export const WwwNbcnewsComExtractor = { domain: 'www.nbcnews.com', title: { selectors: ['div.article-hero-headline h1', 'div.article-hed h1'], }, author: { selectors: [ 'div.article-inline-byline span.byline-name', 'span.byline_author', ], }, date_published: { selectors: [ ['meta[name="article:published"]', 'value'], ['.flag_article-wrapper time.timestamp_article[datetime]', 'datetime'], '.flag_article-wrapper time', ], // timezone: 'America/New_York', }, lead_image_url: { selectors: [['meta[name="og:image"]', 'value']], }, content: { selectors: ['div.article-body__content', 'div.article-body'], // Is there anything in the content you selected that needs transformed // before it's consumable content? E.g., unusual lazy loaded images transforms: {}, // Is there anything that is in the result that shouldn't be? // The clean selectors will remove anything that matches from // the result clean: [], }, };