#!/usr/bin/env bash # Script Version 0008 #--------------------------------Variables------------------------------------# # Key variables used throughout the script to make maintenance easier. MedicatVersion="v21.12" Medicat256Hash='a306331453897d2b20644ca9334bb0015b126b8647cecec8d9b2d300a0027ea4' Medicat7zFile="MediCat.USB.$MedicatVersion.7z" Medicat7zFull=''MediCat\ USB\ $MedicatVersion/MediCat.USB.$MedicatVersion.7z'' # Dependencies declare -A depCommands depCommands["wget"]="wget" depCommands["7z"]="zip" depCommands["mkfs.vfat"]="mkfs" depCommands["mkntfs"]="ntfs" declare -A wget wget["nixos"]="nixos.wget" wget["default"]="wget" declare -A zip zip["arch"]="p7zip" zip["nixos"]="nixos.p7zip" zip["fedora"]="p7zip-full p7zip-plugins" zip["nobara"]="p7zip-full p7zip-plugins" zip["centos"]="p7zip p7zip-plugins" zip["alpine"]="7zip" zip["default"]="p7zip-full" declare -A mkfs mkfs["nixos"]="nixos.dosfstools" mkfs["default"]="dosfstools" declare -A ntfs ntfs["centos"]="ntfsprogs" ntfs["nixos"]="nixos.ntfs3g" ntfs["default"]="ntfs-3g" declare -A aria aria["nixos"]="nixos.aria" aria["default"]="aria2" declare -A ventoy ventoy["nixos"]="nixos.ventoy-full" ventoy["default"]="ventoy" # Other Variables sudo="sudo" # By default use sudo with package manager ventoyFS=true # By default install ventoy from github(FromSource) ventoyLauncher="sh ./ventoy/Ventoy2Disk.sh" # By default use the ventoy script # Check if the terminal supports colour and set up variables if it does. NumColours=$(tput colors) if test -n "$NumColours" && test $NumColours -ge 8; then clear="$(tput sgr0)" blackN="$(tput setaf 0)"; blackB="$(tput bold setaf 0)" redN="$(tput setaf 1)"; redB="$(tput bold setaf 1)" greenN="$(tput setaf 2)"; greenB="$(tput bold setaf 2)" yellowN="$(tput setaf 3)"; yellowB="$(tput bold setaf 3)" blueN="$(tput setaf 4)"; blueB="$(tput bold setaf 4)" magentaN="$(tput setaf 5)"; magentaB="$(tput bold setaf 5)" cyanN="$(tput setaf 6)"; cyanB="$(tput bold setaf 6)" whiteN="$(tput setaf 7)"; whiteB="$(tput bold setaf 7)" fi #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# #--------------------------------Functions------------------------------------# # Function to echo text using terminal colour codes. function colEcho() { echo -e "$1$2$clear" } # Function to wait for a user keypress. function UserWait() { read -n 1 -s -r -p "Press any key to continue" echo -e "\r \r" } # Function to ask a Yes/No question and return true or false. function YesNo() { local setCheck="" while [[ "$setCheck" != [NnYy]* ]]; do read -e -p "$1" setCheck if [[ $setCheck == [Yy]* ]]; then echo true elif [[ $setCheck == [Nn]* ]]; then echo false else colEcho $redB "Invalid input. Please enter 'Y' or 'N'." > /dev/stderr fi done } # Function to check we are not running with the elevated privileges. function CheckNotElevated { if (( "$EUID" == "0" )); then colEcho $redB "ERROR: Running with elevated privileges - do not run using sudo\n" exit 1 fi } # Function to handle dependecies list function dependenciesHandler() { $sudo $pkgmgr $update_arg local toInstall="" for command in "${!depCommands[@]}"; do if ! [ $(which $command 2>/dev/null) ]; then declare -n ref="${depCommands[$command]}" if [ -z "${ref[$os]}" ]; then toInstall+=" "${ref['default']} else toInstall+=" "${ref[$os]} fi fi done if [ "$toInstall" != "" ]; then if $os == "unknown"; then colEcho $redB "ERROR: Distro is unknown and some dependencies were not found. \n Please install the following dependencies manually: $toInstall" exit 1 fi colEcho $cyanB "The following dependencies will be installed: $toInstall" UserWait $sudo $pkgmgr $install_arg $toInstall else colEcho $cyanB "All dependencies are already installed.\n" fi } # Function to download ventoy function downloadVentoy() { local os="$1" local ventoyPackage=$2 # Identify latest Ventoy release. venver=$(wget -q -O - https://api.github.com/repos/ventoy/Ventoy/releases/latest | grep '"tag_name":' | cut -d'"' -f4) # Download latest verion of Ventoy. colEcho $cyanB "\nDownloading Ventoy Version:$whiteB ${venver: -6}" wget -q --show-progress https://github.com/ventoy/Ventoy/releases/download/v${venver: -6}/ventoy-${venver: -6}-linux.tar.gz -O ventoy.tar.gz colEcho $cyanB "\nExtracting Ventoy..." tar -xf ventoy.tar.gz colEcho $cyanB "Removing the extracted Ventory tar.gz file..." rm -rf ventoy.tar.gz # Remove the ./ventoy folder if it exists before renaming ventoy folder. if [ -d ./ventoy ]; then colEcho $cyanB "Removing the previous ./ventoy folder..." rm -rf ./ventoy/ fi colEcho $cyanB "Renaming ventoy folder to remove the version number..." mv ventoy-${venver: -6} ventoy } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# #----------------------------------Main Code----------------------------------# clear colEcho $yellowB "WELCOME TO THE MEDICAT INSTALLER.\n" CheckNotElevated colEcho $cyanB "This Installer will install Ventoy and Medicat.\n" colEcho $yellowB "THIS IS IN BETA. PLEASE CONTACT MATT IN THE DISCORD FOR ALL ISSUES.\n" colEcho $cyanB "Updated for efficiency and cross-distro use by SkeletonMan.\n" colEcho $cyanB "Enhancements by Manganar.\n" colEcho $cyanB "Thanks to @m3p89goljrf7fu9eched in the Medicat Discord for pointing out a bug.\n" colEcho $cyanB "Refactored by id3v1669.\n" # Set variables to support different distros. # This needs to be fixed later, there is a better way, but I don't currently have the time - LordSkeletonMan if grep -qs "ubuntu" /etc/os-release; then os="ubuntu" pkgmgr="apt" install_arg="install" update_arg="update" elif grep -qs "freebsd" /etc/os-release; then os="freebsd" pkgmgr="pkg" install_arg="install" update_arg="update" elif grep -qs "nixos" /etc/os-release; then os="nixos" sudo="" pkgmgr="nix-env" install_arg="-iA" update_arg="--upgrade" ventoyFS=false elif grep -qs "alpine" /etc/os-release; then os="alpine" pkgmgr="apk" install_arg="add" update_arg="update" elif [[ -e /etc/debian_version ]]; then os="debian" pkgmgr="apt" install_arg="install" update_arg="update" elif [[ -e /etc/almalinux-release || -e /etc/rocky-release || -e /etc/centos-release ]]; then colEcho $redB "Fuck Red-Hat for putting source code behind paywalls." os="centos" pkgmgr="yum" install_arg="install" update_arg="update" elif [[ -e /etc/fedora-release ]]; then os="fedora" pkgmgr="yum" install_arg="install" update_arg="update" elif [[ -e /etc/nobara ]]; then colEcho $redB "gaming moment" os="fedora" pkgmgr="yum" install_arg="install" update_arg="update" elif [[ -e /etc/arch-release ]]; then os="arch" pkgmgr="pacman" install_arg="-S --needed --noconfirm" update_arg="-Syy" else os="unknown" colEcho "WARNING: Distro not recognised - trying to continue...\n" fi colEcho $cyanB "Operating System Identified as:$whiteB $os" # Ensure dependencies are installed: wget, 7z, mkntfs, and aria2c only if Medicat 7z file is not present colEcho $cyanB "\nLocating the Medicat 7z file..." if [[ -f "$Medicat7zFile" ]]; then location="$Medicat7zFile" colEcho $cyanB "Medicat file found:$whiteB $Medicat7zFile\n" elif [[ -f "$Medicat7zFull" ]]; then location="$Medicat7zFull" colEcho $cyanB "Medicat file found:$whiteB $Medicat7zFull\n" else colEcho $cyanB "Please enter the location of$whiteB $Medicat7zFile$cyanB if it exists or just press enter to download it via bittorrent." read location fi colEcho $cyanB "Acquiring any dependencies..." if [ -z "$location" ] ; then depCommands["aria2c"]="aria" fi if $ventoyFS ; then dependenciesHandler downloadVentoy else colEcho $cyanB "INFO: Handling ventoy as a package." depCommands["ventoy"]="ventoy" dependenciesHandler ventoyLauncher="ventoy" fi # Download the missing Medicat 7z file if [ -z "$location" ] ; then colEcho $cyanB "Starting to download Medicat via bittorrent" wget https://github.com/mon5termatt/medicat_installer/raw/main/download/MediCat_USB_$MedicatVersion.torrent -O medicat.torrent aria2c --file-allocation=none --seed-time=0 medicat.torrent location="$Medicat7zFull" colEcho $cyanB "Medicat successfully downloaded:$whiteB $location" fi # Check the SHA256 hash of the Medicat zip file. colEcho $cyanB "Checking SHA256 hash of$whiteB $Medicat7zFile$cyanB..." checksha256=$(sha256sum "$location" | awk '{print $1}') if [[ "$checksha256" != "$Medicat256Hash" ]]; then colEcho $redB "$Medicat7zFile SHA256 hash does not match." colEcho $redB "File may be corrupted or compromised." colEcho $cyanB "Hash is$whiteB $checksha256" colEcho $cyanB "Exiting..." exit 1 else colEcho $greenB "$Medicat7zFile SHA256 hash matches." colEcho $cyanB "Hash is$whiteB $checksha256" colEcho $cyanB "Safe to proceed..." fi # Advise user to connect and select the required USB device. colEcho $yellowB "\nPlease Plug your USB in now if it is not already connected..." colEcho $yellowB "\nPress any key once it has been detected by your system..." UserWait colEcho $yellowB "Please Find the ID of your USB below:" lsblk --nodeps --output "NAME,SIZE,VENDOR,MODEL,SERIAL" | grep -v loop colEcho $yellowB "Enter the device for the USB drive NOT INCLUDING /dev/ OR the Number After." colEcho $yellowB "for example enter sda or sdb" read letter drive=/dev/$letter drive2="$drive""1" if $(YesNo "You want to install Ventoy and Medicat to $drive / $drive2? (Y/N) "); then colEcho $cyanB "Installation confirmed and will commence in 5 seconds..." sleep 5 else colEcho $yellowB "Installation Cancelled." exit 0 fi colEcho $cyanB "Installing Ventoy on$whiteB $drive" colEcho $blueB "MBR at max can do up to approximately 2.2 TB and will work with older BIOS systems and UEFI systems that support legacy operating systems. GPT can do up to 18 exabytes and will work with UEFI systems." if $(YesNo "Device partition layout defaults to MBR. Would you like to use GPT instead? (Y/N)"); then colEcho $yellowB "Using GPT" sudo $ventoyLauncher -I -g $drive if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then colEcho $redB "ERROR: Unable to install Ventoy. Exiting..." exit 1 fi else colEcho $yellowB "Using MBR" sudo $ventoyLauncher -I $drive if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then colEcho $redB "ERROR: Unable to install Ventoy. Exiting..." exit 1 fi fi colEcho $cyanB "Unmounting drive$whiteB $drive" sudo umount $drive colEcho $cyanB "Creating Medicat NTFS file system on drive$whiteB $drive2" sudo mkntfs --fast --label Medicat $drive2 # Create a mountpoint folder for the Medicat NTFS volume if ! [[ -d MedicatUSB/ ]] ; then colEcho $cyanB "Creating a mountpoint for the Medicat NTFS volume..." mkdir MedicatUSB fi colEcho $cyanB "Mounting Medicat NTFS volume..." sudo mount $drive2 ./MedicatUSB -t ntfs3 colEcho $cyanB "Extracting Medicat to NTFS volume..." 7z x -O./MedicatUSB "$location" colEcho $cyanB "MedicatUSB has been created." if $(YesNo "Would you like to unmount ./MedicatUSB? (Y/N) "); then colEcho $cyanB "Unmounting MedicatUSB..." sudo umount ./MedicatUSB colEcho $cyanB "Unmounted." else colEcho $cyanB "MedicatUSB will not be unmounted." fi