set breakindent set cmdheight=2 set cpoptions+=$ " Add a $ to the end of a selection set cpoptions+=J " 2 spaces after a sentence for easier text manupulation set cursorline set expandtab set fileformat=unix set fillchars= set foldignore= set foldlevelstart=1 " deactivate folding on fileload set foldmethod=indent " indent folding set foldnestmax=20 " max 20 levels of folding set gdefault set grepprg=ag " use ag for grepping set hidden set ignorecase set infercase set lazyredraw set list! set listchars=extends:»,precedes:«,tab:▸\ ,trail:· set mouse=a set nobackup set noerrorbells set nofoldenable set noshowmode set noswapfile set nowrap set nowritebackup set pastetoggle= set relativenumber set scrolljump=5 set scrolloff=3 set shiftround set shiftwidth=2 set showbreak=\\\\\ set showmatch set sidescroll=10 set sidescrolloff=5 set smartcase set softtabstop=2 set tabstop=2 set termguicolors set virtualedit=all set visualbell set wildmode=list:longest,list:full set wrapscan filetype plugin indent on syntax on " deactivate syntax highlighting when diffing if &diff syntax off endif " hybrid color scheme let g:hybrid_reduced_contrast=0 let g:hybrid_custom_term_colors=1 set background=dark colorscheme hybrid