use cssparser::{ParseError, Parser, ParserInput, SourcePosition, Token}; use reqwest::blocking::Client; use std::collections::HashMap; use crate::opts::Options; use crate::url::{data_to_data_url, get_url_fragment, is_http_url, resolve_url, url_with_fragment}; use crate::utils::retrieve_asset; const CSS_PROPS_WITH_IMAGE_URLS: &[&str] = &[ // Universal "background", "background-image", "border-image", "border-image-source", "content", "cursor", "list-style", "list-style-image", "mask", "mask-image", // Specific to @counter-style "additive-symbols", "negative", "pad", "prefix", "suffix", "symbols", ]; const CSS_SPECIAL_CHARS: &str = "~!@$%^&*()+=,./'\";:?><[]{}|`#"; pub fn is_image_url_prop(prop_name: &str) -> bool { CSS_PROPS_WITH_IMAGE_URLS .iter() .find(|p| prop_name.eq_ignore_ascii_case(p)) .is_some() } pub fn enquote(input: String, double: bool) -> String { if double { format!("\"{}\"", input.replace("\"", "\\\"")) } else { format!("'{}'", input.replace("'", "\\'")) } } pub fn escape(value: &str) -> String { let mut res = str!(&value); res = res.replace("\\", "\\\\"); for c in CSS_SPECIAL_CHARS.chars() { res = res.replace(c, format!("\\{}", c).as_str()); } res } pub fn process_css<'a>( cache: &mut HashMap>, client: &Client, parent_url: &str, parser: &mut Parser, options: &Options, rule_name: &str, prop_name: &str, func_name: &str, ) -> Result> { let mut result: String = str!(); let mut curr_rule: String = str!(rule_name.clone()); let mut curr_prop: String = str!(prop_name.clone()); let mut token: &Token; let mut token_offset: SourcePosition; loop { token_offset = parser.position(); token = match parser.next_including_whitespace_and_comments() { Ok(token) => token, Err(_) => { break; } }; match *token { Token::Comment(_) => { let token_slice = parser.slice_from(token_offset); result.push_str(str!(token_slice).as_str()); } Token::Semicolon => result.push_str(";"), Token::Colon => result.push_str(":"), Token::Comma => result.push_str(","), Token::ParenthesisBlock | Token::SquareBracketBlock | Token::CurlyBracketBlock => { if options.no_fonts && curr_rule == "font-face" { continue; } let closure: &str; if token == &Token::ParenthesisBlock { result.push_str("("); closure = ")"; } else if token == &Token::SquareBracketBlock { result.push_str("["); closure = "]"; } else { result.push_str("{"); closure = "}"; } let block_css: String = parser .parse_nested_block(|parser| { process_css( cache, client, parent_url, parser, options, rule_name, curr_prop.as_str(), func_name, ) }) .unwrap(); result.push_str(block_css.as_str()); result.push_str(closure); } Token::CloseParenthesis => result.push_str(")"), Token::CloseSquareBracket => result.push_str("]"), Token::CloseCurlyBracket => result.push_str("}"), Token::IncludeMatch => result.push_str("~="), Token::DashMatch => result.push_str("|="), Token::PrefixMatch => result.push_str("^="), Token::SuffixMatch => result.push_str("$="), Token::SubstringMatch => result.push_str("*="), Token::CDO => result.push_str(""), Token::WhiteSpace(ref value) => { result.push_str(value); } // div... Token::Ident(ref value) => { curr_rule = str!(); curr_prop = str!(value); result.push_str(&escape(value)); } // @import, @font-face, @charset, @media... Token::AtKeyword(ref value) => { curr_rule = str!(value); if options.no_fonts && curr_rule == "font-face" { continue; } result.push_str("@"); result.push_str(value); } Token::Hash(ref value) => { result.push_str("#"); result.push_str(value); } Token::QuotedString(ref value) => { if curr_rule == "import" { // Reset current at-rule value curr_rule = str!(); // Skip empty import values if value.len() < 1 { result.push_str("''"); continue; } let import_full_url = resolve_url(&parent_url, value).unwrap_or_default(); let import_url_fragment = get_url_fragment(import_full_url.clone()); match retrieve_asset( cache, client, &parent_url, &import_full_url, options.silent, ) { Ok((import_contents, import_final_url, _import_media_type)) => { let import_data_url = data_to_data_url( "text/css", embed_css( cache, client, &import_final_url, &String::from_utf8_lossy(&import_contents), options, ) .as_bytes(), &import_final_url, ); let assembled_url: String = url_with_fragment( import_data_url.as_str(), import_url_fragment.as_str(), ); result.push_str(enquote(assembled_url, false).as_str()); } Err(_) => { // Keep remote reference if unable to retrieve the asset if is_http_url(import_full_url.clone()) { let assembled_url: String = url_with_fragment( import_full_url.as_str(), import_url_fragment.as_str(), ); result.push_str(enquote(assembled_url, false).as_str()); } } } } else { if func_name == "url" { // Skip empty url()'s if value.len() < 1 { continue; } if options.no_images && is_image_url_prop(curr_prop.as_str()) { result.push_str(enquote(str!(empty_image!()), false).as_str()); } else { let resolved_url = resolve_url(&parent_url, value).unwrap_or_default(); let url_fragment = get_url_fragment(resolved_url.clone()); match retrieve_asset( cache, client, &parent_url, &resolved_url, options.silent, ) { Ok((data, final_url, media_type)) => { let data_url = data_to_data_url(&media_type, &data, &final_url); let assembled_url: String = url_with_fragment(data_url.as_str(), url_fragment.as_str()); result.push_str(enquote(assembled_url, false).as_str()); } Err(_) => { // Keep remote reference if unable to retrieve the asset if is_http_url(resolved_url.clone()) { let assembled_url: String = url_with_fragment( resolved_url.as_str(), url_fragment.as_str(), ); result.push_str(enquote(assembled_url, false).as_str()); } } } } } else { result.push_str(enquote(str!(value), false).as_str()); } } } Token::Number { ref has_sign, ref value, .. } => { if *has_sign && *value >= 0. { result.push_str("+"); } result.push_str(&value.to_string()) } Token::Percentage { ref has_sign, ref unit_value, .. } => { if *has_sign && *unit_value >= 0. { result.push_str("+"); } result.push_str(str!(unit_value * 100.0).as_str()); result.push_str("%"); } Token::Dimension { ref has_sign, ref value, ref unit, .. } => { if *has_sign && *value >= 0. { result.push_str("+"); } result.push_str(str!(value).as_str()); result.push_str(str!(unit).as_str()); } // #selector, #id... Token::IDHash(ref value) => { curr_rule = str!(); result.push_str("#"); result.push_str(&escape(value)); } Token::UnquotedUrl(ref value) => { let is_import: bool = curr_rule == "import"; if is_import { // Reset current at-rule value curr_rule = str!(); } // Skip empty url()'s if value.len() < 1 { result.push_str("url()"); continue; } else if value.starts_with("#") { result.push_str("url("); result.push_str(value); result.push_str(")"); continue; } result.push_str("url("); if is_import { let full_url = resolve_url(&parent_url, value).unwrap_or_default(); let url_fragment = get_url_fragment(full_url.clone()); match retrieve_asset(cache, client, &parent_url, &full_url, options.silent) { Ok((css, final_url, _media_type)) => { let data_url = data_to_data_url( "text/css", embed_css( cache, client, &final_url, &String::from_utf8_lossy(&css), options, ) .as_bytes(), &final_url, ); let assembled_url: String = url_with_fragment(data_url.as_str(), url_fragment.as_str()); result.push_str(enquote(assembled_url, false).as_str()); } Err(_) => { // Keep remote reference if unable to retrieve the asset if is_http_url(full_url.clone()) { let assembled_url: String = url_with_fragment(full_url.as_str(), url_fragment.as_str()); result.push_str(enquote(assembled_url, false).as_str()); } } } } else { if options.no_images && is_image_url_prop(curr_prop.as_str()) { result.push_str(enquote(str!(empty_image!()), false).as_str()); } else { let full_url = resolve_url(&parent_url, value).unwrap_or_default(); let url_fragment = get_url_fragment(full_url.clone()); match retrieve_asset(cache, client, &parent_url, &full_url, options.silent) { Ok((data, final_url, media_type)) => { let data_url = data_to_data_url(&media_type, &data, &final_url); let assembled_url: String = url_with_fragment(data_url.as_str(), url_fragment.as_str()); result.push_str(enquote(assembled_url, false).as_str()); } Err(_) => { // Keep remote reference if unable to retrieve the asset if is_http_url(full_url.clone()) { let assembled_url: String = url_with_fragment(full_url.as_str(), url_fragment.as_str()); result.push_str(enquote(assembled_url, false).as_str()); } } } } } result.push_str(")"); } Token::Delim(ref value) => result.push_str(&value.to_string()), Token::Function(ref name) => { let function_name: &str = &name.clone(); result.push_str(function_name); result.push_str("("); let block_css: String = parser .parse_nested_block(|parser| { process_css( cache, client, parent_url, parser, options, curr_rule.as_str(), curr_prop.as_str(), function_name, ) }) .unwrap(); result.push_str(block_css.as_str()); result.push_str(")"); } Token::BadUrl(_) | Token::BadString(_) => {} } } // Ensure empty CSS is really empty if result.len() > 0 && result.trim().len() == 0 { result = result.trim().to_string() } Ok(result) } pub fn embed_css( cache: &mut HashMap>, client: &Client, parent_url: &str, css: &str, options: &Options, ) -> String { let mut input = ParserInput::new(&css); let mut parser = Parser::new(&mut input); process_css(cache, client, parent_url, &mut parser, options, "", "", "").unwrap() }