Notes for Video: 1) # install minidlna on debian/ubuntu base systems sudo apt-get install minidlna 2) # edit configs; only 3 shits u need to worry about sudo nano /etc/minidlna.conf ## add in your folders ## note: use symlinks to add additional folders if theres an error ## note2: it will auto scan new files added to the folder, so you dont have to rebuild your database everytime media_dir=A,/home/heoyea-cb/Music media_dir=P,/home/heoyea-cb/Pictures media_dir=V,/home/heoyea-cb/Videos # Path to the directory that should hold the database and album art cache. db_dir=/var/lib/minidlna # Name that the DLNA server presents to clients. friendly_name=Gotbletu_Server Save and exit; Ctrl+o, Enter, Ctrl+x 3) # rebuild database; wait like 5 or 10mins if you got a ton of porn and music =) # there is no progress bar to show you when is done; if you have logs enable then u can check it in there sudo service minidlna force-reload 4) # if you ever need to restart or stop the minidlna daemon sudo service minidlna stop sudo service minidlna restart 5) # You need a upnp/dlna client for your system/mobile device Android Client: Yaacc (F-droid): GPL3 BubbleUPnP (Play Store): Adware Other OS: Just look for a upnp or dlna client and install that shit