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26 lines
611 B

# msign PLAINMSG - generate a PGP/MIME signed message
[ -f "$1" ] || exit 1
TMPD=$(mktemp -d -t msign.XXXXXX)
trap "rm -rf '$TMPD'" INT TERM EXIT
FROM=$(maddr -a -h from "$1" | sed 1q)
[ "$FROM" ] && key="--default-key=$FROM"
awk '/^$/,0' "$1" | mmime | sed 's/$/
/' >"$TMPD"/content
gpg2 $key --armor --detach-sign -o "$TMPD"/signature.asc "$TMPD"/content ||
exit $?
sed '/^$/q' "$1"
printf '#mblaze/raw %s/content\n' "$TMPD"
printf '#application/pgp-signature %s/signature.asc\n' "$TMPD"
} |
mmime -t 'multipart/signed; micalg="pgp-sha1"; protocol="application/pgp-signature"'