You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

27 lines
482 B

#!/bin/sh -e
cd ${0%/*}
. ./
plan 2
cat <<EOF >tmp.1
Subject: message 1
This is message 1.
cat <<EOF >tmp.2
Subject: message 2
This is message 2. It has a trailing empty line.
printf >tmp.3 'Subject: message 3
This is message 3. It has a no trailing newline, oops.'
mexport ./tmp.1 ./tmp.2 ./tmp.3 >./tmp.mbox
check 'generated mbox has 16 lines' 'cat ./tmp.mbox | wc -l | grep 16'
check 'generated mbox has 7 empty lines' 'grep -c "^$" ./tmp.mbox | grep 7'