package main import ( "path/filepath" "" ) var ( loopDirBase = btcutil.AppDataDir("loop", false) defaultLogLevel = "info" defaultLogDirname = "logs" defaultLogFilename = "loopd.log" defaultLogDir = filepath.Join(loopDirBase, defaultLogDirname) defaultMaxLogFiles = 3 defaultMaxLogFileSize = 10 ) type lndConfig struct { Host string `long:"host" description:"lnd instance rpc address"` MacaroonDir string `long:"macaroondir" description:"Path to the directory containing all the required lnd macaroons"` TLSPath string `long:"tlspath" description:"Path to lnd tls certificate"` } type viewParameters struct{} type config struct { ShowVersion bool `short:"V" long:"version" description:"Display version information and exit"` Insecure bool `long:"insecure" description:"disable tls"` Network string `long:"network" description:"network to run on" choice:"regtest" choice:"testnet" choice:"mainnet" choice:"simnet"` SwapServer string `long:"swapserver" description:"swap server address host:port"` RPCListen string `long:"rpclisten" description:"Address to listen on for gRPC clients"` RESTListen string `long:"restlisten" description:"Address to listen on for REST clients"` LogDir string `long:"logdir" description:"Directory to log output."` MaxLogFiles int `long:"maxlogfiles" description:"Maximum logfiles to keep (0 for no rotation)"` MaxLogFileSize int `long:"maxlogfilesize" description:"Maximum logfile size in MB"` DebugLevel string `short:"d" long:"debuglevel" description:"Logging level for all subsystems {trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical} -- You may also specify =,=,... to set the log level for individual subsystems -- Use show to list available subsystems"` Lnd *lndConfig `group:"lnd" namespace:"lnd"` View viewParameters `command:"view" alias:"v" description:"View all swaps in the database. This command can only be executed when loopd is not running."` } const ( mainnetServer = "" testnetServer = "" ) var defaultConfig = config{ Network: "mainnet", RPCListen: "localhost:11010", RESTListen: "localhost:8081", Insecure: false, LogDir: defaultLogDir, MaxLogFiles: defaultMaxLogFiles, MaxLogFileSize: defaultMaxLogFileSize, DebugLevel: defaultLogLevel, Lnd: &lndConfig{ Host: "localhost:10009", }, }