You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package loopd
import (
const (
// loopMacaroonLocation is the value we use for the loopd macaroons'
// "Location" field when baking them.
loopMacaroonLocation = "loop"
// macDatabaseOpenTimeout is how long we wait for acquiring the lock on
// the macaroon database before we give up with an error.
macDatabaseOpenTimeout = time.Second * 5
var (
// RequiredPermissions is a map of all loop RPC methods and their
// required macaroon permissions to access loopd.
RequiredPermissions = map[string][]bakery.Op{
"/looprpc.SwapClient/LoopOut": {{
Entity: "swap",
Action: "execute",
}, {
Entity: "loop",
Action: "out",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/LoopIn": {{
Entity: "swap",
Action: "execute",
}, {
Entity: "loop",
Action: "in",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/Monitor": {{
Entity: "swap",
Action: "read",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/ListSwaps": {{
Entity: "swap",
Action: "read",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/SwapInfo": {{
Entity: "swap",
Action: "read",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/LoopOutTerms": {{
Entity: "terms",
Action: "read",
}, {
Entity: "loop",
Action: "out",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/LoopOutQuote": {{
Entity: "swap",
Action: "read",
}, {
Entity: "loop",
Action: "out",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/GetLoopInTerms": {{
Entity: "terms",
Action: "read",
}, {
Entity: "loop",
Action: "in",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/GetLoopInQuote": {{
Entity: "swap",
Action: "read",
}, {
Entity: "loop",
Action: "in",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/GetLsatTokens": {{
Entity: "auth",
Action: "read",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/SuggestSwaps": {{
Entity: "suggestions",
Action: "read",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/GetLiquidityParams": {{
Entity: "suggestions",
Action: "read",
"/looprpc.SwapClient/SetLiquidityParams": {{
Entity: "suggestions",
Action: "write",
// allPermissions is the list of all existing permissions that exist
// for loopd's RPC. The default macaroon that is created on startup
// contains all these permissions and is therefore equivalent to lnd's
// admin.macaroon but for loop.
allPermissions = []bakery.Op{{
Entity: "loop",
Action: "out",
}, {
Entity: "loop",
Action: "in",
}, {
Entity: "swap",
Action: "execute",
}, {
Entity: "swap",
Action: "read",
}, {
Entity: "terms",
Action: "read",
}, {
Entity: "auth",
Action: "read",
}, {
Entity: "suggestions",
Action: "read",
}, {
Entity: "suggestions",
Action: "write",
// macDbDefaultPw is the default encryption password used to encrypt the
// loop macaroon database. The macaroon service requires us to set a
// non-nil password so we set it to an empty string. This will cause the
// keys to be encrypted on disk but won't provide any security at all as
// the password is known to anyone.
// TODO(guggero): Allow the password to be specified by the user. Needs
// create/unlock calls in the RPC. Using a password should be optional
// though.
macDbDefaultPw = []byte("")
// startMacaroonService starts the macaroon validation service, creates or
// unlocks the macaroon database and creates the default macaroon if it doesn't
// exist yet. If macaroons are disabled in general in the configuration, none of
// these actions are taken.
func (d *Daemon) startMacaroonService() error {
// Create the macaroon authentication/authorization service.
var err error
d.macaroonService, err = macaroons.NewService(
d.cfg.DataDir, loopMacaroonLocation, false,
macDatabaseOpenTimeout, macaroons.IPLockChecker,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to set up macaroon authentication: "+
"%v", err)
// Try to unlock the macaroon store with the private password.
err = d.macaroonService.CreateUnlock(&macDbDefaultPw)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to unlock macaroon DB: %v", err)
// Create macaroon files for loop CLI to use if they don't exist.
if !lnrpc.FileExists(d.cfg.MacaroonPath) {
ctx := context.Background()
// We only generate one default macaroon that contains all
// existing permissions (equivalent to the admin.macaroon in
// lnd). Custom macaroons can be created through the bakery
// RPC. Add our debug permissions if required.
allPermissions = append(allPermissions, debugPermissions...)
loopMac, err := d.macaroonService.Oven.NewMacaroon(
ctx, bakery.LatestVersion, nil, allPermissions...,
if err != nil {
return err
loopMacBytes, err := loopMac.M().MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return err
err = ioutil.WriteFile(d.cfg.MacaroonPath, loopMacBytes, 0644)
if err != nil {
if err := os.Remove(d.cfg.MacaroonPath); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to remove %s: %v",
d.cfg.MacaroonPath, err)
return err
return nil
// stopMacaroonService closes the macaroon database.
func (d *Daemon) stopMacaroonService() error {
return d.macaroonService.Close()
// macaroonInterceptor creates gRPC server options with the macaroon security
// interceptors.
func (d *Daemon) macaroonInterceptor() []grpc.ServerOption {
// Add our debug permissions to our main set of required permissions
// if compiled in.
for endpoint, perm := range debugRequiredPermissions {
RequiredPermissions[endpoint] = perm
unaryInterceptor := d.macaroonService.UnaryServerInterceptor(
streamInterceptor := d.macaroonService.StreamServerInterceptor(
return []grpc.ServerOption{