You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1022 lines
23 KiB

package main
import ""
import ""
import "os/signal"
import "os"
import "syscall"
import "fmt"
import ""
import "encoding/json"
import "encoding/base32"
import "encoding/base64"
import "encoding/hex"
import "strings"
import "net"
import "time"
import "sort"
import ""
//import "crypto/rsa"
//import "crypto/rand"
//import "math/big"
// A Go daemon to serve Namecoin domain records via DNS.
// This daemon is intended to be used in one of the following situations:
// 1. It is desired to mirror a domain name suffix (bit.suffix) to the .bit TLD.
// Accordingly, bit.suffix is delegated to one or more servers each running this daemon.
// 2. It is desired to act as an authoritative server for the .bit TLD directly.
// For example, a recursive DNS resolver is configured to override the root zone and use
// a server running this daemon for .bit. Or .bit is added to the root zone (when pigs fly).
// If the Unbound recursive DNS resolver were used:
// unbound.conf:
// server:
// stub-zone:
// name: bit
// stub-addr:
// This daemon currently requires namecoind or a compatible daemon running with JSON-RPC interface.
// The name_* API calls are used to obtain .bit domain information.
type Server struct {
mux *dns.ServeMux
udpListener *dns.Server
tcpListener *dns.Server
nc NamecoinConn
cache lru.Cache // items are of type *Domain
ksk *dns.DNSKEY
kskPrivate dns.PrivateKey
zsk dns.DNSKEY
zskPrivate dns.PrivateKey
cfg ServerConfig
type ServerConfig struct {
Bind string `default:":53" usage:"Address to bind to (e.g."`
PublicKey string `default:"ncdns.key" usage:"Path to the DNSKEY public key file"`
PrivateKey string `default:"ncdns.private" usage:"Path to the corresponding private key file"`
NamecoinRPCUsername string `default:"" usage:"Namecoin RPC username"`
NamecoinRPCPassword string `default:"" usage:"Namecoin RPC password"`
NamecoinRPCAddress string `default:"localhost:8336" usage:"Namecoin RPC server address"`
CacheMaxEntries int `default:"1000" usage:"Maximum name cache entries"`
SelfIP string `default:"" usage:"The canonical IP address for this service"`
func (s *Server) doRunListener(ds *dns.Server) {
err := ds.ListenAndServe()
func (s *Server) runListener(net string) *dns.Server {
ds := &dns.Server {
Addr: s.cfg.Bind,
//Addr: ":1153",
Net: net,
Handler: s.mux,
go s.doRunListener(ds)
return ds
// Keep domains in DNS format.
type Domain struct {
ncv *ncValue
// Root of a domain JSON structure
type ncValue struct {
IP interface{} `json:"ip"`
IP6 interface{} `json:"ip6"`
Service [][]interface{} `json:"service"`
Alias string `json:"alias"`
NS interface{} `json:"ns"`
Map map[string]*ncValue `json:"map"` // may contain "" and "*"
DS [][]interface{} `json:"ds"`
func (s *Server) getNamecoinEntry(name string) (*Domain, error) {
if dd, ok := s.cache.Get(name); ok {
d := dd.(*Domain)
return d, nil
d, err := s.getNamecoinEntryLL(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.cache.Add(name, d)
return d, nil
func (s *Server) getNamecoinEntryLL(name string) (*Domain, error) {
v, err :=
if err != nil {
log.Infoe(err, "namecoin query failed: ", err)
return nil, err
log.Info("namecoin query (", name, ") succeeded: ", v)
d, err := s.jsonToDomain(v)
if err != nil {
log.Infoe(err, "cannot convert JSON to domain")
return nil, err
return d, nil
func (s *Server) jsonToDomain(v string) (dd *Domain, err error) {
d := &Domain{}
ncv := &ncValue{}
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(v), ncv)
if err != nil {
log.Infoe(err, fmt.Sprintf("cannot unmarshal JSON: %+v", v))
d.ncv = ncv
dd = d
func toNamecoinName(basename string) (string, error) {
return "d/" + basename, nil
func splitDomainHead(name string) (head string, rest string, err error) {
parts := strings.Split(name, ".")
head = parts[len(parts)-1]
if len(parts) >= 2 {
rest = strings.Join(parts[0:len(parts)-1], ".")
func (ncv *ncValue) getArray(a interface{}) (ips []string, err error) {
if a == nil {
ipa, ok := a.([]interface{})
if ok {
for _, v := range ipa {
s, ok := v.(string)
if ok {
ips = append(ips, s)
} else {
s, ok := ncv.IP.(string)
if ok {
ips = []string{s}
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("malformed IP value")
func (ncv *ncValue) GetIPs() (ips []string, err error) {
return ncv.getArray(ncv.IP)
func (ncv *ncValue) GetIP6s() (ips []string, err error) {
return ncv.getArray(ncv.IP6)
func (ncv *ncValue) GetNSs() (nss []string, err error) {
return ncv.getArray(ncv.NS)
func (ncv *ncValue) GetDSs() (dss []dns.DS, err error) {
for _, ds := range ncv.DS {
log.Info(" - DS: ", ds)
if len(ds) != 4 {
log.Info(" DS is bad len")
a1, ok := ds[0].(float64)
if !ok {
log.Info(" DS[0]")
a2, ok := ds[1].(float64)
if !ok {
log.Info(" DS[1]")
a3, ok := ds[2].(float64)
if !ok {
log.Info(" DS[2]")
a4, ok := ds[3].(string)
if !ok {
log.Info(" DS[3]")
a4b, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(a4)
if err != nil {
log.Info("can't decode: ", err)
err = nil
a4h := hex.EncodeToString(a4b)
d := dns.DS {
Hdr: dns.RR_Header { Rrtype: dns.TypeDS, Class: dns.ClassINET, Ttl: 60, },
KeyTag: uint16(a1),
Algorithm: uint8(a2),
DigestType: uint8(a3),
Digest: a4h,
dss = append(dss, d)
// a.b.c.d.e.f.g.zzz.bit
// f("a.b.c.d.e.f.g", "zzz.bit")
// f[g]("a.b.c.d.e.f", "g.zzz.bit")
// f[f]("a.b.c.d.e", "f.g.zzz.bit")
// f[e]("a.b.c.d", "e.f.g.zzz.bit")
// f[d]("a.b.c", "d.e.f.g.zzz.bit")
// f[c]("a.b", "c.d.e.f.g.zzz.bit")
// f[b]("a", "b.c.d.e.f.g.zzz.bit")
// f[a]("", "a.b.c.d.e.f.g.zzz.bit")
var ErrNoSuchDomain = fmt.Errorf("no such domain")
var ErrNotNamecoin = fmt.Errorf("not a namecoin domain")
var ErrNoResults = fmt.Errorf("no results")
func stepName(n string) string {
if len(n) == 0 {
return ""
b, err := base32.HexEncoding.DecodeString(n)
log.Panice(err, n)
for i := len(b)-1; i>=0; i-- {
b[i] += 1
if b[i] != 0 { // didn't rollover, don't need to continue
return base32.HexEncoding.EncodeToString(b)
func absname(n string) string {
if n == "" {
return "."
if n[len(n)-1] != '.' {
return n + "."
return n
func (tx *Tx) addAnswersUnderNCValueActual(ncv *ncValue, sn string) error {
toAdd := []dns.RR{}
toAddAuthority := []dns.RR{}
nss, nsserr := ncv.GetNSs()
//log.Info("ncv isub=", isubname, " sub=", subname, " base=", tx.basename, " root=", tx.rootname, " qtype=", tx.qtype, " nss=", nss, " nsserr=", nsserr)
if nsserr == nil && len(nss) > 0 {
nsn := sn
if len(sn) > 0 {
nsn += "."
nsn += tx.basename + "." + tx.rootname
log.Info("ncv nsn=", nsn)
for _, ns := range nss {
toAddAuthority = append(toAddAuthority, &dns.NS {
Hdr: dns.RR_Header { Name: absname(nsn), Rrtype: dns.TypeNS, Class: dns.ClassINET, Ttl: 60, },
Ns: absname(ns),
if tx.istype(dns.TypeA) {
ips, err := ncv.GetIPs()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, ip := range ips {
pip := net.ParseIP(ip)
if pip == nil || pip.To4() == nil {
toAdd = append(toAdd, &dns.A {
Hdr: dns.RR_Header { Name: absname(tx.qname), Rrtype: dns.TypeA, Class: dns.ClassINET, Ttl: 60, },
A: pip })
if tx.istype(dns.TypeAAAA) {
ips, err := ncv.GetIP6s()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, ip := range ips {
pip := net.ParseIP(ip)
if pip == nil || pip.To4() != nil {
toAdd = append(toAdd, &dns.AAAA {
Hdr: dns.RR_Header { Name: absname(tx.qname), Rrtype: dns.TypeAAAA, Class: dns.ClassINET, Ttl: 60, },
AAAA: pip })
if tx.istype(dns.TypeNS) && len(toAddAuthority) == 0 {
if nsserr != nil {
return nsserr
for _, ns := range nss {
ns = absname(ns)
toAdd = append(toAdd, &dns.NS {
Hdr: dns.RR_Header { Name: absname(tx.qname), Rrtype: dns.TypeNS, Class: dns.ClassINET, Ttl: 60, },
Ns: ns })
//case dns.TypeTXT:
//case dns.TypeMX:
//case dns.TypeSRV:
if tx.istype(dns.TypeDS) {
dss, err := ncv.GetDSs()
if err != nil {
return err
for i := range dss {
dss[i].Hdr.Name = absname(tx.qname)
toAddAuthority = append(toAddAuthority, &dss[i])
log.Info("ds: ", dss, " ", err)
if len(toAdd) == 0 && len(toAddAuthority) == 0 {
// we didn't get anything, so try the "" entry in the map
if m, ok := ncv.Map[""]; ok {
return tx.addAnswersUnderNCValueActual(m, sn)
for i := range toAdd {
tx.res.Answer = append(tx.res.Answer, toAdd[i])
if tx.qtype != dns.TypeDS {
for i := range toAddAuthority {
tx.res.Ns = append(tx.res.Ns, toAddAuthority[i])
return nil
func (tx *Tx) _findNCValue(ncv *ncValue, isubname, subname string, depth int,
shortCircuitFunc func(curNCV *ncValue) bool) (xncv *ncValue, sn string, err error) {
if shortCircuitFunc != nil && shortCircuitFunc(ncv) {
return ncv, subname, nil
if isubname != "" {
head, rest, err := splitDomainHead(isubname)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
sub, ok := ncv.Map[head]
if !ok {
sub, ok = ncv.Map["*"]
if !ok {
return nil, "", ErrNoSuchDomain
return tx._findNCValue(sub, rest, head + "." + subname, depth+1, shortCircuitFunc)
if shortCircuitFunc != nil {
return nil, subname, ErrNoSuchDomain
return ncv, subname, nil
func (tx *Tx) findNCValue(ncv *ncValue, subname string,
shortCircuitFunc func(curNCV *ncValue) bool) (xncv *ncValue, sn string, err error) {
return tx._findNCValue(ncv, subname, "", 0, shortCircuitFunc)
func hasNS(ncv *ncValue) bool {
nss, err := ncv.GetNSs()
return err == nil && len(nss) > 0
func (tx *Tx) addAnswersUnderNCValue(rncv *ncValue, subname string) error {
ncv, sn, err := tx.findNCValue(rncv, subname, hasNS)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Info("ncv actual: ", sn)
return tx.addAnswersUnderNCValueActual(ncv, sn)
func (tx *Tx) addAnswersUnderDomain(d *Domain) error {
err := tx.addAnswersUnderNCValue(d.ncv, tx.subname)
if err == ErrNoResults {
err = nil
return err
func (tx *Tx) determineDomain() (subname, basename, rootname string, err error) {
qname := tx.qname
qname = strings.TrimRight(qname, ".")
parts := strings.Split(qname, ".")
if len(parts) < 2 {
if parts[0] != "bit" {
err = ErrNotNamecoin
rootname = parts[0]
for i := len(parts)-1; i >= 0; i-- {
v := parts[i]
// scanning for rootname
if v == "bit" {
if i == 0 {
// i is already zero, so we have something like bit.x.y.z.
rootname = qname
rootname = strings.Join(parts[i:len(parts)], ".")
basename = parts[i-1]
subname = strings.Join(parts[0:i-1], ".")
err = ErrNotNamecoin
func (tx *Tx) addMetaAnswers() error {
ip := net.ParseIP(tx.s.cfg.SelfIP)
if ip == nil || ip.To4() == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid value specified for SelfIP")
switch tx.subname {
case "this":
if tx.istype(dns.TypeA) {
tx.res.Answer = append(tx.res.Answer, &dns.A {
Hdr: dns.RR_Header {
Name: tx.subname + "." + tx.basename + "." + tx.rootname + ".",
Ttl: 86400,
Class: dns.ClassINET,
Rrtype: dns.TypeA,
A: ip,
case "":
return nil
func (tx *Tx) addRootSOA() error {
soa := &dns.SOA {
Hdr: dns.RR_Header {
Name: absname(tx.rootname),
Ttl: 86400,
Class: dns.ClassINET,
Rrtype: dns.TypeSOA,
Ns: absname("this.x--nmc." + tx.rootname),
Mbox: ".",
Serial: 1,
Refresh: 600,
Retry: 600,
Expire: 7200,
Minttl: 600,
if tx.istype(dns.TypeSOA) && absname(tx.rootname) == absname(tx.qname) {
tx.res.Answer = append(tx.res.Answer, soa)
} else {
tx.res.Ns = append(tx.res.Ns, soa)
return nil
func (tx *Tx) istype(x uint16) bool {
return tx.qtype == x || tx.qtype == dns.TypeANY
func (tx *Tx) addRootAnswers() error {
//useKSK := false
tx.s.zsk.Hdr.Name = tx.rootname + "."
if tx.istype(dns.TypeNS) {
tx.res.Answer = append(tx.res.Answer, &dns.NS {
Hdr: dns.RR_Header {
Name: absname(tx.rootname),
Ttl: 86400,
Class: dns.ClassINET,
Rrtype: dns.TypeNS,
Ns: "this.x--nmc.bit.",
if tx.istype(dns.TypeDNSKEY) {
tx.s.ksk.Hdr.Name = absname(tx.rootname)
tx.s.zsk.Hdr.Name = tx.s.ksk.Hdr.Name
tx.res.Answer = append(tx.res.Answer, tx.s.ksk)
tx.res.Answer = append(tx.res.Answer, &tx.s.zsk)
//useKSK = true
if len(tx.res.Answer) == 0 || tx.istype(dns.TypeSOA) {
err := tx.addRootSOA()
if err != nil {
return err
log.Info("done sr")
return nil
func (tx *Tx) signRRs(rra []dns.RR, useKSK bool) (dns.RR, error) {
if len(rra) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no RRs to such")
now := time.Now()
rrsig := &dns.RRSIG {
Hdr: dns.RR_Header { Ttl: rra[0].Header().Ttl, },
Algorithm: dns.RSASHA256,
Expiration: uint32(now.Add(time.Duration(10)*time.Minute).Unix()),
Inception: uint32(now.Unix()),
SignerName: tx.rootname + ".",
pk := tx.s.zskPrivate
if useKSK {
pk = tx.s.kskPrivate
rrsig.KeyTag = tx.s.ksk.KeyTag()
} else {
rrsig.KeyTag = tx.s.zsk.KeyTag()
err := rrsig.Sign(pk, rra)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rrsig, nil
func shouldSignType(t uint16, isAuthoritySection bool) bool {
//log.Info("shouldSignType ", t, " ", isAuthoritySection)
switch t {
case dns.TypeOPT:
return false
case dns.TypeNS:
return !isAuthoritySection
return true
func (tx *Tx) signResponseSection(rra *[]dns.RR, useKSK bool) error {
if len(*rra) == 0 {
return nil
//log.Info("sign section: ", *rra)
i := 0
a := []dns.RR{}
pt := (*rra)[0].Header().Rrtype
t := uint16(0)
origrra := *rra
for i < len(origrra) {
for i < len(origrra) {
t = (*rra)[i].Header().Rrtype
if t != pt {
a = append(a, origrra[i])
if shouldSignType(pt, (rra == &tx.res.Ns) ) {
srr, err := tx.signRRs(a, useKSK)
if err != nil {
return err
*rra = append(*rra, srr)
pt = t
a = []dns.RR{}
return nil
func (tx *Tx) useDNSSEC() bool {
opt := tx.req.IsEdns0()
if opt == nil {
return false
return opt.Do()
func (tx *Tx) signResponse(useKSK bool) error {
if !tx.useDNSSEC() {
return nil
for _, r := range []*[]dns.RR { &tx.res.Answer, &tx.res.Ns, &tx.res.Extra } {
err := tx.signResponseSection(r, useKSK)
if err != nil {
log.Infoe(err, "fail signResponse")
return err
log.Info("done signResponse")
return nil
var ErrNoRoot = fmt.Errorf("invalid domain name, no root")
var allPossibleTypes []uint16 = []uint16 {
dns.TypeSOA, dns.TypeDNSKEY, dns.TypeDS,
dns.TypeNS, //dns.TypeCNAME,
dns.TypeA, dns.TypeAAAA, dns.TypeMX, dns.TypeSRV, dns.TypeTXT,
type uint16Slice []uint16
func (p uint16Slice) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p uint16Slice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i] < p[j] }
func (p uint16Slice) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
func (tx *Tx) addNSEC3RR() error {
// Map of what possibly exists
m := map[uint16]struct{}{}
for _, rr := range tx.res.Answer {
// Definitely exists
m[rr.Header().Rrtype] = struct{}{}
// If qtype is ANY, the only record types which exist are those we found above.
if tx.qtype != dns.TypeANY {
// Any record type which wasn't the one we asked for might exist.
for _, t := range allPossibleTypes {
if t != tx.qtype {
m[t] = struct{}{}
tbm := []uint16{}
for t, _ := range m {
tbm = append(tbm, t)
// The DNS library is buggy unless tbm is sorted.
log.Info("NSEC3: qname=", tx.qname, " base=", tx.basename, " root=", tx.rootname)
nsr1n := dns.HashName(tx.qname, dns.SHA1, 1, "8F")
nsr1nn := stepName(nsr1n)
nsr1 := &dns.NSEC3 {
Hdr: dns.RR_Header {
Name: nsr1n + "." + tx.rootname + ".",
Rrtype: dns.TypeNSEC3,
Class: dns.ClassINET,
Ttl: 600,
Hash: dns.SHA1,
Flags: 0,
Iterations: 1,
SaltLength: 1,
Salt: "8F",
HashLength: uint8(len(nsr1nn)),
NextDomain: nsr1nn,
TypeBitMap: tbm,
tx.res.Ns = append(tx.res.Ns, nsr1)
return nil
func (tx *Tx) addNSEC() error {
if !tx.useDNSSEC() {
return nil
// NSEC replies should be given in the following circumstances:
// - No ANSWER SECTION responses for type requested, qtype != DS
// - No ANSWER SECTION responses for type requested, qtype == DS
// - Wildcard, no data responses
// - Wildcard, data response
// - Name error response
// - Direct NSEC request
if len(tx.res.Answer) == 0 /*&& qtype != dns.TypeDS*/ {
log.Info("adding NSEC3")
err := tx.addNSEC3RR()
if err != nil {
return err
/*err = s.addNSEC3RR("*", rootname, "*." + qname, qtype, res)
if err != nil {
return err
//if len(toAdd) == 0 && (len(toAddAuthority) == 0 || qtype == dns.TypeDS) {
return nil
func (tx *Tx) setRcode(x int) {
if tx.rcode == 0 {
tx.rcode = x
func (tx *Tx) addAnswersMain() error {
if tx.rootname == "" {
return ErrNoRoot
if tx.basename == "x--nmc" {
return tx.addMetaAnswers()
if tx.subname == "" && tx.basename == "" {
err := tx.addRootAnswers()
return err
ncname, err := toNamecoinName(tx.basename)
if err != nil {
log.Infoe(err, "cannot determine namecoin name")
return err
d, err := tx.s.getNamecoinEntry(ncname)
if err != nil {
log.Infoe(err, "cannot get namecoin entry")
if err == ErrNoSuchDomain {
return err
err = tx.addAnswersUnderDomain(d)
if err != nil {
log.Infoe(err, "cannot add answers")
return err
return nil
func (tx *Tx) addAnswersMainOuter() error {
err := tx.addAnswersMain()
if len(tx.res.Answer) == 0 && len(tx.res.Ns) > 0 {
tx.res.Authoritative = false
// Do not use istype here, we do not want to match ANY
if err == nil && !(len(tx.res.Answer) == 0 && tx.qtype == dns.TypeDS) {
return nil
// If an error occurred, and we have NXDOMAIN, add SOA
err2 := tx.addRootSOA()
if err2 != nil {
// currently, let the first error take precedence
return err
func (tx *Tx) addAnswers() error {
var err error
tx.subname, tx.basename, tx.rootname, err = tx.determineDomain()
if err != nil {
log.Infoe(err, "cannot determine domain name, refusing")
return err
log.Info("DD: sub=", tx.subname, " base=", tx.basename, " root=", tx.rootname)
err = tx.addAnswersMainOuter()
if err != nil {
// eat name errors
if err != ErrNoSuchDomain {
return err
err = tx.addNSEC()
if err != nil {
log.Infoe(err, "cannot add NSEC")
return err
// XXX
useKSK := (tx.qtype == dns.TypeDNSKEY)
err = tx.signResponse(useKSK)
if err != nil {
log.Infoe(err, "cannot sign response")
return err
return nil
type Tx struct {
req *dns.Msg
res *dns.Msg
qname string
qtype uint16
qclass uint16
s *Server
rcode int
subname string // the subname: www.bitcoin.bit -> "www", bitcoin.bit -> ""
basename string // the basename: bitcoin.bit -> "bitcoin"
rootname string // the TLD: bitcoin.bit -> "bit", -> ""
func (s *Server) handle(rw dns.ResponseWriter, reqMsg *dns.Msg) {
tx := Tx{}
tx.req = reqMsg
tx.res = &dns.Msg{}
tx.res.Authoritative = true
tx.res.Compress = true
tx.s = s
tx.rcode = 0
opt := tx.req.IsEdns0()
if opt != nil {
tx.res.Extra = append(tx.res.Extra, opt)
for _, q := range tx.req.Question {
tx.qname = strings.ToLower(q.Name)
tx.qtype = q.Qtype
tx.qclass = q.Qclass
if q.Qclass != dns.ClassINET && q.Qclass != dns.ClassANY {
err := tx.addAnswers()
if err != nil {
if tx.rcode == 0 {
log.Infoe(err, "Handler error, doing SERVFAIL")
tx.rcode = dns.RcodeServerFailure
tx.res.SetRcode(tx.req, tx.rcode)
//log.Info("response: ", res.String())
err := rw.WriteMsg(tx.res)
log.Infoe(err, "Couldn't write response: " + tx.res.String())
func (s *Server) Run() {
s.mux = dns.NewServeMux()
s.mux.HandleFunc(".", s.handle)
// key setup
kskf, err := os.Open(s.cfg.PublicKey)
kskRR, err := dns.ReadRR(kskf, s.cfg.PublicKey)
ksk, ok := kskRR.(*dns.DNSKEY)
if !ok {
log.Fatal("loaded record from key file, but it wasn't a DNSKEY")
s.ksk = ksk
kskPrivatef, err := os.Open(s.cfg.PrivateKey)
s.kskPrivate, err = s.ksk.ReadPrivateKey(kskPrivatef, s.cfg.PrivateKey)
s.zsk.Hdr.Rrtype = dns.TypeDNSKEY
s.zsk.Hdr.Class = dns.ClassINET
s.zsk.Hdr.Ttl = 3600
s.zsk.Algorithm = dns.RSASHA256
s.zsk.Protocol = 3
s.zsk.Flags = dns.ZONE
s.zskPrivate, err = s.zsk.Generate(2048)
// run
s.udpListener = s.runListener("udp")
s.tcpListener = s.runListener("tcp") = s.cfg.NamecoinRPCUsername = s.cfg.NamecoinRPCPassword = s.cfg.NamecoinRPCAddress
s.cache.MaxEntries = s.cfg.CacheMaxEntries
// wait
sig := make(chan os.Signal)
signal.Notify(sig, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
for {
s := <-sig
fmt.Printf("Signal %v received, stopping.", s)
func NewServer(cfg *ServerConfig) *Server {
s := &Server{}
s.cfg = *cfg
return s
func main() {
cfg := ServerConfig {}
config := config.Configurator{
ProgramName: "ncdns",
ConfigFilePaths: []string { "etc/ncdns.conf", "/etc/ncdns/ncdns.conf", },
s := NewServer(&cfg)
// © 2014 Hugo Landau <> GPLv3 or later