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#include "touch_mouse_joystick.h"
#include <math.h>
void TouchMouseJoystick::init(int32_t pos_x, int32_t pos_y, int32_t pos_r, int16_t usb_x, int16_t usb_y, int16_t usb_r)
TouchJoystick::init(pos_x, pos_y, pos_r, usb_x, usb_y, usb_r);
this->control_type = CT_MOUSE_JOYSTICK;
this->sensitivity = this->pos2usb;
this->trackball_friction = 0;
this->trackball_vel_x = 0;
this->trackball_vel_y = 0;
this->time0 = 0;
void TouchMouseJoystick::setSensitivity(float sensitivity)
this->sensitivity = this->pos2usb * sensitivity;
void TouchMouseJoystick::setTrackballFriction(float trackball_friction)
this->trackball_friction = trackball_friction;
int8_t TouchMouseJoystick::touch(int8_t fid, int32_t tx, int32_t ty, int32_t tdx, int32_t tdy, uint32_t time)
if (finger_id != -1 && finger_id != fid)
touching = 0;
return 0;
tx -= pos_x;
ty -= pos_y;
x = usb_x;
y = usb_y;
int32_t t2 = tx * tx + ty * ty;
// outside the range
if (t2 > pos_r2)
finger_id = -1;
touching = 0;
return 0;
else // inside the range
finger_id = fid;
if (t2 <= dead_zone_outer2)
touching = 2;
dx = sensitivity * -tdx;
dy = sensitivity * -tdy;
dx = dx > usb_r? usb_r : (dx < -usb_r? -usb_r : dx);
dy = dy > usb_r? usb_r : (dy < -usb_r? -usb_r : dy);
float dt = time - time0;
time0 = time;
trackball_vel_x = dx / (dt * 1000.f);
trackball_vel_y = dy / (dt * 1000.f);
x = dx + usb_x;
y = dy + usb_y;
else // in bounds outside of outer dead zone - edge spin
touching = 3;
float len = sqrt(t2);
x = (tx * dead_zone_outer / len) * pos2usb + usb_x;
y = (ty * dead_zone_outer / len) * pos2usb + usb_y;
trackball_vel_x = 0;
trackball_vel_y = 0;
if (invert_x) x = 2 * usb_x - x;
if (invert_y) y = 2 * usb_y - y;
return touching;
void TouchMouseJoystick::updateTrackball(uint32_t time)
if (trackball_friction > 0 && !touching)
if (trackball_vel_x != 0)
int8_t dir = (dx > 0) ? 1 : -1;
float dt = time - time0;
float dt2 = dt * dt;
float x1 = dx + trackball_vel_x * dt - trackball_friction * dt2 * dir;
if ((dir * x1) > usb_r)
x1 = dir * usb_r;
if ((dir * x1) > 0)
x = x1 + usb_x;
x = usb_x;
dx = 0;
trackball_vel_x = 0;
if (trackball_vel_y != 0)
int8_t dir = (dy > 0) ? 1 : -1;
float dt = time - time0;
float dt2 = dt * dt;
float y1 = dy + trackball_vel_y * dt - trackball_friction * dt2 * dir;
if ((dir * y1) > usb_r)
y1 = dir * usb_r;
if ((dir * y1) > 0)
y = y1 + usb_y;
y = usb_y;
dy = 0;
trackball_vel_y = 0;