# entry and has a size of 32 bytes.
$initialEntry=substr($sector, 32, 32);
($boot, $media, $loadSegment, $systemType, $unUsed,
$sCount, $imgStart, $unUsed)=unpack( "CCvCCvVC", $initialEntry);
if( $boot != 0x88 ){
die "Boot indicator in Initial/Default-Entry is not 0x88. CD is not bootable. \n";
print STDERR "Boot media type is: ";
if( $media == 0 ){
print STDERR "no emulation";
if( $media == 1 ){
print STDERR "1.2meg floppy";
if( $media == 2 ){
print STDERR "1.44meg floppy";
if( $media == 3 ){
print STDERR "2.88meg floppy";
if( $media == 4 ){
print STDERR "harddisk";
$MBR=getSector($imgStart, 1, $imageFile );
$partition1=substr($MBR, 446, 16);
($unUsed, $firstSector, $partitionSize) = unpack( "A8VV", $partition1);
$count=$firstSector + $partitionSize;
print STDERR "\n";
# Only use the internal sector counter if the real size is unknown
# ($count==0)
print STDERR "El Torito image starts at sector $imgStart and has $cnt sector(s) of $vSecSize Bytes\n";
# We are there:
# Now read the bootimage to stdout
$image=getSector($imgStart, $cnt, $imageFile);
if( length($outputFilename) ){
writeOutputFile($outputFilename, $image);
print STDERR "\nImage has been written to file \"$outputFilename\".\n";
print "$image";
print STDERR "Image has been written to stdout ....\n";