# terminalizer config # The configurations that used for the recording, feel free to edit them config: # The configurations that used for the recording, feel free to edit them # Specify a command to be executed # like `/bin/bash -l`, `ls`, or any other commands # the default is bash for Linux # or powershell.exe for Windows command: /usr/local/bin/phetch # Specify the current working directory path # the default is the current working directory path cwd: /Users/xvxx/Code # Export additional ENV variables env: recording: true # Explicitly set the number of columns # or use `auto` to take the current # number of columns of your shell cols: auto # Explicitly set the number of rows # or use `auto` to take the current # number of rows of your shell rows: auto # Amount of times to repeat GIF # If value is -1, play once # If value is 0, loop indefinitely # If value is a positive number, loop n times repeat: 0 # Quality # 1 - 100 quality: 75 # Delay between frames in ms # If the value is `auto` use the actual recording delays frameDelay: auto # Maximum delay between frames in ms # Ignored if the `frameDelay` isn't set to `auto` # Set to `auto` to prevent limiting the max idle time maxIdleTime: 2000 # The surrounding frame box # The `type` can be null, window, floating, or solid` # To hide the title use the value null # Don't forget to add a backgroundColor style with a null as type frameBox: type: null title: null style: border: 0px black solid backgroundColor: black # boxShadow: none # margin: 0px # Add a watermark image to the rendered gif # You need to specify an absolute path for # the image on your machine or a URL, and you can also # add your own CSS styles watermark: imagePath: null style: position: absolute right: 15px bottom: 15px width: 100px opacity: 0.9 # Cursor style can be one of # `block`, `underline`, or `bar` cursorStyle: block # Font family # You can use any font that is installed on your machine # in CSS-like syntax fontFamily: "Monaco, Lucida Console, Ubuntu Mono, Monospace" # The size of the font fontSize: 10 # The height of lines lineHeight: 1 # The spacing between letters letterSpacing: 0 # Theme theme: background: "transparent" foreground: "#afafaf" cursor: "#c7c7c7" black: "#232628" red: "#fc4384" green: "#b3e33b" yellow: "#ffa727" blue: "#198fff" magenta: "#ae89fe" cyan: "#708387" white: "#d5d5d0" brightBlack: "#626566" brightRed: "red" brightGreen: "#19cb00" brightYellow: "yellow" brightBlue: "#198fff" brightMagenta: "#fb28ff" brightCyan: "#14ffff" brightWhite: "white" # Records, feel free to edit them records: - delay: 1400 content: "\e[?1049h\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m / / /\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m ___ (___ ___ (___ ___ (___\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m| )| )|___)| | | ) \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m|__/ | / |__ |__ |__ | /\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m|\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m ~ * ~\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m 1. \e[0m\e[97msearch gopher\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 2. \e[0m\e[94mgopherpedia\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 3. \e[0m\e[94mgopher lawn\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 4. \e[0m\e[94mwelcome to gopherspace\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m ~ * ~\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 5. \e[0m\e[94mshow help (ctrl-h)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 6. \e[0m\e[94mshow history (ctrl-a)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 7. \e[0m\e[94mshow bookmarks (ctrl-b)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 1408 content: "\e[10;28H \e[?25l\e[11;28H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 166 content: "\e[11;28H \e[?25l\e[12;28H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 568 content: "\e[12;28H \e[?25l\e[13;28H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 241 content: "\e[13;28H \e[?25l\e[12;28H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 119 content: "\e[12;28H \e[?25l\e[11;28H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 241 content: "\e[23;1H\e[?25l\e[K\e[0m\e[?25h" - delay: 270 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[93m _ _ _ _\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m | | | (_) | |\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m __ _ ___ _ __ | |__ ___ _ __ _ __ ___ __| |_ __ _| |\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m / _` |/ _ \\| '_ \\| '_ \\ / _ \\ '__| '_ \\ / _ \\/ _` | |/ _` | |\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m | (_| | (_) | |_) | | | | __/ | | |_) | __/ (_| | | (_| |_|\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m \\__, |\\___/| .__/|_| |_|\\___|_| | .__/ \\___|\\__,_|_|\\__,_(_)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m __/ | | | | |\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m |___/ |_| |_|\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mWelcome to **Gopherpedia**, the gopher interface to Wikipedia. This is\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93ma direct interface to wikipedia, you can search and read articles via\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mthe search form below. Enjoy!\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m 1. \e[0m\e[94mmore about gopherpedia\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mSearch gopherpedia:\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 2. \e[0m\e[97mSearch Gopherpedia\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m Featured Content\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m======================================================================\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 3. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 21, 2020: Wail al-Shehri\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 4. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 20, 2020: Ashcan comic\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 690 content: "\e[14;9H \e[?25l\e[18;9H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 133 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[93m | | | (_) | |\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m __ _ ___ _ __ | |__ ___ _ __ _ __ ___ __| |_ __ _| |\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m / _` |/ _ \\| '_ \\| '_ \\ / _ \\ '__| '_ \\ / _ \\/ _` | |/ _` | |\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m | (_| | (_) | |_) | | | | __/ | | |_) | __/ (_| | | (_| |_|\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m \\__, |\\___/| .__/|_| |_|\\___|_| | .__/ \\___|\\__,_|_|\\__,_(_)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m __/ | | | | |\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m |___/ |_| |_|\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mWelcome to **Gopherpedia**, the gopher interface to Wikipedia. This is\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93ma direct interface to wikipedia, you can search and read articles via\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mthe search form below. Enjoy!\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 1. \e[0m\e[94mmore about gopherpedia\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mSearch gopherpedia:\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 2. \e[0m\e[97mSearch Gopherpedia\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m Featured Content\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m======================================================================\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m 3. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 21, 2020: Wail al-Shehri\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 4. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 20, 2020: Ashcan comic\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 5. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 19, 2020: Kosmoceratops\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 165 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[93m __ _ ___ _ __ | |__ ___ _ __ _ __ ___ __| |_ __ _| |\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m / _` |/ _ \\| '_ \\| '_ \\ / _ \\ '__| '_ \\ / _ \\/ _` | |/ _` | |\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m | (_| | (_) | |_) | | | | __/ | | |_) | __/ (_| | | (_| |_|\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m \\__, |\\___/| .__/|_| |_|\\___|_| | .__/ \\___|\\__,_|_|\\__,_(_)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m __/ | | | | |\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m |___/ |_| |_|\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mWelcome to **Gopherpedia**, the gopher interface to Wikipedia. This is\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93ma direct interface to wikipedia, you can search and read articles via\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mthe search form below. Enjoy!\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 1. \e[0m\e[94mmore about gopherpedia\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mSearch gopherpedia:\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 2. \e[0m\e[97mSearch Gopherpedia\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m Featured Content\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m======================================================================\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 3. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 21, 2020: Wail al-Shehri\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m 4. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 20, 2020: Ashcan comic\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 5. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 19, 2020: Kosmoceratops\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 6. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 18, 2020: Neferefre\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 150 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[93m / _` |/ _ \\| '_ \\| '_ \\ / _ \\ '__| '_ \\ / _ \\/ _` | |/ _` | |\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m | (_| | (_) | |_) | | | | __/ | | |_) | __/ (_| | | (_| |_|\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m \\__, |\\___/| .__/|_| |_|\\___|_| | .__/ \\___|\\__,_|_|\\__,_(_)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m __/ | | | | |\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m |___/ |_| |_|\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mWelcome to **Gopherpedia**, the gopher interface to Wikipedia. This is\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93ma direct interface to wikipedia, you can search and read articles via\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mthe search form below. Enjoy!\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 1. \e[0m\e[94mmore about gopherpedia\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mSearch gopherpedia:\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 2. \e[0m\e[97mSearch Gopherpedia\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m Featured Content\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m======================================================================\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 3. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 21, 2020: Wail al-Shehri\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 4. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 20, 2020: Ashcan comic\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m 5. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 19, 2020: Kosmoceratops\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 6. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 18, 2020: Neferefre\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 7. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 17, 2020: Tropical Storm Carlotta (2018)\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 179 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[93m | (_| | (_) | |_) | | | | __/ | | |_) | __/ (_| | | (_| |_|\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m \\__, |\\___/| .__/|_| |_|\\___|_| | .__/ \\___|\\__,_|_|\\__,_(_)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m __/ | | | | |\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m |___/ |_| |_|\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mWelcome to **Gopherpedia**, the gopher interface to Wikipedia. This is\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93ma direct interface to wikipedia, you can search and read articles via\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mthe search form below. Enjoy!\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 1. \e[0m\e[94mmore about gopherpedia\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mSearch gopherpedia:\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 2. \e[0m\e[97mSearch Gopherpedia\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m Featured Content\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m======================================================================\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 3. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 21, 2020: Wail al-Shehri\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 4. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 20, 2020: Ashcan comic\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 5. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 19, 2020: Kosmoceratops\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m 6. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 18, 2020: Neferefre\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 7. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 17, 2020: Tropical Storm Carlotta (2018)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 8. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 16, 2020: Spider-Man (2018 video game)\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 151 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[93m \\__, |\\___/| .__/|_| |_|\\___|_| | .__/ \\___|\\__,_|_|\\__,_(_)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m __/ | | | | |\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m |___/ |_| |_|\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mWelcome to **Gopherpedia**, the gopher interface to Wikipedia. This is\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93ma direct interface to wikipedia, you can search and read articles via\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mthe search form below. Enjoy!\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 1. \e[0m\e[94mmore about gopherpedia\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mSearch gopherpedia:\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 2. \e[0m\e[97mSearch Gopherpedia\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m Featured Content\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m======================================================================\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 3. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 21, 2020: Wail al-Shehri\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 4. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 20, 2020: Ashcan comic\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 5. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 19, 2020: Kosmoceratops\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 6. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 18, 2020: Neferefre\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m 7. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 17, 2020: Tropical Storm Carlotta (2018)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 8. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 16, 2020: Spider-Man (2018 video game)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 9. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 15, 2020: Roger B. Chaffee\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 736 content: "\e[20;9H \e[?25l\e[19;9H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 149 content: "\e[19;9H \e[?25l\e[18;9H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 134 content: "\e[18;9H \e[?25l\e[17;9H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 136 content: "\e[17;9H \e[?25l\e[16;9H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 331 content: "\e[16;9H \e[?25l\e[13;9H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 433 content: "\e[0m\e[23;1H\e[2KSearch Gopherpedia> \e[?25h" - delay: 480 content: "\e[23;1H\e[2KSearch Gopherpedia> g" - delay: 60 content: "\e[23;1H\e[2KSearch Gopherpedia> go" - delay: 45 content: "\e[23;1H\e[2KSearch Gopherpedia> gop" - delay: 75 content: "\e[23;1H\e[2KSearch Gopherpedia> goph" - delay: 135 content: "\e[23;1H\e[2KSearch Gopherpedia> gophe" - delay: 30 content: "\e[23;1H\e[2KSearch Gopherpedia> gopher" - delay: 105 content: "\e[2K\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[?25l\e[K\e[0m\e[?25h" - delay: 345 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m** RESULTS FOR gopher **\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m 1. \e[0m\e[96mGopher\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 2. \e[0m\e[96mGopher (protocol)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 3. \e[0m\e[96mGopher Broke (2004 film)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 4. \e[0m\e[96mGopher wood\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 5. \e[0m\e[96mGopher tortoise\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 6. \e[0m\e[96mGordon the Gopher\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 7. \e[0m\e[96mGopher (disambiguation)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 8. \e[0m\e[96mGopher+\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 9. \e[0m\e[96mSS Gopher State (T-ACS-4)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m10. \e[0m\e[96mPacific gopher snake\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m** Powered by Gopher 2000 **\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 1259 content: "\e[4;30H \e[?25l\e[5;30H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 181 content: "\e[5;30H \e[?25l\e[6;30H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 164 content: "\e[6;30H \e[?25l\e[7;30H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 495 content: "\e[7;30H \e[?25l\e[8;30H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 165 content: "\e[8;30H \e[?25l\e[9;30H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 420 content: "\e[23;1H\e[?25l\e[K\e[0m\e[?25h" - delay: 94 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n ======================================================================\e[K\r\n = Gordon the Gopher =\e[K\r\n ======================================================================\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n Introduction \e[K\r\n ======================================================================\e[K\r\n Gordon the Gopher, also known as Gordon T. Gopher, is an English\e[K\r\n puppet gopher who first appeared on Children's BBC (CBBC) between 1983\e[K\r\n and 1987, listed on television shows by Phillip Schofield on the\e[K\r\n interstitial or in-vision continuity programme 'The Broom Cupboard'.\e[K\r\n His main puppeteer was Paul Smith, who would later go on to a career\e[K\r\n as a BBC executive.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n Early work \e[K\r\n ============\e[K\r\n Gordon's first appearances were on CBBC between 1985 and 1987,\e[K\r\n presenting television shows with Phillip Schofield on the interstitial\e[K\r\n programme 'The Broom Cupboard'.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 1060 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[K\r\n ======================================================================\e[K\r\n = Gordon the Gopher =\e[K\r\n ======================================================================\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n Introduction \e[K\r\n ======================================================================\e[K\r\n Gordon the Gopher, also known as Gordon T. Gopher, is an English\e[K\r\n puppet gopher who first appeared on Children's BBC (CBBC) between 1983\e[K\r\n and 1987, listed on television shows by Phillip Schofield on the\e[K\r\n interstitial or in-vision continuity programme 'The Broom Cupboard'.\e[K\r\n His main puppeteer was Paul Smith, who would later go on to a career\e[K\r\n as a BBC executive.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n Early work \e[K\r\n ============\e[K\r\n Gordon's first appearances were on CBBC between 1985 and 1987,\e[K\r\n presenting television shows with Phillip Schofield on the interstitial\e[K\r\n programme 'The Broom Cupboard'.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n In 1987, Gordon and Schofield, with Sarah Greene, went on to present\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 210 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l ======================================================================\e[K\r\n = Gordon the Gopher =\e[K\r\n ======================================================================\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n Introduction \e[K\r\n ======================================================================\e[K\r\n Gordon the Gopher, also known as Gordon T. Gopher, is an English\e[K\r\n puppet gopher who first appeared on Children's BBC (CBBC) between 1983\e[K\r\n and 1987, listed on television shows by Phillip Schofield on the\e[K\r\n interstitial or in-vision continuity programme 'The Broom Cupboard'.\e[K\r\n His main puppeteer was Paul Smith, who would later go on to a career\e[K\r\n as a BBC executive.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n Early work \e[K\r\n ============\e[K\r\n Gordon's first appearances were on CBBC between 1985 and 1987,\e[K\r\n presenting television shows with Phillip Schofield on the interstitial\e[K\r\n programme 'The Broom Cupboard'.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n In 1987, Gordon and Schofield, with Sarah Greene, went on to present\e[K\r\n the Saturday morning show 'Going Live!'. On one occasion, Gordon was\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 181 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l = Gordon the Gopher =\e[K\r\n ======================================================================\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n Introduction \e[K\r\n ======================================================================\e[K\r\n Gordon the Gopher, also known as Gordon T. Gopher, is an English\e[K\r\n puppet gopher who first appeared on Children's BBC (CBBC) between 1983\e[K\r\n and 1987, listed on television shows by Phillip Schofield on the\e[K\r\n interstitial or in-vision continuity programme 'The Broom Cupboard'.\e[K\r\n His main puppeteer was Paul Smith, who would later go on to a career\e[K\r\n as a BBC executive.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n Early work \e[K\r\n ============\e[K\r\n Gordon's first appearances were on CBBC between 1985 and 1987,\e[K\r\n presenting television shows with Phillip Schofield on the interstitial\e[K\r\n programme 'The Broom Cupboard'.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n In 1987, Gordon and Schofield, with Sarah Greene, went on to present\e[K\r\n the Saturday morning show 'Going Live!'. On one occasion, Gordon was\e[K\r\n famously attacked by a puppy that had been brought on to the show. In\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 134 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l ======================================================================\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n Introduction \e[K\r\n ======================================================================\e[K\r\n Gordon the Gopher, also known as Gordon T. Gopher, is an English\e[K\r\n puppet gopher who first appeared on Children's BBC (CBBC) between 1983\e[K\r\n and 1987, listed on television shows by Phillip Schofield on the\e[K\r\n interstitial or in-vision continuity programme 'The Broom Cupboard'.\e[K\r\n His main puppeteer was Paul Smith, who would later go on to a career\e[K\r\n as a BBC executive.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n Early work \e[K\r\n ============\e[K\r\n Gordon's first appearances were on CBBC between 1985 and 1987,\e[K\r\n presenting television shows with Phillip Schofield on the interstitial\e[K\r\n programme 'The Broom Cupboard'.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n In 1987, Gordon and Schofield, with Sarah Greene, went on to present\e[K\r\n the Saturday morning show 'Going Live!'. On one occasion, Gordon was\e[K\r\n famously attacked by a puppy that had been brought on to the show. In\e[K\r\n 1988, Gordon and Schofield were replaced on 'The Broom Cupboard' by\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 150 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[K\r\n Introduction \e[K\r\n ======================================================================\e[K\r\n Gordon the Gopher, also known as Gordon T. Gopher, is an English\e[K\r\n puppet gopher who first appeared on Children's BBC (CBBC) between 1983\e[K\r\n and 1987, listed on television shows by Phillip Schofield on the\e[K\r\n interstitial or in-vision continuity programme 'The Broom Cupboard'.\e[K\r\n His main puppeteer was Paul Smith, who would later go on to a career\e[K\r\n as a BBC executive.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n Early work \e[K\r\n ============\e[K\r\n Gordon's first appearances were on CBBC between 1985 and 1987,\e[K\r\n presenting television shows with Phillip Schofield on the interstitial\e[K\r\n programme 'The Broom Cupboard'.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n In 1987, Gordon and Schofield, with Sarah Greene, went on to present\e[K\r\n the Saturday morning show 'Going Live!'. On one occasion, Gordon was\e[K\r\n famously attacked by a puppy that had been brought on to the show. In\e[K\r\n 1988, Gordon and Schofield were replaced on 'The Broom Cupboard' by\e[K\r\n Edd the Duck and Andy Crane.\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 166 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l Introduction \e[K\r\n ======================================================================\e[K\r\n Gordon the Gopher, also known as Gordon T. Gopher, is an English\e[K\r\n puppet gopher who first appeared on Children's BBC (CBBC) between 1983\e[K\r\n and 1987, listed on television shows by Phillip Schofield on the\e[K\r\n interstitial or in-vision continuity programme 'The Broom Cupboard'.\e[K\r\n His main puppeteer was Paul Smith, who would later go on to a career\e[K\r\n as a BBC executive.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n Early work \e[K\r\n ============\e[K\r\n Gordon's first appearances were on CBBC between 1985 and 1987,\e[K\r\n presenting television shows with Phillip Schofield on the interstitial\e[K\r\n programme 'The Broom Cupboard'.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n In 1987, Gordon and Schofield, with Sarah Greene, went on to present\e[K\r\n the Saturday morning show 'Going Live!'. On one occasion, Gordon was\e[K\r\n famously attacked by a puppy that had been brought on to the show. In\e[K\r\n 1988, Gordon and Schofield were replaced on 'The Broom Cupboard' by\e[K\r\n Edd the Duck and Andy Crane.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 180 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l ======================================================================\e[K\r\n Gordon the Gopher, also known as Gordon T. Gopher, is an English\e[K\r\n puppet gopher who first appeared on Children's BBC (CBBC) between 1983\e[K\r\n and 1987, listed on television shows by Phillip Schofield on the\e[K\r\n interstitial or in-vision continuity programme 'The Broom Cupboard'.\e[K\r\n His main puppeteer was Paul Smith, who would later go on to a career\e[K\r\n as a BBC executive.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n Early work \e[K\r\n ============\e[K\r\n Gordon's first appearances were on CBBC between 1985 and 1987,\e[K\r\n presenting television shows with Phillip Schofield on the interstitial\e[K\r\n programme 'The Broom Cupboard'.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n In 1987, Gordon and Schofield, with Sarah Greene, went on to present\e[K\r\n the Saturday morning show 'Going Live!'. On one occasion, Gordon was\e[K\r\n famously attacked by a puppy that had been brought on to the show. In\e[K\r\n 1988, Gordon and Schofield were replaced on 'The Broom Cupboard' by\e[K\r\n Edd the Duck and Andy Crane.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n In 1991, Gordon had a series named after himself which was shown on\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 134 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l Gordon the Gopher, also known as Gordon T. Gopher, is an English\e[K\r\n puppet gopher who first appeared on Children's BBC (CBBC) between 1983\e[K\r\n and 1987, listed on television shows by Phillip Schofield on the\e[K\r\n interstitial or in-vision continuity programme 'The Broom Cupboard'.\e[K\r\n His main puppeteer was Paul Smith, who would later go on to a career\e[K\r\n as a BBC executive.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n Early work \e[K\r\n ============\e[K\r\n Gordon's first appearances were on CBBC between 1985 and 1987,\e[K\r\n presenting television shows with Phillip Schofield on the interstitial\e[K\r\n programme 'The Broom Cupboard'.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n In 1987, Gordon and Schofield, with Sarah Greene, went on to present\e[K\r\n the Saturday morning show 'Going Live!'. On one occasion, Gordon was\e[K\r\n famously attacked by a puppy that had been brought on to the show. In\e[K\r\n 1988, Gordon and Schofield were replaced on 'The Broom Cupboard' by\e[K\r\n Edd the Duck and Andy Crane.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n In 1991, Gordon had a series named after himself which was shown on\e[K\r\n CBBC on BBC One and BBC Two and ran from 3 January 1991 to 28 March\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 149 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l puppet gopher who first appeared on Children's BBC (CBBC) between 1983\e[K\r\n and 1987, listed on television shows by Phillip Schofield on the\e[K\r\n interstitial or in-vision continuity programme 'The Broom Cupboard'.\e[K\r\n His main puppeteer was Paul Smith, who would later go on to a career\e[K\r\n as a BBC executive.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n Early work \e[K\r\n ============\e[K\r\n Gordon's first appearances were on CBBC between 1985 and 1987,\e[K\r\n presenting television shows with Phillip Schofield on the interstitial\e[K\r\n programme 'The Broom Cupboard'.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n In 1987, Gordon and Schofield, with Sarah Greene, went on to present\e[K\r\n the Saturday morning show 'Going Live!'. On one occasion, Gordon was\e[K\r\n famously attacked by a puppy that had been brought on to the show. In\e[K\r\n 1988, Gordon and Schofield were replaced on 'The Broom Cupboard' by\e[K\r\n Edd the Duck and Andy Crane.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n In 1991, Gordon had a series named after himself which was shown on\e[K\r\n CBBC on BBC One and BBC Two and ran from 3 January 1991 to 28 March\e[K\r\n 1991 only lasting a series of 13 episodes, appearing with his friend\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 210 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l famously attacked by a puppy that had been brought on to the show. In\e[K\r\n 1988, Gordon and Schofield were replaced on 'The Broom Cupboard' by\e[K\r\n Edd the Duck and Andy Crane.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n In 1991, Gordon had a series named after himself which was shown on\e[K\r\n CBBC on BBC One and BBC Two and ran from 3 January 1991 to 28 March\e[K\r\n 1991 only lasting a series of 13 episodes, appearing with his friend\e[K\r\n and colleague Phillip Schofield. The series was shown twice on 'BBC\e[K\r\n One', the first time being in January to March 1991 and again from 26\e[K\r\n October to 21 December 1992 continuing where BBC Two left off at\e[K\r\n lunchtime repeats in Summer 1991, 'BBC Two' have also repeated the\e[K\r\n series at lunchtimes four times from 18 June to 23 July 1991, 20\e[K\r\n September to 6 December 1993, 9 March to 1 June 1994, The Christmas\e[K\r\n season of 1994 from 22 and 23 December 1994 and 17 January 1995 to 28\e[K\r\n March 1995. It has not been repeated since 28 March 1995 on the BBC.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n In 1990, he appeared on a children's programme called 'Scrooge - A\e[K\r\n Christmas Sarah'.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n Later work \e[K\r\n ============\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 272 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[K\r\n In 1990, he appeared on a children's programme called 'Scrooge - A\e[K\r\n Christmas Sarah'.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n Later work \e[K\r\n ============\e[K\r\n During his 2005 'Room 101' appearance, Schofield made an attempt to\e[K\r\n place Gordon in Room 101 (i.e., consign him to the past), but in an\e[K\r\n audience vote Gordon was spared.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n On 26 February 2006, Gordon briefly appeared at the end of Channel 4's\e[K\r\n 'The 100 Greatest Funny Moments'.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n In December 2006, he returned to the screen in the 'Going Live!'\e[K\r\n segment of the BBC special 'It Started With... Swap Shop'.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n Gordon also made a brief appearance with Schofield during a\e[K\r\n 1980s-themed edition of 'Dancing on Ice' in February 2009. He also\e[K\r\n made a brief appearance on 5 February 2012 edition.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n Gordon appeared on 'This Morning' on 13 September 2010 to celebrate\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 373 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l segment of the BBC special 'It Started With... Swap Shop'.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n Gordon also made a brief appearance with Schofield during a\e[K\r\n 1980s-themed edition of 'Dancing on Ice' in February 2009. He also\e[K\r\n made a brief appearance on 5 February 2012 edition.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n Gordon appeared on 'This Morning' on 13 September 2010 to celebrate\e[K\r\n Phillip Schofield's 25th anniversary of first presenting CBBC.\e[K\r\n Schofield said \"I miss him\".\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n In September 2013 Gordon appeared on an episode of 'Celebrity Juice'.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n In August 2015, Gordon appeared in an online short where he returned\e[K\r\n to the BBC and got a job as a cleaner. In this short, he was voiced by\e[K\r\n Warwick Davis.\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n Puppeteers \e[K\r\n ======================================================================\e[K\r\n Gordon was operated by several people in 'The Broom Cupboard', but the\e[K\r\n person who did it longest was BBC TV executive John Thompson who also\e[K\r\n operated Gordon for the whole run of 'Going Live!'\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 465 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m** RESULTS FOR gopher **\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 1. \e[0m\e[96mGopher\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 2. \e[0m\e[96mGopher (protocol)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 3. \e[0m\e[96mGopher Broke (2004 film)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 4. \e[0m\e[96mGopher wood\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 5. \e[0m\e[96mGopher tortoise\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m 6. \e[0m\e[96mGordon the Gopher\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 7. \e[0m\e[96mGopher (disambiguation)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 8. \e[0m\e[96mGopher+\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 9. \e[0m\e[96mSS Gopher State (T-ACS-4)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m10. \e[0m\e[96mPacific gopher snake\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m** Powered by Gopher 2000 **\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 212 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[93m \\__, |\\___/| .__/|_| |_|\\___|_| | .__/ \\___|\\__,_|_|\\__,_(_)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m __/ | | | | |\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m |___/ |_| |_|\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mWelcome to **Gopherpedia**, the gopher interface to Wikipedia. This is\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93ma direct interface to wikipedia, you can search and read articles via\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mthe search form below. Enjoy!\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 1. \e[0m\e[94mmore about gopherpedia\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mSearch gopherpedia:\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m 2. \e[0m\e[97mSearch Gopherpedia\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m Featured Content\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m======================================================================\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 3. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 21, 2020: Wail al-Shehri\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 4. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 20, 2020: Ashcan comic\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 5. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 19, 2020: Kosmoceratops\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 6. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 18, 2020: Neferefre\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 7. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 17, 2020: Tropical Storm Carlotta (2018)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 8. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 16, 2020: Spider-Man (2018 video game)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 9. \e[0m\e[96mFebruary 15, 2020: Roger B. Chaffee\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 165 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m / / /\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m ___ (___ ___ (___ ___ (___\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m| )| )|___)| | | ) \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m|__/ | / |__ |__ |__ | /\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m|\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m ~ * ~\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 1. \e[0m\e[97msearch gopher\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m 2. \e[0m\e[94mgopherpedia\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 3. \e[0m\e[94mgopher lawn\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 4. \e[0m\e[94mwelcome to gopherspace\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m ~ * ~\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 5. \e[0m\e[94mshow help (ctrl-h)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 6. \e[0m\e[94mshow history (ctrl-a)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 7. \e[0m\e[94mshow bookmarks (ctrl-b)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 149 content: "\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 809 content: "\e[11;28H \e[?25l\e[12;28H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 315 content: "\e[23;1H\e[?25l\e[K\e[0m\e[?25h" - delay: 505 content: "\e[23;1H\e[?25l.\e[K\e[0m\e[?25h" - delay: 166 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m T H E G O P H E R L A W N\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mThe gopher lawn is a moderated directory of gopherspace links. You can use\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mthis to easily find sorted content.\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m____________________________C_A_T_E_G_O_R_I_E_S___________________________\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mIf you want to propose a link or some category, go on IRC and contact __20h__\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93min #bitreich-en or #gopherproject on Freenode.\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m 1. \e[0m\e[94marchives of all sorts\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 2. \e[0m\e[94mascii art\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 3. \e[0m\e[94mbulletin board systems\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 4. \e[0m\e[94mdocumentation / manpages\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 5. \e[0m\e[94mfun for everyone\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 6. \e[0m\e[94mgaming\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 7. \e[0m\e[94mgopher-related\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 8. \e[0m\e[94mhackerspaces\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 9. \e[0m\e[94mhistorical important\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m10. \e[0m\e[94mhomepages\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m11. \e[0m\e[94mhosting / shells\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m12. \e[0m\e[94monion sites / tor\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 334 content: "\e[11;6H \e[?25l\e[12;6H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 180 content: "\e[12;6H \e[?25l\e[13;6H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 691 content: "\e[13;6H \e[?25l\e[12;6H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 406 content: "\e[23;1H\e[?25l\e[K\e[0m\e[?25h" - delay: 503 content: "\e[23;1H\e[?25l.\e[K\e[0m\e[?25h" - delay: 18 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m_________________________________A_S_C_I_I________________________________\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m 1. \e[0m\e[94mMateusz's ASCII arts\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mVarious ASCII arts from Mateuz's attic\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 2. \e[0m\e[96mASCII Art farts\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mRandom (and maybe offensive) ASCII art fortunes\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 3. \e[0m\e[94mFiglet generator\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mA generator of ASCII art from text, with dozens of available fonts.\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 4. \e[0m\e[94m<< back\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 467 content: "\e[4;7H \e[?25l\e[7;7H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 285 content: "\e[7;7H \e[?25l\e[10;7H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 285 content: "\e[23;1H\e[?25l\e[K\e[0m\e[?25h" - delay: 495 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m 1. \e[0m\e[94mFloodgap Gopher Fun and Games\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m ** Welcome to the Floodgap Figlet Gateway! **\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m ___ ___ __ \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m /'___\\ __ /\\_ \\ /\\ \\__ \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m /\\ \\__//\\_\\ __ \\//\\ \\ __\\ \\ ,_\\ __ __ __ __ \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m \\ \\ ,__\\/\\ \\ /'_ `\\ \\ \\ \\ /'__`\\ \\ \\/ /'_ `\\/\\ \\/\\ \\/\\ \\ \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m \\ \\ \\_/\\ \\ \\/\\ \\L\\ \\ \\_\\ \\_/\\ __/\\ \\ \\_/\\ \\L\\ \\ \\ \\_/ \\_/ \\\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m \\ \\_\\ \\ \\_\\ \\____ \\/\\____\\ \\____\\\\ \\__\\ \\____ \\ \\___x___/'\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m \\/_/ \\/_/\\/___L\\ \\/____/\\/____/ \\/__/\\/___L\\ \\/__//__/ \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m /\\____/ /\\____/ \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m \\_/__/ \\_/__/ \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m+---------------------------------------------------------------+\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m| The Gateway uses the figlet utility to create ASCII font art. |\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m| You may enter up to 80 characters for figlet to convert. |\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m+---------------------------------------------------------------+\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 2. \e[0m\e[97mEnter characters (then pick font)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 3. \e[0m\e[92mFiglet home page (WWW)\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 751 content: "\e[1;11H \e[?25l\e[17;11H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 329 content: "\e[0m\e[23;1H\e[2KEnter characters (then pick font)> \e[?25h" - delay: 510 content: "\e[23;1H\e[2KEnter characters (then pick font)> h" - delay: 59 content: "\e[23;1H\e[2KEnter characters (then pick font)> hi" - delay: 76 content: "\e[23;1H\e[2KEnter characters (then pick font)> hi " - delay: 45 content: "\e[23;1H\e[2KEnter characters (then pick font)> hi g" - delay: 91 content: "\e[23;1H\e[2KEnter characters (then pick font)> hi go" - delay: 29 content: "\e[23;1H\e[2KEnter characters (then pick font)> hi gop" - delay: 75 content: "\e[23;1H\e[2KEnter characters (then pick font)> hi goph" - delay: 60 content: "\e[23;1H\e[2KEnter characters (then pick font)> hi gophe" - delay: 45 content: "\e[23;1H\e[2KEnter characters (then pick font)> hi gopher" - delay: 180 content: "\e[2K\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[?25l\e[K\e[0m\e[?25h" - delay: 208 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[93m \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m** Select a font to render your text in.\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m The figlet fonts loaded on gopher.floodgap.com appear below.\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m 1. \e[0m\e[97mRe-enter characters\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 2. \e[0m\e[96malligator2\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 3. \e[0m\e[96mbanner\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 4. \e[0m\e[96mbanner3d\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 5. \e[0m\e[96mbig\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 6. \e[0m\e[96mbinary\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 7. \e[0m\e[96mblock\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 8. \e[0m\e[96mbubble\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 9. \e[0m\e[96mcalgphy2\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m10. \e[0m\e[96mcolossal\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m11. \e[0m\e[96mcomputer\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m12. \e[0m\e[96mcosmic\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m13. \e[0m\e[96mdigital\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m14. \e[0m\e[96mdoh\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m15. \e[0m\e[96mdotmatrix\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m16. \e[0m\e[96mgraffiti\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m17. \e[0m\e[96misometric3\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 647 content: "\e[5;12H \e[?25l\e[7;12H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 167 content: "\e[7;12H \e[?25l\e[8;12H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 501 content: "\e[8;12H \e[?25l\e[9;12H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 82 content: "\e[9;12H \e[?25l\e[10;12H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 83 content: "\e[10;12H \e[?25l\e[11;12H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 84 content: "\e[11;12H \e[?25l\e[12;12H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 83 content: "\e[12;12H \e[?25l\e[13;12H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 84 content: "\e[13;12H \e[?25l\e[14;12H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 83 content: "\e[14;12H \e[?25l\e[15;12H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 84 content: "\e[15;12H \e[?25l\e[16;12H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 84 content: "\e[16;12H \e[?25l\e[17;12H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 82 content: "\e[17;12H \e[?25l\e[18;12H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 398 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[93m** Select a font to render your text in.\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m The figlet fonts loaded on gopher.floodgap.com appear below.\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 1. \e[0m\e[97mRe-enter characters\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 2. \e[0m\e[96malligator2\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 3. \e[0m\e[96mbanner\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 4. \e[0m\e[96mbanner3d\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 5. \e[0m\e[96mbig\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 6. \e[0m\e[96mbinary\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 7. \e[0m\e[96mblock\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 8. \e[0m\e[96mbubble\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 9. \e[0m\e[96mcalgphy2\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m10. \e[0m\e[96mcolossal\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m11. \e[0m\e[96mcomputer\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m12. \e[0m\e[96mcosmic\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m13. \e[0m\e[96mdigital\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m14. \e[0m\e[96mdoh\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m15. \e[0m\e[96mdotmatrix\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m16. \e[0m\e[96mgraffiti\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m17. \e[0m\e[96misometric3\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m18. \e[0m\e[96mivrit\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 211 content: "\e[23;1H\e[?25l\e[K\e[0m\e[?25h" - delay: 355 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l Here is the result of your figlet job (formatted for 66 characters so\e[K\r\n that it will also work fine in gopher menus).\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n hhhhhhh iiii \e[K\r\n h:::::h i::::i \e[K\r\n h:::::h iiii \e[K\r\n h:::::h \e[K\r\n h::::h hhhhh iiiiiii \e[K\r\n h::::hh:::::hhh i:::::i \e[K\r\n h::::::::::::::hh i::::i \e[K\r\n h:::::::hhh::::::h i::::i \e[K\r\n h::::::h h::::::h i::::i \e[K\r\n h:::::h h:::::h i::::i \e[K\r\n h:::::h h:::::h i::::i \e[K\r\n h:::::h h:::::h i::::i \e[K\r\n h:::::h h:::::hi::::::i\e[K\r\n h:::::h h:::::hi::::::i\e[K\r\n h:::::h h:::::hi::::::i\e[K\r\n hhhhhhh hhhhhhhiiiiiiii\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 771 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[93m** Select a font to render your text in.\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m The figlet fonts loaded on gopher.floodgap.com appear below.\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 1. \e[0m\e[97mRe-enter characters\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 2. \e[0m\e[96malligator2\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 3. \e[0m\e[96mbanner\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 4. \e[0m\e[96mbanner3d\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 5. \e[0m\e[96mbig\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 6. \e[0m\e[96mbinary\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 7. \e[0m\e[96mblock\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 8. \e[0m\e[96mbubble\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 9. \e[0m\e[96mcalgphy2\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m10. \e[0m\e[96mcolossal\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m11. \e[0m\e[96mcomputer\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m12. \e[0m\e[96mcosmic\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m13. \e[0m\e[96mdigital\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m14. \e[0m\e[96mdoh\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m15. \e[0m\e[96mdotmatrix\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m16. \e[0m\e[96mgraffiti\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m17. \e[0m\e[96misometric3\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m18. \e[0m\e[96mivrit\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 283 content: "\e[18;12H \e[?25l\e[17;12H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 270 content: "\e[23;1H\e[?25l\e[K\e[0m\e[?25h" - delay: 278 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l Here is the result of your figlet job (formatted for 66 characters so\e[K\r\n that it will also work fine in gopher menus).\e[K\r\n \e[K\r\n +-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+\e[K\r\n |h|i| |g|o|p|h|e|r|\e[K\r\n +-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 1118 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[93m** Select a font to render your text in.\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m The figlet fonts loaded on gopher.floodgap.com appear below.\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 1. \e[0m\e[97mRe-enter characters\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 2. \e[0m\e[96malligator2\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 3. \e[0m\e[96mbanner\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 4. \e[0m\e[96mbanner3d\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 5. \e[0m\e[96mbig\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 6. \e[0m\e[96mbinary\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 7. \e[0m\e[96mblock\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 8. \e[0m\e[96mbubble\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 9. \e[0m\e[96mcalgphy2\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m10. \e[0m\e[96mcolossal\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m11. \e[0m\e[96mcomputer\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m12. \e[0m\e[96mcosmic\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m13. \e[0m\e[96mdigital\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m14. \e[0m\e[96mdoh\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m15. \e[0m\e[96mdotmatrix\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m16. \e[0m\e[96mgraffiti\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m17. \e[0m\e[96misometric3\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m18. \e[0m\e[96mivrit\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 615 content: "\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2KSaved bookmark: gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/7/fun/figletgw?hi gopher\e[0m" - delay: 1574 content: "\e[0m\e[23;1H\e[2KGo to URL: \e[?25h" - delay: 585 content: "\e[23;1H\e[2KGo to URL: s" - delay: 44 content: "\e[23;1H\e[2KGo to URL: sd" - delay: 181 content: "\e[23;1H\e[2KGo to URL: sdf" - delay: 121 content: "\e[23;1H\e[2KGo to URL: sdf." - delay: 194 content: "\e[23;1H\e[2KGo to URL: sdf.o" - delay: 59 content: "\e[23;1H\e[2KGo to URL: sdf.or" - delay: 135 content: "\e[23;1H\e[2KGo to URL: sdf.org" - delay: 75 content: "\e[2K\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[?25l\e[K\e[0m\e[?25h" - delay: 505 content: "\e[23;1H\e[?25l.\e[K\e[0m\e[?25h" - delay: 501 content: "\e[23;1H\e[?25l..\e[K\e[0m\e[?25h" - delay: 394 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[93mWelcome to the SDF Public Access UNIX System .. est. 1987\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mOfficial Site of the Internet Gopher Club Underground Syndicate\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mWe offer FREE and inexpensive memberships for people interested\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93min the UNIX system and internetworking. Personal GOPHERSPACE\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mis available to all users as well as hundreds of UNIX utilities,\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mgames and networking utilities. We are a federally recognized\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mnon-profit 501(c)7 organization and we are supported entirely\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mby donations and membership dues. ssh://sdf.org\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m 1. \e[0m\e[94mSDF PHLOGOSPHERE (297 phlogs)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 2. \e[0m\e[94mSDF GOPHERSPACE (1175 ACTIVE users)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 3. \e[0m\e[94mSDF GOPHERSPACE (780 AGED users)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 4. \e[0m\e[94mSDF GOPHERSPACE (1291 ANCIENT users)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 5. \e[0m\e[94mSDF Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 6. \e[0m\e[94mSDF Accredited University Courses\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 7. \e[0m\e[94mNetBSD Production Distribution Mirror\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 8. \e[0m\e[94mNetBSD Daily Builds Mirror\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 9. \e[0m\e[94mSoftware and Documentation for various computers\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m10. \e[0m\e[97mGopherSpace SEARCH Engine\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m11. \e[0m\e[94mFloodgap's GOPHERSPACE\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 1015 content: "\e[23;1H\e[?25l\e[K\e[0m\e[?25h" - delay: 501 content: "\e[23;1H\e[?25l.\e[K\e[0m\e[?25h" - delay: 250 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[93m \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m _ _ _ \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m ___ ___ ___| |_ ___ ___ ___| |_ _| |_ \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m| . | . | . | | -_| _|_| _| | | | . |\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m|_ |___| _|_|_|___|_| |_|___|_|___|___|\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m|___| |_| \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\"you dig it\" ..\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mgopher.club is a collection of featured SDF user 'phlogs' in\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mchronological order. When you're ready to have your phlog\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mlisted here type 'phlog' at the shell.\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m 1. \e[0m\e[94m[21-Feb-2020] inpefess Boris Shminke's Gopherhole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 2. \e[0m\e[94m[21-Feb-2020] norris norris' gopherspace\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 3. \e[0m\e[94m[21-Feb-2020] liebach Super Dimensional Gopherhole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 4. \e[0m\e[94m[20-Feb-2020] developer Developer's gopher site\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 5. \e[0m\e[94m[20-Feb-2020] mutoshack MutoShack's Spruce Forest\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 6. \e[0m\e[94m[19-Feb-2020] elw Things with a a side of stuff\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 7. \e[0m\e[94m[19-Feb-2020] undo Ctrl Z back to Sanity\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 8. \e[0m\e[94m[19-Feb-2020] xiled THE XILED RUMINATION CONSTRUCT\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 9. \e[0m\e[94m[17-Feb-2020] lypanov lypanov\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m10. \e[0m\e[94m[16-Feb-2020] jreeves 2020\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 883 content: "\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2KFind: \e[?25h\e[0m" - delay: 405 content: "\e[13;6H \e[?25l\e[13;6H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2KFind: b\e[?25h\e[0m" - delay: 45 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[95m10. \e[0m\e[94m[16-Feb-2020] jreeves 2020\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m11. \e[0m\e[94m[16-Feb-2020] emilio Gopher in Spanish\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m12. \e[0m\e[94m[16-Feb-2020] rjcks Richard's Gopherhole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m13. \e[0m\e[94m[15-Feb-2020] every every@sdf.org\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m14. \e[0m\e[94m[14-Feb-2020] tomasino Tomasino's Gopher Hole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m15. \e[0m\e[94m[14-Feb-2020] melton Bits & Bytes\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m16. \e[0m\e[94m[14-Feb-2020] rusty Rhizomatix Blog\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m17. \e[0m\e[94m[13-Feb-2020] mmeta4 under deconstruction...\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m18. \e[0m\e[94m[13-Feb-2020] jynx RPoD Phlog\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m19. \e[0m\e[94m[11-Feb-2020] sparcipx The Backroad to Civilization\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m20. \e[0m\e[94m[10-Feb-2020] slugmax The Lonely Cabin\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m21. \e[0m\e[94m[10-Feb-2020] cdmnky cd-space\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m22. \e[0m\e[94m[08-Feb-2020] snowcrash Snowcrash's Gopherhole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m23. \e[0m\e[94m[05-Feb-2020] sysdharma sysdharma's gopherhole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m24. \e[0m\e[94m[05-Feb-2020] ratfactor RGB: Ratfactor's Gopher Burrow\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m25. \e[0m\e[94m[03-Feb-2020] clemens Michael Clemens\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m26. \e[0m\e[94m[02-Feb-2020] ku \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m27. \e[0m\e[94m[01-Feb-2020] rbigelo Plain Text is Beautiful\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m28. \e[0m\e[94m[01-Feb-2020] ayaron Amit Yaron's Gopherhole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m29. \e[0m\e[94m[30-Jan-2020] yargo # Yargo // HB9KNS #\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m30. \e[0m\e[94m[28-Jan-2020] dbucklin Text Obsessed\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m31. \e[0m\e[94m[24-Jan-2020] djringjr Morse Code Archives and Info\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2KFind: bi\e[?25h\e[0m" - delay: 121 content: "\e[6;6H \e[?25l\e[6;6H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2KFind: bit\e[?25h\e[0m" - delay: 959 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[95m117. \e[0m\e[94m[18-Jan-2019] scm TGenXer\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m118. \e[0m\e[94m[15-Jan-2019] siobhan Terminus\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m119. \e[0m\e[94m[07-Jan-2019] nixfloyd nixfloyd's gopherhole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m120. \e[0m\e[94m[05-Jan-2019] snowdusk snowdusk underground\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m121. \e[0m\e[94m[04-Jan-2019] gabek Gabe's Phlog\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m122. \e[0m\e[94m[04-Jan-2019] sshifflett An Arbitrary Gopher Hole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m123. \e[0m\e[94m[01-Jan-2019] haakonda Capybara Project\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m124. \e[0m\e[94m[25-Dec-2018] rlopez Ray's SDF Gopher Hole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m125. \e[0m\e[94m[21-Dec-2018] kirch Kirch's Gopherspace\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m126. \e[0m\e[94m[19-Dec-2018] lvturner The advenutres of a fly farmer\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m127. \e[0m\e[94m[11-Dec-2018] solderpunk Rosin to the core\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m128. \e[0m\e[94m[26-Nov-2018] jacobrd92 Jacob Robert Davis in GopherSpace\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m129. \e[0m\e[94m[03-Nov-2018] zcray zcray\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m130. \e[0m\e[94m[01-Nov-2018] bradfonseca The Emporium of Lost Thoughts (Gopher Version)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m131. \e[0m\e[94m[31-Oct-2018]letthewatersroar Let The Waters Roar\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m132. \e[0m\e[94m[26-Oct-2018] skynebula Skypher\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m133. \e[0m\e[94m[24-Oct-2018] strixy strixy's gopherhole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m134. \e[0m\e[94m[09-Oct-2018] jirka Jirka's Gopher Site\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m135. \e[0m\e[94m[07-Oct-2018] stee A Hidden Place, A Gopher's Hole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m136. \e[0m\e[94m[30-Sep-2018] bacterio bacterio's gopher hole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m137. \e[0m\e[94m[27-Sep-2018] ricardus RicarduSpace\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m138. \e[0m\e[94m[27-Sep-2018] wvs Civilized, Ordered, Advanced.\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2KFind: bit\e[?25h\e[0m" - delay: 360 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[95m149. \e[0m\e[94m[14-Aug-2018] amox amox' space in web 0.2\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m150. \e[0m\e[94m[14-Aug-2018] bej Jelle Besseling's Gopher Site\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m151. \e[0m\e[94m[09-Aug-2018] embien \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m152. \e[0m\e[94m[09-Aug-2018] kf6gpe KF6GPE's Gopher Space\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m153. \e[0m\e[94m[08-Aug-2018] darksnake The Snake Pit\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m154. \e[0m\e[94m[06-Aug-2018] kc4zvw much deeper than Alice's rabbit hole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m155. \e[0m\e[94m[30-Jul-2018] nydel nydel's gopher\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m156. \e[0m\e[94m[23-Jul-2018] skellat skellat\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m157. \e[0m\e[94m[12-Jul-2018] hnb Hiro's Notebook\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m158. \e[0m\e[94m[12-Jul-2018] mre \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m159. \e[0m\e[94m[10-Jul-2018] kjwill kjwill's gopherspace\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m160. \e[0m\e[94m[09-Jul-2018] npg Crap\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m161. \e[0m\e[94m[07-Jul-2018] mukt Mukt Landing\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m162. \e[0m\e[94m[03-Jul-2018] giantessgnostic Infinity's Core\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m163. \e[0m\e[94m[02-Jul-2018] keiya Keiya's\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m164. \e[0m\e[94m[27-Jun-2018] jmcgann School Thoughts\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m165. \e[0m\e[94m[27-Jun-2018] reppard Reppard's Gopher Hole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m166. \e[0m\e[94m[10-Jun-2018] kkwoo kkwoo's Scrapbook\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m167. \e[0m\e[94m[30-May-2018] f6k f6k's log\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m168. \e[0m\e[94m[29-May-2018] txminth nothing mind-blowing\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m169. \e[0m\e[94m[06-May-2018] pet84rik A plaintext world\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m170. \e[0m\e[94m[05-May-2018] mujo \e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2KFind: bit\e[?25h\e[0m" - delay: 628 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[95m117. \e[0m\e[94m[18-Jan-2019] scm TGenXer\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m118. \e[0m\e[94m[15-Jan-2019] siobhan Terminus\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m119. \e[0m\e[94m[07-Jan-2019] nixfloyd nixfloyd's gopherhole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m120. \e[0m\e[94m[05-Jan-2019] snowdusk snowdusk underground\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m121. \e[0m\e[94m[04-Jan-2019] gabek Gabe's Phlog\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m122. \e[0m\e[94m[04-Jan-2019] sshifflett An Arbitrary Gopher Hole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m123. \e[0m\e[94m[01-Jan-2019] haakonda Capybara Project\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m124. \e[0m\e[94m[25-Dec-2018] rlopez Ray's SDF Gopher Hole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m125. \e[0m\e[94m[21-Dec-2018] kirch Kirch's Gopherspace\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m126. \e[0m\e[94m[19-Dec-2018] lvturner The advenutres of a fly farmer\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m127. \e[0m\e[94m[11-Dec-2018] solderpunk Rosin to the core\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m128. \e[0m\e[94m[26-Nov-2018] jacobrd92 Jacob Robert Davis in GopherSpace\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m129. \e[0m\e[94m[03-Nov-2018] zcray zcray\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m130. \e[0m\e[94m[01-Nov-2018] bradfonseca The Emporium of Lost Thoughts (Gopher Version)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m131. \e[0m\e[94m[31-Oct-2018]letthewatersroar Let The Waters Roar\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m132. \e[0m\e[94m[26-Oct-2018] skynebula Skypher\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m133. \e[0m\e[94m[24-Oct-2018] strixy strixy's gopherhole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m134. \e[0m\e[94m[09-Oct-2018] jirka Jirka's Gopher Site\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m135. \e[0m\e[94m[07-Oct-2018] stee A Hidden Place, A Gopher's Hole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m136. \e[0m\e[94m[30-Sep-2018] bacterio bacterio's gopher hole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m137. \e[0m\e[94m[27-Sep-2018] ricardus RicarduSpace\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m138. \e[0m\e[94m[27-Sep-2018] wvs Civilized, Ordered, Advanced.\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2KFind: bit\e[?25h\e[0m" - delay: 300 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[95m10. \e[0m\e[94m[16-Feb-2020] jreeves 2020\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m11. \e[0m\e[94m[16-Feb-2020] emilio Gopher in Spanish\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m12. \e[0m\e[94m[16-Feb-2020] rjcks Richard's Gopherhole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m13. \e[0m\e[94m[15-Feb-2020] every every@sdf.org\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m14. \e[0m\e[94m[14-Feb-2020] tomasino Tomasino's Gopher Hole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m15. \e[0m\e[94m[14-Feb-2020] melton Bits & Bytes\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m16. \e[0m\e[94m[14-Feb-2020] rusty Rhizomatix Blog\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m17. \e[0m\e[94m[13-Feb-2020] mmeta4 under deconstruction...\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m18. \e[0m\e[94m[13-Feb-2020] jynx RPoD Phlog\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m19. \e[0m\e[94m[11-Feb-2020] sparcipx The Backroad to Civilization\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m20. \e[0m\e[94m[10-Feb-2020] slugmax The Lonely Cabin\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m21. \e[0m\e[94m[10-Feb-2020] cdmnky cd-space\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m22. \e[0m\e[94m[08-Feb-2020] snowcrash Snowcrash's Gopherhole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m23. \e[0m\e[94m[05-Feb-2020] sysdharma sysdharma's gopherhole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m24. \e[0m\e[94m[05-Feb-2020] ratfactor RGB: Ratfactor's Gopher Burrow\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m25. \e[0m\e[94m[03-Feb-2020] clemens Michael Clemens\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m26. \e[0m\e[94m[02-Feb-2020] ku \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m27. \e[0m\e[94m[01-Feb-2020] rbigelo Plain Text is Beautiful\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m28. \e[0m\e[94m[01-Feb-2020] ayaron Amit Yaron's Gopherhole\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m29. \e[0m\e[94m[30-Jan-2020] yargo # Yargo // HB9KNS #\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m30. \e[0m\e[94m[28-Jan-2020] dbucklin Text Obsessed\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m31. \e[0m\e[94m[24-Jan-2020] djringjr Morse Code Archives and Info\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2KFind: bit\e[?25h\e[0m" - delay: 525 content: "\e[23;1H\e[?25l\e[K\e[0m\e[?25h" - delay: 322 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l \e[93mWelcome to:\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m ____ _ _ ___ ____ _ \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m| __ )(_) |_ ___ ( _ ) | __ ) _ _| |_ ___ ___ \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m| _ \\| | __/ __| / _ \\/\\ | _ \\| | | | __/ _ \\/ __|\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m| |_) | | |_\\__ \\ | (_> < | |_) | |_| | || __/\\__ \\\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m|____/|_|\\__|___/ \\___/\\/ |____/ \\__, |\\__\\___||___/\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m |___/ \e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[1m*\e[0m \e[95m 1. \e[0m\e[94m Phlog (ramblings, reflections, rememberances, rants)\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 2. \e[0m\e[94m Phlog Archives\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mTime to waste ----->\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 3. \e[0m\e[96m Your daily fortune\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 4. \e[0m\e[96m Phase of the moon\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93mExternal links ----->\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[93m\e[0m\e[K\r\n \e[95m 5. \e[0m\e[97m Search Veronica-2 Gopher search engine\e[0m\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 713 content: "\e[12;6H \e[?25l\e[13;6H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 389 content: "\e[13;6H \e[?25l\e[17;6H\e[0m*\e[0m\e[?25l\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 512 content: "\e[23;1H\e[?25l\e[K\e[0m\e[?25h" - delay: 505 content: "\e[23;1H\e[?25l.\e[K\e[0m\e[?25h" - delay: 504 content: "\e[23;1H\e[?25l..\e[K\e[0m\e[?25h" - delay: 325 content: "\e[1;1H\e[?25l The end of the world will occur at 3:00 p.m., this Friday, with\e[K\r\n symposium to follow.\e[K\r\n\e[J\e[?25l\e[23;1H\e[2K\e[0m" - delay: 2129 content: "\e[?1049l\e[0m\e[?25h"