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12 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Timothée Sterle 8e043a9479
WIP 2 years ago
Timothée Sterle 32be0e2abe
add section about `:verbose` 2 years ago
Timothée Sterle be74c1a1aa
clarify behavior of vim.o etc
2 years ago
Timothée Sterle 18cb58e57c
run 2 years ago
Timothée Sterle e0b37bc7f1
nvim_add_user_command -> nvim_create_user_command 2 years ago
Timothée Sterle 99b9412d51
run 2 years ago
Steve Vermeulen b0b57a0389 Update 2 years ago
Timothée Sterle 32e1a4ed2e
nvim_add_user_command() now supports <f-args> 2 years ago
Timothée Sterle 3f3e558cf5
update autocmds section and highlight groups section 2 years ago
Timothée Sterle f6b01e2bbb add section about user commands 2 years ago
Timothée Sterle c9790768a9
update vim namespace section 2 years ago
Timothée Sterle fd89f0cd3a
mention vim.pretty_print() 2 years ago

@ -396,9 +396,10 @@ Neovim exposes a global `vim` variable which serves as an entry point to interac
Some notable functions and modules include:
- `vim.inspect`: pretty-print Lua objects (useful for inspecting tables)
- `vim.inspect`: transform Lua objects into human-readable strings (useful for inspecting tables)
- `vim.regex`: use Vim regexes from Lua
- `vim.api`: module that exposes API functions (the same API used by remote plugins)
- `vim.ui`: overridable UI functions that can be leveraged by plugins
- `vim.loop`: module that exposes the functionality of Neovim's event-loop (using LibUV)
- `vim.lsp`: module that controls the built-in LSP client
- `vim.treesitter`: module that exposes the functionality of the tree-sitter library
@ -407,7 +408,7 @@ This list is by no means comprehensive. If you wish to know more about what's ma
#### Tips
Writing `print(vim.inspect(x))` every time you want to inspect the contents of an object can get pretty tedious. It might be worthwhile to have a global wrapper function somewhere in your configuration:
Writing `print(vim.inspect(x))` every time you want to inspect the contents of an object can get pretty tedious. It might be worthwhile to have a global wrapper function somewhere in your configuration (in Neovim 0.7.0+, this function is built-in, see [`:help vim.pretty_print()`](
function _G.put(...)
@ -583,6 +584,14 @@ end
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('i', '<Tab>', 'v:lua.smart_tab()', {expr = true, noremap = true})
This is not necessary with `vim.keymap.set()` as it automatically transforms vim keycodes returned by Lua functions in `expr` mappings by default:
vim.keymap.set('i', '<Tab>', function()
return vim.fn.pumvisible() == 1 and '<C-n>' or '<Tab>'
end, {expr = true})
See also:
- [`:help keycodes`](
@ -641,15 +650,15 @@ print(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(10, 'shiftwidth')) -- 4
A few meta-accessors are available if you want to set options in a more "idiomatic" way. They essentially wrap the above API functions and allow you to manipulate options as if they were variables:
- [`vim.o`]( behaves like `:set`
- [`vim.go`]( behaves like `:setglobal`
- [``]( behaves like `:setlocal` for buffer-local options
- [`vim.wo`]( behaves like `:setlocal` for window-local options
- [`vim.o`]( behaves like `:let &{option-name}`
- [`vim.go`]( behaves like `:let &g:{option-name}`
- [``]( behaves like `:let &l:{option-name}` for buffer-local options
- [`vim.wo`]( behaves like `:let &l:{option-name}` for window-local options
vim.o.smarttab = false
vim.o.smarttab = false -- let &smarttab = v:false
print(vim.o.smarttab) -- false
vim.o.isfname = vim.o.isfname .. ',@-@' -- on Linux: set isfname+=@-@
vim.o.isfname = vim.o.isfname .. ',@-@' -- on Linux: let &isfname = &isfname .. ',@-@'
print(vim.o.isfname) -- '@,48-57,/,.,-,_,+,,,#,$,%,~,=,@-@' = 4
@ -867,6 +876,8 @@ end
## Defining mappings
### API functions
Neovim provides a list of API functions to set, get and delete mappings:
- Global mappings:
@ -900,7 +911,7 @@ The second argument is a string containing the left-hand side of the mapping (th
The third argument is a string containing the right-hand side of the mapping (the command to execute).
The final argument is a table containing boolean options for the mapping as defined in [`:help :map-arguments`]( (including `noremap` and excluding `buffer`).
The final argument is a table containing boolean options for the mapping as defined in [`:help :map-arguments`]( (including `noremap` and excluding `buffer`). Since Neovim 0.7.0, you can also pass a `callback` option to invoke a Lua function instead of the right-hand side when executing the mapping.
Buffer-local mappings also take a buffer number as their first argument (`0` sets the mapping for the current buffer).
@ -912,6 +923,15 @@ vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<Leader>tegf', [[<Cmd>lua require('telescope.buil
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, '', 'cc', 'line(".") == 1 ? "cc" : "ggcc"', { noremap = true, expr = true })
-- :noremap <buffer> <expr> cc line('.') == 1 ? 'cc' : 'ggcc'
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<Leader>ex', '', {
noremap = true,
callback = function()
print('My example')
-- Since Lua function don't have a useful string representation, you can use the "desc" option to document your mapping
desc = 'Prints "My example" in the message area',
`vim.api.nvim_get_keymap()` takes a string containing the shortname of the mode for which you want the list of mappings (see table above). The return value is a table containing all global mappings for the mode.
@ -942,35 +962,141 @@ vim.api.nvim_buf_del_keymap(0, 'i', '<Tab>')
-- :iunmap <buffer> <Tab>
### vim.keymap
## Defining user commands
The interface to create user commands was implemented in the PR below and is currently available only in neovim 0.7+ (nightly):
:warning: The API functions discussed in this section are only available in Neovim 0.7.0+
- [Pull request #16752](
Neovim provides API functions for user-defined commands:
- Global user command:
- [`nvim_add_user_command()`](
- [`nvim_del_user_command()`](
- Global user commands:
- [`vim.api.nvim_create_user_command()`](
- [`vim.api.nvim_del_user_command()`](
- Buffer-local user commands:
- [`nvim_buf_add_user_command()`](
- [`nvim_buf_del_user_command()`](
- [`vim.api.nvim_buf_create_user_command()`](
- [`vim.api.nvim_buf_del_user_command()`](
Let's start with `vim.api.nvim_create_user_command()`
The first argument passed to this function is the name of the command (which must start with an uppercase letter).
The second argument is the code to execute when invoking said command. It can either be:
A string (in which case it will be executed as Vimscript). You can use escape sequences like `<q-args>`, `<range>`, etc. like you would with `:command`
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('Upper', 'echo toupper(<q-args>)', { nargs = 1 })
-- :command! -nargs=1 Upper echo toupper(<q-args>)
vim.cmd('Upper hello world') -- prints "HELLO WORLD"
Or a Lua function. It receives a dictionary-like table that contains the data normally provided by escape sequences (see [`:help nvim_create_user_command()`]( for a list of available keys)
{ nargs = 1 }
The third argument lets you pass command attributes as a table (see [`:help command-attributes`]( Since you can already define buffer-local user commands with `vim.api.nvim_buf_create_user_command()`, `-buffer` is not a valid attribute.
Two additional attributes are available:
- `desc` allows you to control what gets displayed when you run `:command {cmd}` on a command defined as a Lua callback.
- `force` is equivalent to calling `:command!` and replaces a command if one with the same name already exists. It is true by default, unlike its Vimscript equivalent.
The `-complete` attribute can take a Lua function in addition to the attributes listed in [`:help :command-complete`](
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('Upper', function() end, {
nargs = 1,
complete = function(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
-- return completion candidates as a list-like table
return { 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' }
Buffer-local user commands also take a buffer number as their first argument. This is an advantage over `-buffer` which can only define a command for the current buffer.
vim.api.nvim_buf_create_user_command(4, 'Upper', function() end, {})
`vim.api.nvim_del_user_command()` takes a command name.
-- :delcommand Upper
Again, `vim.api.nvim_buf_del_user_command()`, takes a buffer number as its first argument, with `0` representing the current buffer.
vim.api.nvim_buf_del_user_command(4, 'Upper')
See also:
- [`:help nvim_create_user_command()`](
- [`:help 40.2`](
- [`:help command-attributes`](
### Caveats
The `-complete=custom` attribute automatically filters completion candidates and has built-in wildcard ([`:help wildcard`]( support:
function! s:completion_function(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) abort
return join([
\ 'strawberry',
\ 'star',
\ 'stellar',
\ ], "\n")
command! -nargs=1 -complete=custom,s:completion_function Test echo <q-args>
" Typing `:Test st[ae]<Tab>` returns "star" and "stellar"
Passing a Lua function to `complete` makes it behave like `customlist` which leaves filtering up to the user:
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('Test', function() end, {
nargs = 1,
complete = function(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
return {
-- Typing `:Test z<Tab>` returns all the completion results because the list was not filtered
## Defining autocommands
Augroups and autocommands do not have an interface yet but it is being worked on:
(this section is a work in progress)
Neovim 0.7.0 has API functions for autocommands. See `:help api-autocmd` for details
- [Pull request #12378](
- [Pull request #14661]( (lua: autocmds take 2)
In the meantime, you can either create autocommands in Vimscript or use [this wrapper from norcalli/nvim_utils](
## Defining highlights
## Defining syntax/highlights
(this section is a work in progress)
The syntax API is still a work in progress. Here are a couple of pointers:
Neovim 0.7.0 has API functions for highlight groups. See also:
- [Issue #9876](
- [tjdevries/colorbuddy.vim, a library for creating colorschemes in Lua](
- [`:help lua-treesitter`](
- [`:help nvim_set_hl()`](
- [`:help nvim_get_hl_by_id()`](
- [`:help nvim_get_hl_by_name()`](
## General tips and recommendations
@ -1117,6 +1243,30 @@ You can debug Lua code running in a separate Neovim instance with [jbyuki/one-sm
The plugin uses the [Debug Adapter Protocol]( Connecting to a debug adapter requires a DAP client like [mfussenegger/nvim-dap]( or [puremourning/vimspector](
### Debugging Lua mappings/commands/autocommands
The `:verbose` command allows you to see where a mapping/command/autocommand was defined:
:verbose map m
n m_ * <Cmd>echo 'example'<CR>
Last set from ~/.config/nvim/init.vim line 26
By default, this feature is disabled in Lua for performance reasons. You can enable it by starting Neovim with a verbose level greater than 0:
nvim -V1
See also:
- [`:help 'verbose'`]('verbose')
- [`:help -V`](
- [neovim/neovim#15079](
### Testing Lua code
- [plenary.nvim: test harness](
@ -1174,9 +1324,12 @@ Probably one of the most well-known transpilers for Lua. Adds a lots of convenie
A lisp that compiles to Lua. You can write configuration and plugins for Neovim in Fennel with the [Olical/aniseed]( or the [Hotpot]( plugin. Additionally, the [Olical/conjure]( plugin provides an interactive development environment that supports Fennel (among other languages).
- [Teal](
The name Teal comes from pronouncing TL (typed lua). This is exactly what it tries to do - add strong typing to lua while otherwise remaining close to standard lua syntax. The [nvim-teal-maker]( plugin can be used to write Neovim plugins or configuration files directly in Teal
Other interesting projects:
- [TypeScriptToLua/TypeScriptToLua](
- [teal-language/tl](
- [Haxe](
- [SwadicalRag/wasm2lua](
- [hengestone/lua-languages](

@ -483,10 +483,12 @@ to interact with its APIs from Lua. It provides users with an extended
Some notable functions and modules include:
- `vim.inspect`: pretty-print Lua objects (useful for inspecting tables)
- `vim.inspect`: transform Lua objects into human-readable strings
(useful for inspecting tables)
- `vim.regex`: use Vim regexes from Lua
- `vim.api`: module that exposes API functions (the same API used by
remote plugins)
- `vim.ui`: overridable UI functions that can be leveraged by plugins
- `vim.loop`: module that exposes the functionality of Neovim's event-loop
(using LibUV)
- `vim.lsp`: module that controls the built-in LSP client
@ -501,8 +503,9 @@ of every module. API functions are documented under |api-global|.
Writing `print(vim.inspect(x))` every time you want to inspect the
contents of an object can get pretty tedious. It might be worthwhile to
have a global wrapper function somewhere in your configuration:
contents of an object can get pretty tedious. It might be worthwhile
to have a global wrapper function somewhere in your configuration (in
Neovim 0.7.0+, this function is built-in, see |vim.pretty_print()|):
function _G.put(...)
@ -775,15 +778,16 @@ A few meta-accessors are available if you want to set options in a more
"idiomatic" way. They essentially wrap the above API functions and allow
you to manipulate options as if they were variables:
- |vim.o|: behaves like `:set`
- |vim.go|: behaves like `:setglobal`
- ||: behaves like `:setlocal` for buffer-local options
- |vim.wo|: behaves like `:setlocal` for window-local options
- |vim.o|: behaves like `:let &{option-name}`
- |vim.go|: behaves like `:let &g:{option-name}`
- ||: behaves like `:let &l:{option-name}` for buffer-local options
- |vim.wo|: behaves like `:let &l:{option-name}` for window-local options
vim.o.smarttab = false
vim.o.smarttab = false -- let &smarttab = v:false
print(vim.o.smarttab) -- false
vim.o.isfname = vim.o.isfname .. ',@-@' -- on Linux: set isfname+=@-@
vim.o.isfname = vim.o.isfname .. ',@-@' -- on Linux: let &isfname =
&isfname .. ',@-@'
print(vim.o.isfname) -- '@,48-57,/,.,-,_,+,,,#,$,%,~,=,@-@' = 4
@ -1141,43 +1145,162 @@ first argument, with `0` representing the current buffer.
The interface to create user commands was implemented in the PR below
and is currently available only in neovim 0.7+ (nightly):
WARNING: The API functions discussed in this section are only available
in Neovim 0.7.0+
- Pull request #16752:
Neovim provides API functions for user-defined commands:
- Global user command:
- |nvim_add_user_command()|
- |nvim_del_user_command()|
- Global user commands:
- |nvim_create_user_command()|
- |nvim_del_user_command()|
- Buffer-local user commands:
- |nvim_buf_add_user_command()|
- |nvim_buf_del_user_command()|
- |nvim_buf_create_user_command()|
- |nvim_buf_del_user_command()|
Let's start with `vim.api.nvim_create_user_command()`
The first argument passed to this function is the name of the command
(which must start with an uppercase letter).
The second argument is the code to execute when invoking said command. It
can either be:
A string (in which case it will be executed as Vimscript). You can use
escape sequences like `<q-args>`, `<range>`, etc. like you would with
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('Upper', 'echo toupper(<q-args>)',
{ nargs = 1 })
-- :command! -nargs=1 Upper echo toupper(<q-args>)
vim.cmd('Upper hello world') -- prints "HELLO WORLD"
Or a Lua function. It receives a dictionary-like table that
contains the data normally provided by escape sequences (see
{ nargs = 1 }
The third argument lets you pass command attributes as a table (see
|command-attributes|`. Since you can already define buffer-local user commands
with |nvim_buf_create_user_command()|, `-buffer` is not a valid attribute.
Two additional attributes are available:
- `desc` allows you to control what gets displayed when you run `:command
{cmd}` on a command defined as a Lua callback.
- `force` is equivalent to calling `:command!` and replaces a command
if one with the same name already exists. It is true by default, unlike
its Vimscript equivalent.
The `-complete` attribute can take a Lua function in addition to the
attributes listed in |:command-complete|.
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('Upper', function() end, {
nargs = 1,
complete = function(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
-- return completion candidates as a list-like table
return { 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' }
Buffer-local user commands also take a buffer number as their first
argument. This is an advantage over `-buffer` which can only define a
command for the current buffer.
vim.api.nvim_buf_create_user_command(4, 'Upper', function() end, {})
`vim.api.nvim_del_user_command()` takes a command name.
-- :delcommand Upper
Again, `vim.api.nvim_buf_del_user_command()`, takes a buffer number as
its first argument, with `0` representing the current buffer.
vim.api.nvim_buf_del_user_command(4, 'Upper')
See also:
- |nvim_create_user_command()|
- |40.2|
- |command-attributes|
The `-complete=custom` attribute automatically filters completion
candidates and has built-in wildcard (|wildcard| support:
function! s:completion_function(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) abort
return join([
\ 'strawberry',
\ 'star',
\ 'stellar',
\ ], "\n")
command! -nargs=1 -complete=custom,s:completion_function Test echo
" Typing `:Test st[ae]<Tab>` returns "star" and "stellar"
Passing a Lua function to `complete` makes it behave like `customlist`
which leaves filtering up to the user:
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('Test', function() end, {
nargs = 1,
complete = function(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
return {
-- Typing `:Test z<Tab>` returns all the completion results because
the list was not filtered
Augroups and autocommands do not have an interface yet but it is being
worked on:
(this section is a work in progress)
Neovim 0.7.0 has API functions for autocommands. See `:help api-autocmd`
for details
- Pull request #12378:
- Pull request #14661: lua:
autocmds take 2
In the meantime, you can either create autocommands in
Vimscript or use this wrapper from norcalli/nvim_utils:
The syntax API is still a work in progress. Here are a couple of pointers:
(this section is a work in progress)
- Issue #9876:
- tjdevries/colorbuddy.vim, a library for creating colorschemes in Lua:
- |lua-treesitter|
Neovim 0.7.0 has API functions for highlight groups. See also:
- |nvim_set_hl()|
- |nvim_get_hl_by_id()|
- |nvim_get_hl_by_name()|
@ -1366,6 +1489,32 @@ a debug adapter requires a DAP client like mfussenegger/nvim-dap: or puremourning/vimspector: .
Debugging Lua mappings/commands/autocommands~
The `:verbose` command allows you to see where a
mapping/command/autocommand was defined:
:verbose map m
n m_ * <Cmd>echo 'example'<CR>
Last set from ~/.config/nvim/init.vim line 26
By default, this feature is disabled in Lua for performance reasons. You
can enable it by starting Neovim with a verbose level greater than 0:
nvim -V1
See also:
- |'verbose'|
- |-V|
- neovim/neovim#15079:
Testing Lua code~
- plenary.nvim: test harness:
@ -1451,10 +1600,17 @@ Olical/conjure: plugin provides an
interactive development environment that supports Fennel among other
languages .
- Teal:
The name Teal comes from pronouncing TL typed lua . This is exactly
what it tries to do - add strong typing to lua while otherwise
remaining close to standard lua syntax. The nvim-teal-maker: plugin can be used to
write Neovim plugins or configuration files directly in Teal
Other interesting projects:
- TypeScriptToLua/TypeScriptToLua:
- teal-language/tl:
- Haxe:
- SwadicalRag/wasm2lua:
- hengestone/lua-languages:
