You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package main
import (
var quoteCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "quote",
Usage: "get a quote for the cost of a swap",
Subcommands: []cli.Command{quoteInCommand, quoteOutCommand},
var quoteInCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "in",
Usage: "get a quote for the cost of a loop in swap",
ArgsUsage: "amt",
Description: "Allows to determine the cost of a swap up front",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: lastHopFlag.Name,
Usage: "the pubkey of the last hop to use for the " +
Action: quoteIn,
func quoteIn(ctx *cli.Context) error {
// Show command help if the incorrect number arguments was provided.
if ctx.NArg() != 1 {
return cli.ShowCommandHelp(ctx, "in")
args := ctx.Args()
amt, err := parseAmt(args[0])
if err != nil {
return err
client, cleanup, err := getClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
defer cleanup()
quoteReq := &looprpc.QuoteRequest{
Amt: int64(amt),
ConfTarget: int32(ctx.Uint64("conf_target")),
if ctx.IsSet(lastHopFlag.Name) {
lastHopVertex, err := route.NewVertexFromStr(
if err != nil {
return err
quoteReq.LoopInLastHop = lastHopVertex[:]
ctxb := context.Background()
quoteResp, err := client.GetLoopInQuote(ctxb, quoteReq)
if err != nil {
return err
// For loop in, the fee estimation is handed to lnd which tries to
// construct a real transaction to sample realistic fees to pay to the
// HTLC. If the wallet doesn't have enough funds to create this TX, we
// don't want to fail the quote. But the user should still be informed
// why the fee shows as -1.
if quoteResp.HtlcPublishFeeSat == int64(loop.MinerFeeEstimationFailed) {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Warning: Miner fee estimation "+
"not possible, lnd has insufficient funds to "+
"create a sample transaction for selected "+
printQuoteInResp(quoteReq, quoteResp, ctx.Bool("verbose"))
return nil
var quoteOutCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "out",
Usage: "get a quote for the cost of a loop out swap",
ArgsUsage: "amt",
Description: "Allows to determine the cost of a swap up front",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "conf_target",
Usage: "the number of blocks from the swap " +
"initiation height that the on-chain HTLC " +
"should be swept within in a Loop Out",
Value: uint64(loop.DefaultSweepConfTarget),
Name: "fast",
Usage: "Indicate you want to swap immediately, " +
"paying potentially a higher fee. If not " +
"set the swap server might choose to wait up " +
"to 30 minutes before publishing the swap " +
"HTLC on-chain, to save on chain fees. Not " +
"setting this flag might result in a lower " +
"swap fee.",
Action: quoteOut,
func quoteOut(ctx *cli.Context) error {
// Show command help if the incorrect number arguments was provided.
if ctx.NArg() != 1 {
return cli.ShowCommandHelp(ctx, "out")
args := ctx.Args()
amt, err := parseAmt(args[0])
if err != nil {
return err
client, cleanup, err := getClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
defer cleanup()
fast := ctx.Bool("fast")
swapDeadline := time.Now()
if !fast {
swapDeadline = time.Now().Add(defaultSwapWaitTime)
ctxb := context.Background()
quoteReq := &looprpc.QuoteRequest{
Amt: int64(amt),
ConfTarget: int32(ctx.Uint64("conf_target")),
SwapPublicationDeadline: uint64(swapDeadline.Unix()),
quoteResp, err := client.LoopOutQuote(ctxb, quoteReq)
if err != nil {
return err
printQuoteOutResp(quoteReq, quoteResp, ctx.Bool("verbose"))
return nil
func printQuoteInResp(req *looprpc.QuoteRequest,
resp *looprpc.InQuoteResponse, verbose bool) {
totalFee := resp.HtlcPublishFeeSat + resp.SwapFeeSat
fmt.Printf(satAmtFmt, "Send on-chain:", req.Amt)
fmt.Printf(satAmtFmt, "Receive off-chain:", req.Amt-totalFee)
switch {
case req.ExternalHtlc && !verbose:
// If it's external then we don't know the miner fee hence the
// total cost.
fmt.Printf(satAmtFmt, "Loop service fee:", resp.SwapFeeSat)
case req.ExternalHtlc && verbose:
fmt.Printf(satAmtFmt, "Loop service fee:", resp.SwapFeeSat)
fmt.Printf(blkFmt, "CLTV expiry delta:", resp.CltvDelta)
case verbose:
satAmtFmt, "Estimated on-chain fee:",
fmt.Printf(satAmtFmt, "Loop service fee:", resp.SwapFeeSat)
fmt.Printf(satAmtFmt, "Estimated total fee:", totalFee)
fmt.Printf(blkFmt, "Conf target:", resp.ConfTarget)
fmt.Printf(blkFmt, "CLTV expiry delta:", resp.CltvDelta)
fmt.Printf(satAmtFmt, "Estimated total fee:", totalFee)
func printQuoteOutResp(req *looprpc.QuoteRequest,
resp *looprpc.OutQuoteResponse, verbose bool) {
totalFee := resp.HtlcSweepFeeSat + resp.SwapFeeSat
fmt.Printf(satAmtFmt, "Send off-chain:", req.Amt)
fmt.Printf(satAmtFmt, "Receive on-chain:", req.Amt-totalFee)
if !verbose {
fmt.Printf(satAmtFmt, "Estimated total fee:", totalFee)
fmt.Printf(satAmtFmt, "Estimated on-chain fee:", resp.HtlcSweepFeeSat)
fmt.Printf(satAmtFmt, "Loop service fee:", resp.SwapFeeSat)
fmt.Printf(satAmtFmt, "Estimated total fee:", totalFee)
fmt.Printf(satAmtFmt, "No show penalty (prepay):", resp.PrepayAmtSat)
fmt.Printf(blkFmt, "Conf target:", resp.ConfTarget)
fmt.Printf(blkFmt, "CLTV expiry delta:", resp.CltvDelta)
fmt.Printf("%-38s %s\n",
"Publication deadline:",
time.Unix(int64(req.SwapPublicationDeadline), 0),