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8 years ago
# monero-full-node
docker image to run a monero full network node
# October 2018: Breaking Change
for improved security the new images will run the monero daemon under it's own user and not as root anymore!
If you simply upgrade without following the next steps you will run into this error:
`WARN blockchain.db.lmdb src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:75 Failed to open lmdb environment: Permission denied`
this can be fixed with the following steps
* stop and remove the current container: `docker stop monerod && docker rm monerod`
* change the owner of the volume to monero user `docker run -v xmrchain:/home/monero/.bitmonero -t --rm --name=monerod -u root --entrypoint=/bin/chown kannix/monero-full-node -R monero:monero .bitmonero`
* start the container `docker run -tid --restart=always -v xmrchain:/home/monero/.bitmonero -p 18080:18080 -p 18081:18081 --name=monerod kannix/monero-full-node`
**Hint:** keep in mind that you have to adapt your volume bindings to your own configuration e.g. if you followed the older version of this readme you have to use: `-v /var/data/blockchain-xmr:/home/monero/.bitmonero` instead of `-v xmrchain:/home/monero/.bitmonero`
# Usage
`docker run -tid --restart=always -v xmrchain:/home/monero/.bitmonero -p 18080:18080 -p 18081:18081 --name=monerod kannix/monero-full-node`
## Updates
Manual Way
docker stop monerod
docker rm monerod
docker pull kannix/monero-full-node
Then launch using the "how to use" command above
Automatic way
# Donations
I am supporting this image in my spare time and would be very happy about some donations to keep this going. You can support me by sending some XMR to: `47VCQgBjmLd1oMGKGcbVbzM1ND1qUWzs7Nonxip9cuNraJwVxDWQb1nU5tPfgYx4xLftnPiR1zPcgZBi4Mmoj3at39C7qp9`