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<!-- 285 / false --> <div class="post"> <div section="txt" class="txtWrap"> <div class="datestamp"> July 11, 2011 10:35 AM PDT </div> <h1>Best free alternatives to top-selling software</h1> <div class="postByline"> <span class="author">by <a rel="author" href="">Dennis O'Reilly</a> </span> <ul class="contentTools"> <!-- <li><span class="linkIcon fontSize"><a class="smaller"></a><a class="larger"></a><span>Font size</span></span></li> --> <li><a class="linkIcon print">Print</a></li> <li><a class="linkIcon email">E-mail</a></li> <li class="saveIcon" aid="20078249" atype="28" aname="Best free alternatives to top-selling software" aimage="">Save</li> </ul> </div> <div class="commentAndSocialIcons"> <div class="socialBadges socialBar" section="shareByline"> <span class="fbShare"> <fb:like width="86" action="recommend" href="" layout="button_count" font="arial" class="fb_XFBML" ref="fblike"></fb:like> </span> <a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-text="Best free alternatives to top-selling software" data-url="" data-counturl="" data-count="horizontal" data-via="cnet" data-related="cnetnews"></a> <span class="plusOne"> <g:plusone size="medium" callback="new Jlogger({tag:'sharebar',ctype:'evnt;elem;dest',cval:'click;A;googleplus1'}).ping()" href=""></g:plusone> </span> <span class="shareButton"> <ul class="contentTools"> <li><a class="linkIcon share">Share</a></li> </ul> </span> </div> <span class="commentBadge"> <span class="commentTease"> <a href="#comments" noluke="true" class="linkIcon comments">25 comments</a> </span> </span> </div> <div class="postBody" >
<p>Later this month I'll be canceling my subscription to a leading security suite that runs on two of my home-office PCs. I'll replace it with Microsoft's free <a href="" >Security Essentials</a>, which I've been using on my notebook since I bought it two years ago. I realized several months ago that I simply no longer needed to spend money for the convenience of an all-in-one security app.</p><p> That got me thinking: Is there <i>any</i> software that the average PC user needs to pay for? Most of us bought our current operating system--usually Windows or <a href="" >Mac OS X</a>--as part of the purchase of the computer itself. Do-it-yourselfers have Linux as a free-OS alternative.</p><p> The programs we use for work, such as
<a href="" section="luke_topic" >Microsoft Office</a> and specialty apps like <a href="" >Adobe Photoshop</a> or Intuit's <a href="" >Quicken</a>/<a href="" >QuickBooks</a> accounting software, are likely provided by our employer. (People who work from home and/or for themselves have to buy their own software, but they can at least write off the cost of the programs they use in their work.)</p><p> What about all those commercial security suites and system utilities? I ran down Amazon's list of the <a href="" >20 best-selling software titles</a> to find those for which no viable free alternative is available. Granted, my criteria are pretty broad: the freebie has to offer only the basic functionality of the fee-based product and an interface that won't stymie the average user.</p><p> Excluding
<a href="" section="luke_topic" >Mac OS X Snow Leopard</a> (number 8 on the list) and two
<a href="" section="luke_topic" >Windows 7</a> Home Premium upgrades (standard and three-user family pack at 10 and 11, respectively), only two titles on Amazon's top 20 have no free equivalent that I'm aware of: Honest Technology's <a href="" >VHS to DVD Deluxe</a>, which tops the Amazon list, and Nuance Communications' <a href="" >Dragon Naturally Speaking</a>, which comes in at number 18.</p><p> Here's a rundown of Amazon's top-selling programs and their free counterparts.</p><p> <b>Keep Office on the shelf</b><br /> It's no surprise that Microsoft Office 2010 takes four of the top 20 spots on software-sales list: Office 2010 Home & Student is number 2, Office 2010 Home & Business is 12th, Office for Mac 2011 Home & Student Family Pack is 13th, and Office for Mac 2011 Home & Student 1 Pack comes in 17th.</p><p> In September 2009, I described several <a href="" >free alternatives to the Office suite</a> and to the individual apps bundled in Office. My favorites remain <a href="" ></a>--despite its bulk--and the <a href="" >Jarte</a> word processor, which is based on the WordPad app that's bundled in Windows.</p><p> and other alternative suites support the standard Office file formats, although not Office 2007/2010 XML file types (.docx, .xlsx, and .pptx). An advantage for many people is the programs' use of the old-style menus rather than the Office ribbons. Personally, I'm accustomed to the ribbon look and have no problem switching between the new and old interfaces.</p><p> Since the introduction of the free <a href="" >Google Cloud Connect</a> add-on for Office earlier this year, I've come to depend on the ability to sync Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and PowerPoint presentations with Google Docs automatically. There's no version of Cloud Connect for, but a rough equivalent is to use the free <a href="" >DropBox</a> service, which lets you save up to 2GB of data online (pay versions support up to 100GB for $20 a month of $200 a year).</p><p> The service adds a DropBox folder to your PC that you access in Windows Explorer just like any other folder. It's easy to share whole folders or individual files by sending people links via e-mail. The files are accessible from any Internet-connected device, including iPads and smart phones, using an Explorer-like directory.</p><p> </p><div class="cnet-image-div image-LARGE2 float-none" style="width: 610px">
<img class="cnet-image" src="" alt="DropBox file list"
width="610" height="399" />
<p class="image-caption">The free DropBox service lets you access and share files easily from any Web-enabled device (the PC interface is shown).</p>
<span class="image-credit">(Credit:
screenshot by Dennis O&#39;Reilly/CNET)</span>
</div> </p><p> Using the default file formats can cause problems when you share files with people who don't use the suite, so it's safest to stick with the more-universal .doc, .xls, and .ppt formats when creating files in or other Office alternatives. Documents, spreadsheets, and presentations created in that you save as Office files work without a hitch in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Only your accountant will know the difference.</p><p> <b>Take the freeware approach to security</b><br /> Security programs take 6 of the top 20 spots on Amazon's software-sales list: <a href="" >Norton 360</a> (No. 3), <a href="" >Kaspersky Internet Security</a> (No. 6), <a href="" >Norton Internet Security</a> 1 user-3 PCs (No. 9), <a href="" >Norton AntiVirus</a> (No. 14), <a href="" >McAfee Total Protection</a> (No. 15), and <a href="" >Norton Internet Security</a> for a singe PC (No. 19).</p><p> As I mentioned above, I will soon replace the commercial security suite I've been using on the PCs in my home office with Microsoft's free alternative, Security Essentials. Vendors of commercial security apps are quick to point out the many other benefits their products provide, including backups and other system-maintenance tools. There may be a convenience benefit in taking the all-in-one approach, but the fact is, you can keep your PC safe and running smoothly without spending a penny for extra software.</p><p> <b>Getting by with free maintenance tools</b><br /> <a href="" >Last fall</a> I wrote about a commercial utility program I thought was worth its $40 price. Several readers commented that the software caused them more problems than it solved, and since then I've heard from one reader who blames the program for wiping out her laptop PC entirely.</p><p> That experience helped convince me that most PC users have no need to pay for any application or online service that promises to fix their machine or improve its performance. It was heartening to see that no special-purpose system utility made Amazon's list of the 20 best-selling titles. That's not to say the tools that come with Windows are necessarily best of breed.</p><p> In particular, I prefer the free <a href="" >Easeus Todo Backup</a> to the backup utility built into Windows, as I explained in <a href="/8301-11310_39-10469489-285/free-backup-utility-outshines-windows-7s-built-in-disk-imager/" >March 2010</a>. Back in <a href="" >February 2009</a> I compared several free Windows system tools, including the popular <a href="" >CCleaner</a>. And in <a href="" >April 2010</a>, I compared CCleaner with the free version of IObit's <a href="" >Advanced SystemCare</a>.</p><p> <b>Other free alternatives to popular commercial apps</b><br /> You can't expect a free program to provide the range of features and functionality offered by such programs as Adobe Photoshop and QuickBooks Pro. But if you can get by with less, you may find freeware that meets your needs--with the two noteworthy exceptions I mentioned above (VHS TO DVD Deluxe and Dragon Naturally Speaking).</p><p> For example, No. 4 on Amazon's software-sales list is Adobe's<a href="" >Photoshop Elements</a> image-processing application. Yet the free, open-source <a href="" >GIMP image editor</a> provides all the photo-editing and touch-up tools many amateur photographers require.</p><p> The same may not be true for the $299 <a href="" >Adobe Photoshop Lightroom</a>, which is No. 7 on the Amazon software-sales list. Professional photographers and graphic artists use Lightroom to finish, organize, and manage their images. Many of Lightroom's most powerful and useful tools simply aren't available in GIMP or any other freebie.</p><p> Similarly, people who keep a business' books may require the professional accounting tools in <a href="" >QuickBooks Pro</a> (No. 5 on the Amazon sales list) and <a href="" >Quicken Deluxe</a> (No. 20).</p><p> If your accounting needs are simpler, <a href="" >Express Accounts Free Accounting Software</a> from NCH Software may accommodate your bookkeeping requirements. Note that I haven't tried the program, and the vendor offers the free version to entice you into upgrading to the Pro version as well as to the company's other commercial apps. As many users of "free" software have found, you often pay a price for using the programs that isn't obvious from the outset.</p><p> I was surprised to see Parallels Software's <a href="" >Parallels Desktop for Mac</a> at No. 16 on the list. I always assumed most Mac users who want to run Windows or Linux on their systems would use Apple's free <a href="" >Boot Camp</a> utility. But Parallels Desktop lets you switch between OSes without having to reboot, according to CNET editor Jason Parker's review.</p><p> Jason points out several other useful Parallels features: the program automatically recognizes file types associated with a particular OS and switches to that system when you open the file. And gamers will appreciate the enhanced video playback of Windows games run on Macs under Parallels. The program also lets you manage Windows apps via Mac OS's Spaces, Expose, and other features, according to Jason.</p><p> Sometimes, there's just no substitute for the convenience and functionality of commercial software. But more and more frequently PC users can find a free alternative to programs they once paid for. The next time you go shopping for software, consider whether you can save some dough by going the freeware route.</p> </div> <div class="commentAndSocialIcons bottom"> <div class="socialBadges socialBar" section="shareByline"> <span class="fbShare"> <fb:like width="86" action="recommend" href="" layout="button_count" font="arial" class="fb_XFBML" ref="fblike"></fb:like> </span> <a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-text="Best free alternatives to top-selling software" data-url="" data-counturl="" data-count="horizontal" data-via="cnet" data-related="cnetnews"></a> <span class="linkedInShare"> <script type="in/share" data-url="" data-counter="right"></script> </span> <span class="shareButton"> <ul class="contentTools"> <li><a class="linkIcon share">Share</a></li> </ul> </span> <ul class="contentTools printEmail"> <li> <span class="print"><a class="linkIcon print">Print</a></span> </li> <li> <span class="email"><a class="linkIcon email">E-mail</a></span> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="editorBio"> <!-- --> <!-- false --> <!-- false --> <!-- false --> <a rel="author" href=""><img src="" /></a> <div id="bioLinks"> <a rel="author" href=""><b>Dennis O'Reilly</b></a> <a class="linkIcon email editorEmail" href="javascript:void(0);">E-mail Dennis O'Reilly</a> <div id="socialFollow" section="socialFollow"> <fb:like class="fb_XFBML" href="" layout="button_count" show_faces="false" ref="fblike"></fb:like> </div><!--/socialFollow--> </div><!--/bioLinks--> <div id="emailEditorForm"> <h2>E-mail Dennis O'Reilly<a class="closeModal"></a></h2> <p>If you have a question or comment for Dennis O'Reilly, you can submit it here. However, because our editors and writers receive hundreds of requests, we cannot tell you when you may receive a response.</p> <form action="/8737-1_1-0.xml?nomesh&viewType=json" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="subject" value="Message from a CNET member"/> <p>Submit your question or comment here: <textarea rows="4" cols="30" name="body" class="minLength maxLength" validatorProps="{minLength:10, maxLength:1500}"></textarea><span class="bodyCount">0</span> <span>of 1500 characters</span></p> <input type="hidden" name="ursRegId" value="22046555822761333750614634861472"/> <input type="hidden" name="loggedInUserName" value=""/> <span id="captcha"></span> <input type="submit" class="submit flexButton" value="Send E-mail"/> </form> </div><!--/emailEditorForm--> <p class="shortBio">Dennis O'Reilly has covered PCs and other technologies in print and online since 1985. Along with more than a decade as editor for Ziff-Davis's Computer Select, Dennis edited PC World's award-winning Here's How section for more than seven years. He is a member of the CNET blog Network, and is not an employee of CNET.</p> </div><!--/editorBio--> </div><!-- /div section --> <div section="tags" class="tagsWrap"> <div class="postLinks"> <dl> <dt><b>Topics:</b></dt> <dd> <h4><a href="/8300-11310_39-285.html?categoryId=2035">Computers and hardware</a></h4> </dd> </dl> <dl> <dt><b>Tags:</b></dt> <dd> <h4><a href="/8300-11310_39-285.html?keyword=Freeware">Freeware</a>,</h4> </dd> <dd> <h4><a href="/8300-11310_39-285.html?keyword=Spreadsheets">Spreadsheets</a>,</h4> </dd> <dd> <h4><a href="/8300-11310_39-285.html?keyword=Security+software">Security software</a>,</h4> </dd> <dd> <h4><a href="/8300-11310_39-285.html?keyword=System+utilities">System utilities</a>,</h4> </dd> <dd> <h4><a href="/8300-11310_39-285.html?keyword=Word+processing">Word processing</a>,</h4> </dd> <dd> <h4><a href="/8300-11310_39-285.html?keyword=Presentations">Presentations</a></h4> </dd> </dl> <!-- Added DVAR tag per bug 422649. liaHeader value=Freeware;Spreadsheets;Security software;System utilities;Word processing; --> </div> </div>
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</dl> </dd> </dl> <a name="10998303" targetCommunity="2193"></a> <dl messageid="10998303"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">frankwick</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">389 comments </a>)</span> July 11, 2011 11:13 AM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_10998303">+1 for MIcrosoft Security Essentials. It's fast and efficient and you won't even know it is there.</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="10998303" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="reply needsReg">Reply to this comment</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=10998303" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> <span class="liked"><b>5</b> people like this comment</span> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> </dd> <dd class="replieswrapper"> <a name="11000406"></a> <dl messageid="11000406" class="thread"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">pokeredfaced</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">14 comments </a>)</span> July 11, 2011 4:14 PM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_11000406">Definitely, before I was used to spend money in using Symantec and McAfee's security suites but only to found that they are nothing but resource hog bloatwares where in a scan would consume 250000 K memory...unlike MSE which runs quitely and a scan would only consume 10,000K memory...the only thing I didn't like about mse is that its updates aren't as automatic as others but still the best AV i had ever used</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="11000406" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend" messageid="11000406"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content" messageid="11000406"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=11000406" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> <span class="liked"><b>2</b> people like this comment</span> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> <div id="emailAFriendArea_11000406"></div> <div id="emailAFriendStatus_11000406" class="newcommentstatus"></div> <div id="offensiveArea_11000406"></div> <div id="offensiveStatus_11000406" class="newcommentstatus"></div> </dd> <dd id="replies_11000406" class="replieswrapper" style="display:none"></dd>
</dl> </dd> </dl> <a name="10998310" targetCommunity="2193"></a> <dl messageid="10998310"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">solitare_pax</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">5362 comments </a>)</span> July 11, 2011 11:14 AM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_10998310">Of note, Openoffice is available for both Windows and Mac; and features a basic draw program in addition to word processing and spreadsheet functions.
<br />
<br />Inkscape offers a free vector-design program, and Scribus offers a free desktop Publishing program; both are good for light-duty work I will admit, and again, they are available in Windows &#38; Mac versions - and Scribus has a Unix version as well I believe.</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="10998310" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="reply needsReg">Reply to this comment</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=10998310" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> <span class="liked"><b>1</b> person likes this comment</span> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> </dd> <dd class="replieswrapper"> <a name="11001781"></a> <dl messageid="11001781" class="thread"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">Indian_art</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">50 comments </a>)</span> July 11, 2011 9:37 PM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_11001781">Don't forget LibreOffice, its:<br />* Great productivity software<br />* Cross Platform (Windows, Mac &#38; Linux)<br />* Free<br />* Supported in many languages<br />* Helpful &#38; passionate community support worlldwide<br />* Supported by Giants like Google<br />* Great free extensions like:<br />;can=2&#38;q=<br />that let you quickly &#38; easily upload to Google Docs</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="11001781" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend" messageid="11001781"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content" messageid="11001781"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=11001781" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> <span class="liked"><b>3</b> people like this comment</span> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> <div id="emailAFriendArea_11001781"></div> <div id="emailAFriendStatus_11001781" class="newcommentstatus"></div> <div id="offensiveArea_11001781"></div> <div id="offensiveStatus_11001781" class="newcommentstatus"></div> </dd> <dd id="replies_11001781" class="replieswrapper" style="display:none"></dd>
</dl> <a name="11002788"></a> <dl messageid="11002788" class="thread"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">genghizkhan91</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">3 comments </a>)</span> July 12, 2011 7:19 AM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_11002788">If I am to understand it correctly, Libreoffice is preferred over Openoffice at this point of time. They're cleaning Openoffice's code right now.</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="11002788" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend" messageid="11002788"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content" messageid="11002788"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=11002788" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> <span class="liked"><b>1</b> person likes this comment</span> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> <div id="emailAFriendArea_11002788"></div> <div id="emailAFriendStatus_11002788" class="newcommentstatus"></div> <div id="offensiveArea_11002788"></div> <div id="offensiveStatus_11002788" class="newcommentstatus"></div> </dd> <dd id="replies_11002788" class="replieswrapper" style="display:none"></dd>
</dl> <a name="11003848"></a> <dl messageid="11003848" class="thread"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">Yelonde</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">2172 comments </a>)</span> July 12, 2011 9:44 AM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_11003848">The reason LibreOffice is "preferred" over openoffice is due to philosophical reasons more than reasons of functionality. Average users really don't care about Oracle's acquisition (and subsequent release) of the software, and they probably have no idea, and have never heard of the Document Foundation.<br /><br />That said, LibreOffice is great, and it has replaced openoffice simply because I dislike Oracle's practices.</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="11003848" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend" messageid="11003848"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content" messageid="11003848"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=11003848" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> <span class="liked"><b>1</b> person likes this comment</span> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> <div id="emailAFriendArea_11003848"></div> <div id="emailAFriendStatus_11003848" class="newcommentstatus"></div> <div id="offensiveArea_11003848"></div> <div id="offensiveStatus_11003848" class="newcommentstatus"></div> </dd> <dd id="replies_11003848" class="replieswrapper" style="display:none"></dd>
</dl> </dd> </dl> <a name="10998342" targetCommunity="2193"></a> <dl messageid="10998342"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">coldReactive</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">483 comments </a>)</span> July 11, 2011 11:18 AM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_10998342">I wish there was a free flash editor that could bend lines like flash does. There is an AJAX flash editor, but it can't bend lines.</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="10998342" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="reply needsReg">Reply to this comment</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=10998342" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> <span class="liked"><b>1</b> person likes this comment</span> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> </dd> <dd class="replieswrapper"> <a name="10998344"></a> <dl messageid="10998344" class="thread"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">coldReactive</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">483 comments </a>)</span> July 11, 2011 11:19 AM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_10998344">And Inkscape can't bend lines the same as flash does (the entire line at once, no matter where you bend from.)</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="10998344" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend" messageid="10998344"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content" messageid="10998344"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=10998344" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> <span class="liked"><b>1</b> person likes this comment</span> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> <div id="emailAFriendArea_10998344"></div> <div id="emailAFriendStatus_10998344" class="newcommentstatus"></div> <div id="offensiveArea_10998344"></div> <div id="offensiveStatus_10998344" class="newcommentstatus"></div> </dd> <dd id="replies_10998344" class="replieswrapper" style="display:none"></dd>
</dl> </dd> </dl> <a name="10998373" targetCommunity="2193"></a> <dl messageid="10998373"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">dustinsc</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">111 comments </a>)</span> July 11, 2011 11:23 AM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_10998373">Parallels has another good free alternative in Virtualbox. It's not super speedy or convenient, but for simple tasks you need to use Windows for, Virtualbox is fine and doesn't require you to reboot your entire computer.</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="10998373" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="reply needsReg">Reply to this comment</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=10998373" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> </dd> </dl> <a name="10998417" targetCommunity="2193"></a> <dl messageid="10998417"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">jtjenkins213</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">7 comments </a>)</span> July 11, 2011 11:27 AM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_10998417">Be weary of where you install some of this software - I know for a fact that you cannot install MS Security Essentials in a classroom/education environment as it is against the EULA. Same goes for most "free" anti-virus solutions on the net. The EULA specifically states that it is for individual use only.<br />So "free but not really" doesn't apply to just nagware.</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="10998417" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="reply needsReg">Reply to this comment</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=10998417" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> </dd> <dd class="replieswrapper"> <a name="10998497"></a> <dl messageid="10998497" class="thread"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">SustainedHavoc</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">108 comments </a>)</span> July 11, 2011 11:38 AM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_10998497">While true, educational/volume pricing is almost free anyway, IF your procurement department knows what they're doing.</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="10998497" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend" messageid="10998497"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content" messageid="10998497"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=10998497" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> <span class="liked"><b>1</b> person likes this comment</span> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> <div id="emailAFriendArea_10998497"></div> <div id="emailAFriendStatus_10998497" class="newcommentstatus"></div> <div id="offensiveArea_10998497"></div> <div id="offensiveStatus_10998497" class="newcommentstatus"></div> </dd> <dd id="replies_10998497" class="replieswrapper" style="display:none"></dd>
</dl> </dd> </dl> <a name="10998510" targetCommunity="2193"></a> <dl messageid="10998510"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">ckm5</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">24 comments </a>)</span> July 11, 2011 11:40 AM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_10998510">Parellels can be replaced with Virtual Box. It does roughly the same thing, e.g. running a OS in a window, although it has less integration with the OSX UI than Parallels.<br /><br />The open alternative to Quickbooks is probably either SQL Ledger or GnuCash. Of course, if you have any sense, you'll just use an online service like Xero or Freshbooks. Neither are free, but considering the criticality of a company's books, it's probably worth paying for. <br /><br />GIMP is probably overkill for most users, and Picassa has lots of image management tools plus library management. If you use Linux, F-Spot is a good alternative. For an alternative to LightRoom, check out Blue Marine.<br /><br />Finally, for anti-virus software, there is the cross-platform ClamAV.</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="10998510" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="reply needsReg">Reply to this comment</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=10998510" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> </dd> <dd class="replieswrapper"> <a name="10998611"></a> <dl messageid="10998611" class="thread"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">zyxxy</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">1774 comments </a>)</span> July 11, 2011 11:53 AM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_10998611">If you are going to downgrade all the way from GIMP to Picassa, Windows Live Photo does much of what Picassa does, and just works better for me, particularly when emailing photos so someone or uploading for printing. It is also free, though Windows only.<br /><br />For $30 once and never again, pogoplug software on your PC is almost like magic.</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="10998611" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend" messageid="10998611"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content" messageid="10998611"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=10998611" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> <div id="emailAFriendArea_10998611"></div> <div id="emailAFriendStatus_10998611" class="newcommentstatus"></div> <div id="offensiveArea_10998611"></div> <div id="offensiveStatus_10998611" class="newcommentstatus"></div> </dd> <dd id="replies_10998611" class="replieswrapper" style="display:none"></dd>
</dl> </dd> </dl> <a name="10998958" targetCommunity="2193"></a> <dl messageid="10998958"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">danjferguson</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">5 comments </a>)</span> July 11, 2011 12:36 PM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_10998958">If you got a Mac, it has all the music and photo creation tools already installed. The iCloud service will eliminate the need for programs such as Drop Box, which will seamlessly integrate the iCloud into the OSX experience. The only thing I've added to my Mac was Microsoft Office, which has unparalleled usability compared to Open Office. Lucky for me I won a free copy from my job before I had to shell out money for it. The Apple published tools are ok, but Microsoft is the premier office application builder. The Ribbon was the best idea ever, and they continue to amaze me with just how refined their applications are. Also, you don't need security or utility software on a Mac, so there is no need to even worry about all that.. The only other things I've added are chat programs, Skype and Google Chrome/Firefox for those pesky pages that just don't like Safari.</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="10998958" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="reply needsReg">Reply to this comment</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=10998958" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> </dd> <dd class="replieswrapper"> <a name="11002570"></a> <dl messageid="11002570" class="thread"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">WinOSXBuntu</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">557 comments </a>)</span> July 12, 2011 6:32 AM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_11002570">True that, but iCloud is OS X only, if you want to use cloud storage with Mac, Windows and Linux then Dropbox all the way (Although I've recently switched over to LaCie's Wuala service with Dropbox changing its ToS). I would quite happily like to see some of the apps I use on Windows available on OS X at the least. In the last at the moment:
<br />
<br />" Internet Explorer 9 - I like Chrome however, IE9 on OS X would be just perfect for me.
<br />" Digsby - It only seems to have a Windows version available and it is a brilliant utility to help me keep track of Facebook messages and Gmail messages.
<br />" Expression Web 4 - I absolutely hate Adobe's bug ridden software and have boycotted them and if I could see this utility in particular on OS X, I would be able to move back and forward between my Windows and OS X computers with ease.
<br />" Paint.NET - Hell of a utility, and I'm positive it might be able to run on OS X using Mono however I've never tried it.
<br />
<br />There is of course a few other minor applications like Visual Studio 2010, PeerBlock and WinRAR which I'd also like to see on OS X, plus having avast! 6's web blocking feature would be pretty useful to keep those ads at bay regardless of which browser I use.
<br />
<br />If those applications could come to OS X, I would sorted for life really.</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="11002570" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend" messageid="11002570"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content" messageid="11002570"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=11002570" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> <span class="liked"><b>1</b> person likes this comment</span> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> <div id="emailAFriendArea_11002570"></div> <div id="emailAFriendStatus_11002570" class="newcommentstatus"></div> <div id="offensiveArea_11002570"></div> <div id="offensiveStatus_11002570" class="newcommentstatus"></div> </dd> <dd id="replies_11002570" class="replieswrapper" style="display:none"></dd>
</dl> </dd> </dl> <a name="10998983" targetCommunity="2193"></a> <dl messageid="10998983"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">ldtiry</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">76 comments </a>)</span> July 11, 2011 12:38 PM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_10998983">I'm pretty sure OpenOffice and LibreOffice both support the Microsoft OFFICE XML file formats. I have pushed my coworkers to use the LibreOffice instead of our older Office suite because of this fact.</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="10998983" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="reply needsReg">Reply to this comment</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=10998983" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> <span class="liked"><b>1</b> person likes this comment</span> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> </dd> </dl> <a name="10999724" targetCommunity="2193"></a> <dl messageid="10999724"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">graham.tapper</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">2 comments </a>)</span> July 11, 2011 2:21 PM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_10999724">As far as freeware security software is concerned, in my opinion the combination of Avast! Antivirus and Malwarebytes' AntiMalware gives me reliable security. I've been using them for years without a single problem. For reliable, easy to use and flexible backup I rely on ASCOMP's Synchredible and wouldn't swap it for anything else. And, like ckm5, I'm a big fan of Oracle's free virtualisation - VirtualBox - which I use to test out new operating systems such as Ubuntu Linux, and to provide a totally secure, sandboxed environment for anything that might possibly have security issues. You can reboot to a secure system image every time. No need for VMWare!</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="10999724" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="reply needsReg">Reply to this comment</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=10999724" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> <span class="liked"><b>1</b> person likes this comment</span> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> </dd> </dl> <a name="10999774" targetCommunity="2193"></a> <dl messageid="10999774"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">Emprovision</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">145 comments </a>)</span> July 11, 2011 2:28 PM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_10999774">Personally, I don't mind paying for Windows and Office, but I've switched entirely to free antivirus-- both Microsoft Security Essentials and AVG have both served me well. As for image processing, I can get away with free software for my simple needs.</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="10999774" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="reply needsReg">Reply to this comment</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=10999774" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> <span class="liked"><b>2</b> people like this comment</span> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> </dd> <dd class="replieswrapper"> <a name="11001577"></a> <dl messageid="11001577" class="thread"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">Vegasexcitement</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">3 comments </a>)</span> July 11, 2011 8:23 PM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_11001577">I use quality and virus checked Freeware on four websites and all my forums. Like with all things, I check it first for function and viruses. I have yet to be burned. I may get it next Monday :), but over the years I have had not a single problem. I always check it for problems.<br />Anyone that would pay so much money for expensive programs when a fully functional option is available is just nuts. Freeware is good, I always look for a fully functional freeware option.<br /> Those that disagree, ....send me 600 dollars via PP. hahahaha<br /><br />Don, in Vegas</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="11001577" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend" messageid="11001577"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content" messageid="11001577"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=11001577" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> <span class="liked"><b>1</b> person likes this comment</span> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> <div id="emailAFriendArea_11001577"></div> <div id="emailAFriendStatus_11001577" class="newcommentstatus"></div> <div id="offensiveArea_11001577"></div> <div id="offensiveStatus_11001577" class="newcommentstatus"></div> </dd> <dd id="replies_11001577" class="replieswrapper" style="display:none"></dd>
</dl> </dd> </dl> <a name="11003133" targetCommunity="2193"></a> <dl messageid="11003133"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">Silmarunya</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">173 comments </a>)</span> July 12, 2011 8:27 AM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_11003133">It's probably been said here before, but why on earth recommend OpenOffice rather than LibreOffice? Most devs quit the project and moved to LibreOffice, which has is now the 'main' fork.
<br />
<br />Apart from the faster update cycle and more active support, LibreOffice also has some marked improvements over First of all, the code is optimized so that it is smaller and faster than (well, optimized... pruned is a better term really). Second, handling of Office 2007/2010 files is vastly improved (oh yes, where on earth does the writer of this article get the idea from that docx/pptx/xlsx files aren't supported?)</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="11003133" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="reply needsReg">Reply to this comment</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=11003133" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> <span class="liked"><b>1</b> person likes this comment</span> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> </dd> </dl> <a name="11003321" targetCommunity="2193"></a> <dl messageid="11003321"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">satcomer</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">188 comments </a>)</span> July 12, 2011 8:54 AM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_11003321">Why no love for the free Mac virtualization program VirtualBox? This free program is well worth a look.</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="11003321" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="reply needsReg">Reply to this comment</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=11003321" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> </dd> <dd class="replieswrapper"> <a name="11004956"></a> <dl messageid="11004956" class="thread"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">Silmarunya</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">173 comments </a>)</span> July 12, 2011 11:06 AM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_11004956">It's not for Mac alone: it works on Linux and Windows as well (actually, if I recall correctly, Mac support was the last to be added). But indeed, a great piece of software that can compete with the closed source but also free VMWare Player easily.</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="11004956" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend" messageid="11004956"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content" messageid="11004956"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=11004956" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> <div id="emailAFriendArea_11004956"></div> <div id="emailAFriendStatus_11004956" class="newcommentstatus"></div> <div id="offensiveArea_11004956"></div> <div id="offensiveStatus_11004956" class="newcommentstatus"></div> </dd> <dd id="replies_11004956" class="replieswrapper" style="display:none"></dd>
</dl> </dd> </dl> <a name="11004769" targetCommunity="2193"></a> <dl messageid="11004769"> <dt class="subj"></dt> <dt class="author"> <span>by <a href="" class="commenter">m_chan1</a></span> <span> (<a class="commenterCount" href="" class="commenter">103 comments </a>)</span> July 12, 2011 10:55 AM PDT </dt> <dd id="body_11004769">Thank you for the suggestions!<br /><br />TOO many people (general public) think that MS Office should be the "norm" [think: BUSINESSES] "just because everyone has it and uses it"!!<br />Um... IF everyone jumps off a bridge, would YOU jump off a bridge?? Sound familiar?!<br />It's THIS type of thinking that MS Office that it's dominant in many places!<br /><br />I still use WordPerfect as it's SO much easier to use than MS Word (despite how reviews from Cnet and other PC mags give it less than stellar reviews &gt;:( ) though I like Excel but am looking for alternatives. OpenOffice is OK but nothing special.</dd> <dd class="tool clearfix"> <a assetVoteId="" assetId="11004769" class="like needsReg">Like this</a> <a class="reply needsReg">Reply to this comment</a> <a class="mail toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::E-mail to a friend"></a> <a class="repo toolTipElement2 needsReg" title="Tip::Report offensive content"></a> <a href="/8618-11310_39-20078249.html?communityId=2193&targetCommunityId=2193&blogId=285&messageId=11004769" class="link toolTipElement2" title="Tip::Permalink to this comment"></a> </dd> <dd class="toolstretch"> </dd> </dl> <span class="pagin clearfix"> (25 Comments) <ul class="pagination"> <li class="pagInactive">prev</li> <li class="pagInactive">next</li> </ul> </span> <a name="addcomm">&nbsp;</a> <div id="fixedCommentBox"> <dl class="addcommentform" style="display:none"> <dt class="hed">Add a comment</dt> <dd> <div id="addContainer"> <form name="newCommentForm" id="newCommentForm" action="/8625-11310_39-0.html" method="post" class="comment"> Comment <textarea name="body" id="new-body" class="minLength maxLength ta reg" validatorProps="{minLength:2,maxLength:4999}"></textarea> <span class="submit addcomment"><a id="subComment" class="button reg flexButton">SUBMIT</a></span> <input type="hidden" name="communityId" value="2193"/> <input type="hidden" name="targetCommunityId" value="2193"/> <textarea name="title" style="display:none"></textarea> <input type="hidden" name="assetId" value="20078249" /> <input type="hidden" name="assetTypeId" value="12" /> </form> </div> <div id="newCommentStatus" class="thanks"></div> <div id="newCommentNotify" class="thanks" style="display: none;"> <a href="#" onclick="$('newCommentStatus').empty();$('newCommentNotify').hide();$('addContainer').smoothShow();$('new-body').value='';return false;">Click here to add another comment.</a> </div> </dd> <dd> <dl id="mostdisc" section="dis" > <dt class="hed">Popular discussions on CNET:</dt> <dd>
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