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package test
import (
// DefaultMockFee is the default value we use for fee estimates when no values
// are set for specific conf targets.
var DefaultMockFee = chainfee.SatPerKWeight(10000)
type mockWalletKit struct {
lnd *LndMockServices
keyIndex int32
feeEstimateLock sync.Mutex
feeEstimates map[int32]chainfee.SatPerKWeight
var _ lndclient.WalletKitClient = (*mockWalletKit)(nil)
func (m *mockWalletKit) ListUnspent(ctx context.Context, minConfs,
maxConfs int32, opts ...lndclient.ListUnspentOption) (
[]*lnwallet.Utxo, error) {
return nil, nil
func (m *mockWalletKit) ListLeases(
context.Context) ([]lndclient.LeaseDescriptor, error) {
return nil, nil
func (m *mockWalletKit) LeaseOutput(ctx context.Context, lockID wtxmgr.LockID,
op wire.OutPoint, duration time.Duration) (time.Time, error) {
return time.Now(), nil
func (m *mockWalletKit) ReleaseOutput(ctx context.Context,
lockID wtxmgr.LockID, op wire.OutPoint) error {
return nil
func (m *mockWalletKit) DeriveNextKey(ctx context.Context, family int32) (
*keychain.KeyDescriptor, error) {
index := m.keyIndex
_, pubKey := CreateKey(index)
return &keychain.KeyDescriptor{
KeyLocator: keychain.KeyLocator{
Family: keychain.KeyFamily(family),
Index: uint32(index),
PubKey: pubKey,
}, nil
func (m *mockWalletKit) DeriveKey(ctx context.Context, in *keychain.KeyLocator) (
*keychain.KeyDescriptor, error) {
_, pubKey := CreateKey(int32(in.Index))
return &keychain.KeyDescriptor{
KeyLocator: *in,
PubKey: pubKey,
}, nil
func (m *mockWalletKit) NextAddr(context.Context, string, walletrpc.AddressType,
bool) (btcutil.Address, error) {
addr, err := btcutil.NewAddressWitnessPubKeyHash(
make([]byte, 20), &chaincfg.TestNet3Params,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return addr, nil
func (m *mockWalletKit) PublishTransaction(ctx context.Context, tx *wire.MsgTx,
_ string) error {
m.lnd.TxPublishChannel <- tx
return nil
func (m *mockWalletKit) SendOutputs(ctx context.Context, outputs []*wire.TxOut,
feeRate chainfee.SatPerKWeight, _ string) (*wire.MsgTx, error) {
var inputTxHash chainhash.Hash
tx := wire.MsgTx{}
PreviousOutPoint: wire.OutPoint{
Hash: inputTxHash,
Index: 0,
for _, out := range outputs {
PkScript: out.PkScript,
Value: out.Value,
m.lnd.SendOutputsChannel <- tx
return &tx, nil
func (m *mockWalletKit) setFeeEstimate(confTarget int32, fee chainfee.SatPerKWeight) {
defer m.feeEstimateLock.Unlock()
m.feeEstimates[confTarget] = fee
func (m *mockWalletKit) EstimateFeeRate(ctx context.Context,
confTarget int32) (chainfee.SatPerKWeight, error) {
defer m.feeEstimateLock.Unlock()
if confTarget <= 1 {
return 0, errors.New("conf target must be greater than 1")
feeEstimate, ok := m.feeEstimates[confTarget]
if !ok {
return DefaultMockFee, nil
return feeEstimate, nil
// ListSweeps returns a list of the sweep transaction ids known to our node.
func (m *mockWalletKit) ListSweeps(_ context.Context, _ int32) (
[]string, error) {
return m.lnd.Sweeps, nil
// ListSweepsVerbose returns a list of sweep transactions known to our node
// with verbose information about each sweep.
func (m *mockWalletKit) ListSweepsVerbose(ctx context.Context, _ int32) (
[]lnwallet.TransactionDetail, error) {
return m.lnd.SweepsVerbose, nil
// BumpFee attempts to bump the fee of a transaction by spending one of
// its outputs at the given fee rate. This essentially results in a
// child-pays-for-parent (CPFP) scenario. If the given output has been
// used in a previous BumpFee call, then a transaction replacing the
// previous is broadcast, resulting in a replace-by-fee (RBF) scenario.
func (m *mockWalletKit) BumpFee(context.Context, wire.OutPoint,
chainfee.SatPerKWeight) error {
return nil
// ListAccounts retrieves all accounts belonging to the wallet by default.
// Optional name and addressType can be provided to filter through all of the
// wallet accounts and return only those matching.
func (m *mockWalletKit) ListAccounts(context.Context, string,
walletrpc.AddressType) ([]*walletrpc.Account, error) {
return nil, nil
// FundPsbt creates a fully populated PSBT that contains enough inputs
// to fund the outputs specified in the template. There are two ways of
// specifying a template: Either by passing in a PSBT with at least one
// output declared or by passing in a raw TxTemplate message. If there
// are no inputs specified in the template, coin selection is performed
// automatically. If the template does contain any inputs, it is assumed
// that full coin selection happened externally and no additional inputs
// are added. If the specified inputs aren't enough to fund the outputs
// with the given fee rate, an error is returned.
// After either selecting or verifying the inputs, all input UTXOs are
// locked with an internal app ID.
// NOTE: If this method returns without an error, it is the caller's
// responsibility to either spend the locked UTXOs (by finalizing and
// then publishing the transaction) or to unlock/release the locked
// UTXOs in case of an error on the caller's side.
func (m *mockWalletKit) FundPsbt(_ context.Context,
_ *walletrpc.FundPsbtRequest) (*psbt.Packet, int32,
[]*walletrpc.UtxoLease, error) {
return nil, 0, nil, nil
// SignPsbt expects a partial transaction with all inputs and outputs
// fully declared and tries to sign all unsigned inputs that have all
// required fields (UTXO information, BIP32 derivation information,
// witness or sig scripts) set.
// If no error is returned, the PSBT is ready to be given to the next
// signer or to be finalized if lnd was the last signer.
// NOTE: This RPC only signs inputs (and only those it can sign), it
// does not perform any other tasks (such as coin selection, UTXO
// locking or input/output/fee value validation, PSBT finalization). Any
// input that is incomplete will be skipped.
func (m *mockWalletKit) SignPsbt(_ context.Context,
_ *psbt.Packet) (*psbt.Packet, error) {
return nil, nil
// FinalizePsbt expects a partial transaction with all inputs and
// outputs fully declared and tries to sign all inputs that belong to
// the wallet. Lnd must be the last signer of the transaction. That
// means, if there are any unsigned non-witness inputs or inputs without
// UTXO information attached or inputs without witness data that do not
// belong to lnd's wallet, this method will fail. If no error is
// returned, the PSBT is ready to be extracted and the final TX within
// to be broadcast.
// NOTE: This method does NOT publish the transaction once finalized. It
// is the caller's responsibility to either publish the transaction on
// success or unlock/release any locked UTXOs in case of an error in
// this method.
func (m *mockWalletKit) FinalizePsbt(_ context.Context, _ *psbt.Packet,
_ string) (*psbt.Packet, *wire.MsgTx, error) {
return nil, nil, nil
// ImportPublicKey imports a public key as watch-only into the wallet.
func (m *mockWalletKit) ImportPublicKey(ctx context.Context,
pubkey *btcec.PublicKey, addrType lnwallet.AddressType) error {
return fmt.Errorf("unimplemented")
// ImportTaprootScript imports a user-provided taproot script into the
// wallet. The imported script will act as a pay-to-taproot address.
func (m *mockWalletKit) ImportTaprootScript(ctx context.Context,
tapscript *waddrmgr.Tapscript) (btcutil.Address, error) {
return nil, nil