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#!/usr/bin/env bash
6 months ago
# author: gotbletu (@youtube|github|odysee)
# desc: a script to download random wallpaper and delete old wallpaper at the sametime (
# demo:
# depend: curl grep sed findutils coreutils wget
# Variable (you can change any of these to your liking)
6 months ago
# create folders
6 months ago
mkdir -p $savedir
mkdir -p $tempdir
cd $tempdir || exit
# change the url if you need different resolutions
curl -f -L '' | grep -Eo "https?://\S+?\"" | grep small | cut -d '"' -f1 | sed -e 's@//th@//w@g' -e 's/small/full/g' -e 's@/@/wallhaven-@5' | while read -r link ; do wget --timestamping "$link" || wget --timestamping "${link//.jpg/.png}" ; done
6 months ago
# # get links of images and download it
# get_random_url=$(lynx -listonly -nonumbers -dump "" | grep '/w/')
# get_images_url=$(echo "$get_random_url" | while read -r line; do lynx -source "$line" | grep -Po '<img id="wallpaper" src="\K[^"]+' ; done )
# echo "$get_images_url" | while read -r line; do wget -N "$line" ; done
# delete any file under 200k in size (to avoid shitty thumnbails or crap quality)
find . -type f -iname "*.jp*g" -size -200k -exec rm {} \;
find . -type f -iname "*.png" -size -200k -exec rm {} \;
# change the downloaded wallpaper metadata (modified date to todays date)
# this makes it easy to see which files are older to delete later on
find . -type f -iname "*.jp*g" -exec touch -m {} \;
find . -type f -iname "*.png" -exec touch -m {} \;
# now that everything is cleaned and filter
# send the downloaded images to the wallpaper folder
6 months ago
find . -type f -iname "*.jp*g" -exec mv {} $savedir \;
find . -type f -iname "*.png" -exec mv {} $savedir \;
# delete wallpaper image older then X days and remove temp folder
6 months ago
rm -rf $tempdir
find $savedir -mtime +$expire_date -exec rm {} \;