local vimouse = require('vimouse') local app = require('hs.application') local eventtap = require('hs.eventtap') local geometry = require('hs.geometry') local hotkey = require('hs.hotkey') local layout = require('hs.layout') local screen = require('hs.screen') local win = require('hs.window') -- Custom variables -------------------- local hyper = { 'cmd', 'alt', 'shift', 'ctrl' } local laptopMonitor = "Built-in Retina Display" local mainMonitor = "DELL U3415W" -- Custom positions and layouts where which apps can be on the screen -------------------- local screenPositions = { left = geometry.rect(0.01, 0.01, 0.485, 0.98), leftTop = { x = 0.01, y = 0.01, w = 0.485, h = 0.485 }, leftBottom = { x= 0.01, y = 0.505, w = 0.485, h = 0.485 }, right = geometry.rect(0.505, 0.01, 0.485, 0.98), rightTop = { x = 0.505, y = 0.01, w = 0.485, h = 0.485 }, rightBottom = { x= 0.505, y = 0.505, w = 0.485, h = 0.485 }, top = geometry.rect(0.01, 0.01, 0.98, 0.485), bottom = geometry.rect(0.01, 0.505, 0.98, 0.485), center = geometry.rect(0.15, 0.15, 0.7, 0.7), max = geometry.rect(0.01, 0.01, 0.98, 0.98), full = geometry.rect(0, 0, 1, 1), } local layoutDouble = { { "Calendar", nil, laptopMonitor, screenPositions.full, nil, nil }, { "Firefox", nil, mainMonitor, screenPositions.left, nil, nil }, { "ForkLift", nil, laptopMonitor, screenPositions.full, nil, nil }, { "Spotify", nil, mainMonitor, screenPositions.left, nil, nil }, { "iTerm2", nil, mainMonitor, screenPositions.right, nil, nil }, { "Messages", nil, mainMonitor, screenPositions.rightTop, nil, nil }, { "Signal", nil, mainMonitor, screenPositions.rightBottom, nil, nil }, { "Telegram", nil, mainMonitor, screenPositions.rightTop, nil, nil }, { "Microsoft Teams", nil, mainMonitor, screenPositions.rightBottom, nil, nil }, } local layoutSingle = { { "Calendar", nil, laptopMonitor, screenPositions.full, nil, nil }, { "Firefox", nil, laptopMonitor, screenPositions.full, nil, nil }, { "ForkLift", nil, laptopMonitor, screenPositions.full, nil, nil }, { "Spotify", nil, laptopMonitor, screenPositions.full, nil, nil }, { "iTerm2", nil, laptopMonitor, screenPositions.full, nil, nil }, { "Messages", nil, laptopMonitor, screenPositions.full, nil, nil }, { "Signal", nil, laptopMonitor, screenPositions.full, nil, nil }, { "Telegram", nil, laptopMonitor, screenPositions.full, nil, nil }, { "Microsoft Teams", nil, laptopMonitor, screenPositions.full, nil, nil }, } local appNames = { "Calendar", "Firefox", "ForkLift", "Spotify", "iTerm", "Messages", "Signal", "Telegram", "Microsoft Teams", } -- Local helper functions -------------------- local function launchApps() for i, appName in ipairs(appNames) do app.launchOrFocus(appName) end end local function moveMouse() local pt = hs.geometry.rectMidPoint(win.focusedWindow():frame()) hs.mouse.absolutePosition(pt) end local function applyPosition(pos) local w = win.focusedWindow() local screenName = w:screen():name() local tempPos = screenPositions[pos] local tempLayout = { { app.frontmostApplication(), nil, screenName, tempPos, nil, nil }, } layout.apply(tempLayout) end -- Window management and general config -------------------- win.animationDuration = 0 -- Keybindings -------------------- -- Applying main two layouts hotkey.bind(hyper, 'q', function() layout.apply(layoutSingle) end) hotkey.bind(hyper, 'w', function() layout.apply(layoutDouble) end) -- Direct app navigation -- hotkey D is set in Dash itself hotkey.bind(hyper, 'a', function() app.launchOrFocus('iTerm') end) hotkey.bind(hyper, 's', function() app.launchOrFocus('Firefox') end) hotkey.bind(hyper, 'f', function() app.launchOrFocus('ForkLift') end) hotkey.bind(hyper, 'g', function() launchApps() end) -- Moving windows around / navigating windows hotkey.bind(hyper, '[', function() win.focusedWindow():moveOneScreenNorth(); moveMouse() end) hotkey.bind(hyper, ']', function() win.focusedWindow():moveOneScreenSouth(); moveMouse() end) hotkey.bind(hyper, 'z', function() applyPosition('full'); moveMouse() end) hotkey.bind(hyper, 'x', function() applyPosition('max'); moveMouse() end) hotkey.bind(hyper, 'c', function() applyPosition('center'); moveMouse() end) hotkey.bind(hyper, 'h', function() applyPosition('left'); moveMouse() end) hotkey.bind(hyper, 'u', function() applyPosition('leftTop'); moveMouse() end) hotkey.bind(hyper, 'n', function() applyPosition('leftBottom'); moveMouse() end) hotkey.bind(hyper, 'l', function() applyPosition('right'); moveMouse() end) hotkey.bind(hyper, 'i', function() applyPosition('rightTop'); moveMouse() end) hotkey.bind(hyper, 'm', function() applyPosition('rightBottom'); moveMouse() end) hotkey.bind(hyper, 'k', function() applyPosition('top'); moveMouse() end) hotkey.bind(hyper, 'j', function() applyPosition('bottom'); moveMouse() end) -- map hyper + number to the corresponding fn-key, since the touchbar -- kinda sucks, and karabiner-elements is breaking fn-function to show keys hotkey.bind(hyper, '1', function() eventtap.keyStroke({}, 'F1') end) hotkey.bind(hyper, '2', function() eventtap.keyStroke({}, 'F2') end) hotkey.bind(hyper, '3', function() eventtap.keyStroke({}, 'F3') end) hotkey.bind(hyper, '4', function() eventtap.keyStroke({}, 'F4') end) hotkey.bind(hyper, '5', function() eventtap.keyStroke({}, 'F5') end) hotkey.bind(hyper, '6', function() eventtap.keyStroke({}, 'F6') end) hotkey.bind(hyper, '7', function() eventtap.keyStroke({}, 'F7') end) hotkey.bind(hyper, '8', function() eventtap.keyStroke({}, 'F8') end) hotkey.bind(hyper, '9', function() eventtap.keyStroke({}, 'F9') end) hotkey.bind(hyper, '0', function() eventtap.keyStroke({}, 'F10') end) hotkey.bind(hyper, '-', function() eventtap.keyStroke({}, 'F11') end) hotkey.bind(hyper, '=', function() eventtap.keyStroke({}, 'F12') end) vimouse(hyper, ',')