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7 years ago
mod my_ascii {
/// An ASCII-encoded string.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Ascii(
// This must hold only well-formed ASCII text:
// bytes from `0` to `0x7f`.
impl Ascii {
/// Create an `Ascii` from the ASCII text in `bytes`. Return a
/// `NotAsciiError` error if `bytes` contains any non-ASCII
/// characters.
pub fn from_bytes(bytes: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Ascii, NotAsciiError> {
if bytes.iter().any(|&byte| !byte.is_ascii()) {
return Err(NotAsciiError(bytes));
// When conversion fails, we give back the vector we couldn't convert.
// This should implement `std::error::Error`; omitted for brevity.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct NotAsciiError(pub Vec<u8>);
// Safe, efficient conversion, implemented using unsafe code.
impl From<Ascii> for String {
fn from(ascii: Ascii) -> String {
// If this module has no bugs, this is safe, because
// well-formed ASCII text is also well-formed UTF-8.
unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(ascii.0) }
7 years ago
// This must be placed inside the `my_ascii` module.
impl Ascii {
/// Construct an `Ascii` value from `bytes`, without checking
/// whether `bytes` actually contains well-formed ASCII.
/// This constructor is infallible, and returns an `Ascii` directly,
/// rather than a `Result<Ascii, NotAsciiError>` as the `from_bytes`
/// constructor does.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure that `bytes` contains only ASCII
/// characters: bytes no greater than 0x7f. Otherwise, the effect is
/// undefined.
pub unsafe fn from_bytes_unchecked(bytes: Vec<u8>) -> Ascii {
fn good_ascii() {
use my_ascii::Ascii;
7 years ago
let bytes: Vec<u8> = b"ASCII and ye shall receive".to_vec();
// This call entails no allocation or text copies, just a scan.
let ascii: Ascii = Ascii::from_bytes(bytes)
4 years ago
.unwrap(); // We know these chosen bytes are ok.
7 years ago
// This call is zero-cost: no allocation, copies, or scans.
let string = String::from(ascii);
assert_eq!(string, "ASCII and ye shall receive");
fn bad_ascii() {
use my_ascii::Ascii;
7 years ago
// Imagine that this vector is the result of some complicated process
// that we expected to produce ASCII. Something went wrong!
let bytes = vec![0xf7, 0xbf, 0xbf, 0xbf];
let ascii = unsafe {
// This unsafe function's contract is violated
// when `bytes` holds non-ASCII bytes.
let bogus: String = ascii.into();
// `bogus` now holds ill-formed UTF-8. Parsing its first character produces
// a `char` that is not a valid Unicode code point. That's undefined
// behavior, so the language doesn't say how this assertion should behave.
assert_eq!(bogus.chars().next().unwrap() as u32, 0x1fffff);
7 years ago