diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index efe588c..82c0c16 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -3,15 +3,67 @@ KNOWN ISSUES - Cannot finish sync if one replica contains a directory and the other replica contains a file named the same way (Unix doesn't allow this) - Soft deletion does not honor exclusion lists +! colors don't work in mac shell RECENT CHANGES -------------- -19 nov 2016: osync v1.2-beta3 re-release +dd Mmm YYYY: osync v1.2-RC1 release + +- Unit tests have run on CentOS 5,6 and 7, Debian 8, Linux Mint 18, FreeBSD 10.3/pfSense, FreeBSD 11, MacOSX Sierra, Win10 1607 (14393.479) bash, Cygwin x64 and MSYS2 current +- Added optional rsync arguments configuration value +- Fixed another random error involving warns and errors triggered by earlier runs with same PID flag files +- Adde more preflight checks +- Fixed a random appearing issue with Sync being stopped on internet failure introduced in v1.2 rewrite +- Resuming operation will not send warnings anymore unless resumed too many timess +- Spinner is less prone to move logging on screen +- Fixed daemon mode didn't enforce exclusions +- Made a quick and dirty preprocessor + - ofunctions can now directly be loaded into osync via an include statement + - n_osync.sh can be assembled on the fly using bootstrap.sh +- Forced remote ssh to use bash (fixes FreeBSD 11 compatibility when default shell is csh) +- Faster execution + - Reduced number of needed sequential SSH connections for remote sync (4 connections less) + - Refactored CheckReplicaPath and CheckDiskSpace into one functon CheckReplicas + - Refactored CheckDiskSpace, CheckLocks and WriteLocks into one function HandleLocks + - Removed noclobber locking in favor of a more direct method +- Improved remote logging +- Fixed directory ctime softdeletion +- Using mutt as mail program now supports multiple recipients +- osync now properly handles symlink deletions (previous bugfix didn't work properly) +- Simplified osync-batch runner (internally and for user) + - Better filename handling + - Easier to read log output + - Always passes --silent to osync + - All options that do not belong to osync-batch are automatically passed to osync +- Improved installer OS detection +- Added daemon capability on MacOS X +- Fixed upgrade script cannot update header on BSD / MacOS X +- Fixed SendEmail function on MacOS X +- Fixed MAX_HARD_EXEC_TIME not enforced in sync function introduced with v1.2 rewrite +- Fixed MAX_SOFT_EXEC_TIME not enforced bug introduced with v1.2 rewrite +- PRESERVE_ACL and PRESERVE_XATTR are ignored when local or remote OS is MacOS or msys or Cygwin +- Fixed PRESERVE_EXECUTABILITY was ommited volontary on MacOS X because of rsync syntax +- Fixed failed deletion rescheduling under BSD bug introduced with v1.2 rewrite +- merge.sh is now BSD and Mac compatible +- More work on unit tests: + - Unit tests are now BSD / MacOSX / MSYS / Cygwin and Windows 10 bash compatible + - Added more ACL tests + - Added directory soft deletion tests + - Added symlink and broken symlink copy / deletion tests + - Made unit tests more robust when aborted + - Simplified unit tests needed config files (merged travis and local config files) + - Added timed execution tests +- More code compliance +- Lots of minor fixes + +19 Nov 2016: osync v1.2-beta3 re-release - Fixed blocker bug where local tests tried GetRemoteOS Anyway - Fixed CentOS 5 compatibility bug for checking disk space introduced in beta3 - More Android / Busybox compatibility +- Made unit tests clean authorized_keys file after usage +- Added local unit test where remote OS connection would fail 18 Nov 2016: osync v1.2-beta3 released