{{define "Main"}}
Check a domain name

To specify the JSON to validate rather than looking it up via Namecoin, specify it below. (You must still specify the name for the purposes of relative name lookup.)

{{if .Query}}
{{if .NameParseError}}
Invalid name: {{.Query}}
Namecoin Name:  {{.NamecoinName}}
Domain Name:    {{.DomainName}}
Bare Name:      {{.BareName}}

Exists:         {{if .ExistenceError}}{{.ExistenceError}}{{else}}Yes{{end}}
{{if not .ExistenceError}}Expired:        {{.Expired}}{{end}}
{{if not .ExistenceError}}
Valid:          {{.Valid}}

Raw Value:
{{if .ParseErrors}}
Parse Errors:{{range .ParseErrors}}
{{end}}{{if .ParseWarnings}}
Parse Warnings:{{range .ParseWarnings}}
{{if .Advanced}}
Parsed Value:   {{.NCValueFmt | printf "%# v"}}
RRs:{{range .RRs}}

{{if .RRError}}
RR Generation Error: {{.RRError}}

{{end}} {{end}}