You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

407 lines
16 KiB

package ncdomain_test
import ""
import _ ""
import "testing"
import "fmt"
import "strings"
import "os"
import "path/filepath"
import "bufio"
import "io"
import "sort"
import "unicode"
import "unicode/utf8"
//import ""
//import "net"
type testItem struct {
ID string
Names map[string]string
Records string
func stripTag(L string) string {
if len(L) < 3 {
return L
r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(L)
if unicode.IsUpper(r) {
x := strings.IndexRune(L, ' ')
L = L[x+1:]
return L
func openFileFromGOPATH(fn string) (f *os.File, err error) {
gopath := os.Getenv("GOPATH")
if gopath == "" {
gopath = "."
for _, p := range strings.Split(gopath, string(os.PathListSeparator)) {
f, err = os.Open(filepath.Join(p, fn))
if err == nil {
func suiteReader(t *testing.T) <-chan testItem {
testItemChan := make(chan testItem, 20)
fpath := "src/"
f, err := openFileFromGOPATH(fpath)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error: Couldn't open %s: %+v", fpath, err)
go func() {
defer f.Close()
lineChan := make(chan string, 20)
syncChan := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
reissue := false
var L string
var ok bool
for {
if reissue {
reissue = false
} else {
L, ok = <-lineChan
if !ok {
m := map[string]string{}
if L != "IN" && !strings.HasPrefix(L, "IN ") {
t.Fatalf("invalid test suite file")
id := ""
if len(L) > 2 {
id = L[3:]
for {
name := <-lineChan
value := <-lineChan
m[name] = value
L = <-lineChan
if L != "IN" {
if L != "OUT" {
t.Fatalf("invalid test suite file")
records := []string{}
for {
L, ok = <-lineChan
if !ok || L == "IN" || strings.HasPrefix(L, "IN ") {
reissue = true
L = stripTag(L)
records = append(records, L)
// process records
ti := testItem{
ID: id,
Names: m,
Records: strings.Join(records, "\n"),
testItemChan <- ti
r := bufio.NewReader(f)
for {
L, err := r.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
if err != io.EOF {
t.Errorf("error while reading line: %+v", err)
L = strings.Trim(L, " \t\r\n")
if L == "" || (len(L) > 0 && L[0] == '#') {
lineChan <- L
return testItemChan
func TestSuite(t *testing.T) {
items := suiteReader(t)
for ti := range items {
resolve := func(name string) (string, error) {
v, ok := ti.Names[name]
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("not found")
return v, nil
for k, jsonValue := range ti.Names {
dnsName, err := convertName(k)
if err != nil {
v, err := ncdomain.ParseValue(k, jsonValue, resolve)
if err != nil {
rrstrs := []string{}
rrs, _ := v.RRsRecursive(nil, dnsName+".bit.", dnsName+".bit.")
for _, rr := range rrs {
s := rr.String()
s = strings.Replace(s, "\t600\t", "\t", -1) // XXX
rrstrs = append(rrstrs, strings.Replace(s, "\t", " ", -1))
rrstr := strings.Join(rrstrs, "\n")
if rrstr != ti.Records {
t.Errorf("Didn't match: %s\n%+v\n !=\n%+v\n\n%#v\n\n%#v", ti.ID, rrstr, ti.Records, v, rrs)
func convertName(n string) (string, error) {
if len(n) < 3 || len(n) > 65 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid name")
if n[0:2] != "d/" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("not a domain")
return n[2:], nil
type item struct {
jsonValue string
value *ncdomain.Value
expectedError error
merges map[string]string
rrstr string
var suite = []item{
item{`{}`, &ncdomain.Value{}, nil, nil, ""},
item{`{"ip":""}`, &ncdomain.Value{IP: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}}, nil, nil, "bit. 600 IN A"},
item{`{"ip":[""]}`, &ncdomain.Value{IP: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}}, nil, nil, "bit. 600 IN A"},
item{`{"ip":["",""]}`, &ncdomain.Value{IP: []net.IP{net.ParseIP(""), net.ParseIP("")}}, nil, nil, "bit. 600 IN A\nbit. 600 IN A"},
item{`{"ip6":"dead:b33f::deca:fbad"}`, &ncdomain.Value{IP6: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("dead:b33f::deca:fbad")}}, nil, nil, "bit. 600 IN AAAA dead:b33f::deca:fbad"},
item{`{"ip6":["dead:b33f::deca:fbad"]}`, &ncdomain.Value{IP6: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("dead:b33f::deca:fbad")}}, nil, nil, "bit. 600 IN AAAA dead:b33f::deca:fbad"},
item{`{"ip6":["dead:b33f::deca:fbad","1234:abcd:5678:bcde:9876:fedc:5432:ba98"]}`, &ncdomain.Value{IP6: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("dead:b33f::deca:fbad"), net.ParseIP("1234:abcd:5678:bcde:9876:fedc:5432:ba98")}}, nil, nil, "bit. 600 IN AAAA dead:b33f::deca:fbad\nbit. 600 IN AAAA 1234:abcd:5678:bcde:9876:fedc:5432:ba98"},
item{`{"ns":""}`, &ncdomain.Value{NS: []string{""}}, nil, nil, "bit. 600 IN NS"},
item{`{"ns":[""]}`, &ncdomain.Value{NS: []string{""}}, nil, nil, "bit. 600 IN NS"},
item{`{"ns":["","delta.gamma.beta.alpha"]}`, &ncdomain.Value{NS: []string{"", "delta.gamma.beta.alpha"}}, nil, nil, "bit. 600 IN NS\nbit. 600 IN NS delta.gamma.beta.alpha."},
item{`{"mx":[[10,""]]}`, &ncdomain.Value{MX: []*dns.MX{&dns.MX{Hdr: dns.RR_Header{Rrtype: dns.TypeMX, Class: dns.ClassINET, Ttl: 600}, Preference: 10, Mx: ""}}}, nil, nil, "bit. 600 IN MX 10"},
item{`{"mx":[[10,""],[20,"epsilon.example"]]}`, &ncdomain.Value{MX: []*dns.MX{&dns.MX{Hdr: dns.RR_Header{Rrtype: dns.TypeMX, Class: dns.ClassINET, Ttl: 600}, Preference: 10, Mx: ""}, &dns.MX{Hdr: dns.RR_Header{Rrtype: dns.TypeMX, Class: dns.ClassINET, Ttl: 600}, Preference: 20, Mx: "epsilon.example"}}}, nil, nil, "bit. 600 IN MX 10\nbit. 600 IN MX 20 epsilon.example."},
item{`{"alias":""}`, &ncdomain.Value{Alias: ""}, nil, nil, "bit. 600 IN CNAME"},
item{`{"translate":""}`, &ncdomain.Value{Translate: ""}, nil, nil, "bit. 600 IN DNAME"},
item{`{"txt":"text record"}`, &ncdomain.Value{TXT: [][]string{[]string{"text record"}}}, nil, nil, "bit. 600 IN TXT \"text record\""},
item{`{"txt":"[text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record]"}`, &ncdomain.Value{TXT: [][]string{[]string{"[text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record][text ... record]", "[text ... record]"}}}, nil, nil, ""},
item{`{"txt":["text record"]}`, &ncdomain.Value{TXT: [][]string{[]string{"text record"}}}, nil, nil, "bit. 600 IN TXT \"text record\""},
item{`{"txt":["text record","text record 2"]}`, &ncdomain.Value{TXT: [][]string{[]string{"text record"}, []string{"text record 2"}}}, nil, nil, "bit. 600 IN TXT \"text record\"\nbit. 600 IN TXT \"text record 2\""},
item{`{"txt":[["text", "record"]]}`, &ncdomain.Value{TXT: [][]string{[]string{"text", "record"}}}, nil, nil, "bit. 600 IN TXT \"text\" \"record\""},
item{`{"txt":[["text", "record"],["text", "record", "2"]]}`, &ncdomain.Value{TXT: [][]string{[]string{"text", "record"}, []string{"text", "record", "2"}}}, nil, nil, "bit. 600 IN TXT \"text\" \"record\"\nbit. 600 IN TXT \"text\" \"record\" \"2\""},
item{`{"service":[ ["http","tcp",1,2,80,""] ]}`, &ncdomain.Value{Service: []*dns.SRV{&dns.SRV{Hdr: dns.RR_Header{Name: "_http._tcp", Ttl: 600, Rrtype: dns.TypeSRV, Class: dns.ClassINET}, Priority: 1, Weight: 2, Port: 80, Target: ""}}}, nil, nil, "_http._tcp.bit. IN SRV 1 2 80"},
item{`{"service":[ ["http","tcp",1,2,80,""], ["https","tcp",1,2,443,""] ]}`, &ncdomain.Value{Service: []*dns.SRV{&dns.SRV{Hdr: dns.RR_Header{Name: "_http._tcp", Ttl: 600, Rrtype: dns.TypeSRV, Class: dns.ClassINET}, Priority: 1, Weight: 2, Port: 80, Target: ""}, &dns.SRV{Hdr: dns.RR_Header{Name: "_https._tcp", Ttl: 600, Rrtype: dns.TypeSRV, Class: dns.ClassINET}, Priority: 1, Weight: 2, Port: 443, Target: ""}}}, nil, nil, "_http._tcp.bit. 600 IN SRV 1 2 80\n_https._tcp.bit. 600 IN SRV 1 2 443"},
item{`{"map":{ "": { } }}`, &ncdomain.Value{}, nil, nil, ""},
item{`{"map":{ "": { "ip": "" } }}`, &ncdomain.Value{IP: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}}, nil, nil, "bit. 600 IN A"},
item{`{"map":{ "www": { "ip": "" } }}`, &ncdomain.Value{Map: map[string]*ncdomain.Value{"www": &ncdomain.Value{IP: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}}}}, nil, nil, "www.bit. 600 IN A"},
item{`{"map":{ "": "" }}`, &ncdomain.Value{IP: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}}, nil, nil, "bit. 600 IN A"},
item{`{"map":{ "www": "" }}`, &ncdomain.Value{Map: map[string]*ncdomain.Value{"www": &ncdomain.Value{IP: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}}}}, nil, nil, "www.bit. 600 IN A"},
item{`{"ds":[[12345,8,2,"4tPJFvbe6scylOgmj7WIUESoM/xUWViPSpGEz8QaV2Y="]]}`, &ncdomain.Value{DS: []*dns.DS{&dns.DS{Hdr: dns.RR_Header{Rrtype: dns.TypeDS, Class: dns.ClassINET, Ttl: 600}, KeyTag: 12345, Algorithm: 8, DigestType: 2, Digest: "e2d3c916f6deeac73294e8268fb5885044a833fc5459588f4a9184cfc41a5766"}}}, nil, nil, "bit. 600 IN DS 12345 8 2 E2D3C916F6DEEAC73294E8268FB5885044A833FC5459588F4A9184CFC41A5766"},
item{`{"ds":[[54321,8,1,"5sFxbPtr3IToTOGrVRDaxpFztbI="],[12345,8,2,"4tPJFvbe6scylOgmj7WIUESoM/xUWViPSpGEz8QaV2Y="]]}`, &ncdomain.Value{DS: []*dns.DS{&dns.DS{Hdr: dns.RR_Header{Rrtype: dns.TypeDS, Class: dns.ClassINET, Ttl: 600}, KeyTag: 54321, Algorithm: 8, DigestType: 1, Digest: "e6c1716cfb6bdc84e84ce1ab5510dac69173b5b2"}, &dns.DS{Hdr: dns.RR_Header{Rrtype: dns.TypeDS, Class: dns.ClassINET, Ttl: 600}, KeyTag: 12345, Algorithm: 8, DigestType: 2, Digest: "e2d3c916f6deeac73294e8268fb5885044a833fc5459588f4a9184cfc41a5766"}}}, nil, nil, "bit. 600 IN DS 54321 8 1 E6C1716CFB6BDC84E84CE1AB5510DAC69173B5B2\nbit. 600 IN DS 12345 8 2 E2D3C916F6DEEAC73294E8268FB5885044A833FC5459588F4A9184CFC41A5766"},
item{`{"email":""}`, &ncdomain.Value{Hostmaster: ""}, nil, nil, ""},
item{`{"ip":[""],"import":"d/example"}`, &ncdomain.Value{IP: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}, IP6: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("::beef")}}, nil, map[string]string{"d/example": `{"ip6":["::beef"]}`}, "bit. 600 IN A\nbit. 600 IN AAAA ::beef"},
item{`{"ip":[""],"import":"d/example"}`, &ncdomain.Value{IP: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("")}, IP6: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("::beef")}}, nil, map[string]string{"d/example": `{"ip":[""],"ip6":["::beef"]}`}, "bit. 600 IN A\nbit. 600 IN AAAA ::beef"},
item{`{"ns":["alpha.beta"],"import":"d/example"}`, &ncdomain.Value{NS: []string{"alpha.beta"}, IP6: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("::beef")}}, nil, map[string]string{"d/example": `{"ns":[""],"ip6":["::beef"]}`}, "bit. 600 IN NS alpha.beta."},
item{`{"ds":[[12345,8,2,"4tPJFvbe6scylOgmj7WIUESoM/xUWViPSpGEz8QaV2Y="]],"import":"d/example"}`, &ncdomain.Value{DS: []*dns.DS{&dns.DS{Hdr: dns.RR_Header{Rrtype: dns.TypeDS, Class: dns.ClassINET, Ttl: 600}, KeyTag: 12345, Algorithm: 8, DigestType: 2, Digest: "e2d3c916f6deeac73294e8268fb5885044a833fc5459588f4a9184cfc41a5766"}}}, nil, map[string]string{"d/example": `{"ds":[ [54321,8,1,"5sFxbPtr3IToTOGrVRDaxpFztbI="] ]}`}, "bit. 600 IN DS 12345 8 2 E2D3C916F6DEEAC73294E8268FB5885044A833FC5459588F4A9184CFC41A5766"},
item{`{"import":"d/example"}`, &ncdomain.Value{DS: []*dns.DS{&dns.DS{Hdr: dns.RR_Header{Rrtype: dns.TypeDS, Class: dns.ClassINET, Ttl: 600}, KeyTag: 54321, Algorithm: 8, DigestType: 1, Digest: "e6c1716cfb6bdc84e84ce1ab5510dac69173b5b2"}}}, nil, map[string]string{"d/example": `{"ds":[ [54321,8,1,"5sFxbPtr3IToTOGrVRDaxpFztbI="] ]}`}, "bit. 600 IN DS 54321 8 1 E6C1716CFB6BDC84E84CE1AB5510DAC69173B5B2"},
item{`{"ip":[""],"delegate":"d/example"}`, &ncdomain.Value{IP6: []net.IP{net.ParseIP("::beef")}}, nil, map[string]string{"d/example": `{"ip6":["::beef"]}`}, "bit. 600 IN AAAA ::beef"},
func TestConversion(t *testing.T) {
for i, item := range suite {
resolve := func(name string) (string, error) {
if item.merges == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("not found")
if s, ok := item.merges[name]; ok {
return s, nil
} else {
return "", fmt.Errorf("not found")
v, err := ncdomain.ParseValue(item.jsonValue, resolve)
if err != item.expectedError {
t.Errorf("Item %d did not match expected error: got %+v but expected %+v", i, err, item.expectedError)
if !equals(v, item.value) {
t.Errorf("Item %d value did not match expected value: got %+v but expected %+v", i, v, item.value)
if item.rrstr != "" {
rrstr := ""
rrs, _ := v.RRsRecursive(nil, "bit.")
for _, rr := range rrs {
rrstr += strings.Replace(rr.String(), "\t", " ", -1)
rrstr += "\n"
rrstr = strings.Trim(rrstr, "\n")
if item.rrstr != rrstr {
t.Errorf("Item %d rrstr did not match the expected value: got %+v but expected %+v", i, rrstr, item.rrstr)
// utility functions for testing equality
func equals(v1 *ncdomain.Value, v2 *ncdomain.Value) bool {
return (v1 != nil) == (v2 != nil) &&
eqIPArray(v1.IP, v2.IP) &&
eqIPArray(v1.IP6, v2.IP6) &&
eqStringArray(v1.NS, v2.NS) &&
v1.Alias == v2.Alias &&
v1.Translate == v2.Translate &&
eqDSArray(v1.DS, v2.DS) &&
eqStringArrayArray(v1.TXT, v2.TXT) &&
eqServiceArray(v1.Service, v2.Service) &&
eqValueMap(v1, v2) &&
v1.Hostmaster == v2.Hostmaster
func eqIPArray(a []net.IP, b []net.IP) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := range a {
if !a[i].Equal(b[i]) {
return false
return true
func eqStringArray(a []string, b []string) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := range a {
if a[i] != b[i] {
return false
return true
func eqDSArray(a []*dns.DS, b []*dns.DS) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := range a {
if !eqDS(a[i], b[i]) {
return false
return true
func eqDS(a *dns.DS, b *dns.DS) bool {
return a.KeyTag == b.KeyTag && a.Algorithm == b.Algorithm &&
a.DigestType == b.DigestType && a.Digest == b.Digest && eqHdr(a.Hdr, b.Hdr)
func eqHdr(a dns.RR_Header, b dns.RR_Header) bool {
return a.Name == b.Name && a.Rrtype == b.Rrtype && a.Class == b.Class && a.Ttl == b.Ttl
func eqStringArrayArray(a [][]string, b [][]string) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := range a {
if !eqStringArray(a[i], b[i]) {
return false
return true
func eqServiceArray(a []*dns.SRV, b []*dns.SRV) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := range a {
if !eqService(a[i], b[i]) {
return false
return true
func eqService(a *dns.SRV, b *dns.SRV) bool {
return a.Priority == b.Priority && a.Weight == b.Weight &&
a.Port == b.Port && a.Target == b.Target && eqHdr(a.Hdr, b.Hdr)
func eqValueMap(a *ncdomain.Value, b *ncdomain.Value) bool {
if len(a.Map) != len(b.Map) {
return false
for k, v1 := range a.Map {
v2, ok := b.Map[k]
if !ok {
return false
if !equals(v1, v2) {
return false
return true