syntax = "proto3"; import "common.proto"; // We can't change this to swapserverrpc, it would be a breaking change because // the package name is also contained in the HTTP URIs and old clients would // call the wrong endpoints. Luckily with the go_package option we can have // different golang and RPC package names to fix protobuf namespace conflicts. package looprpc; option go_package = ""; service SwapServer { rpc LoopOutTerms (ServerLoopOutTermsRequest) returns (ServerLoopOutTerms); rpc NewLoopOutSwap (ServerLoopOutRequest) returns (ServerLoopOutResponse); rpc LoopOutPushPreimage (ServerLoopOutPushPreimageRequest) returns (ServerLoopOutPushPreimageResponse); rpc LoopOutQuote (ServerLoopOutQuoteRequest) returns (ServerLoopOutQuote); rpc LoopInTerms (ServerLoopInTermsRequest) returns (ServerLoopInTerms); rpc NewLoopInSwap (ServerLoopInRequest) returns (ServerLoopInResponse); rpc LoopInQuote (ServerLoopInQuoteRequest) returns (ServerLoopInQuoteResponse); rpc SubscribeLoopOutUpdates (SubscribeUpdatesRequest) returns (stream SubscribeLoopOutUpdatesResponse); rpc SubscribeLoopInUpdates (SubscribeUpdatesRequest) returns (stream SubscribeLoopInUpdatesResponse); rpc CancelLoopOutSwap (CancelLoopOutSwapRequest) returns (CancelLoopOutSwapResponse); rpc Probe (ServerProbeRequest) returns (ServerProbeResponse); rpc RecommendRoutingPlugin (RecommendRoutingPluginReq) returns (RecommendRoutingPluginRes); rpc ReportRoutingResult (ReportRoutingResultReq) returns (ReportRoutingResultRes); } /** This enum defines the protocol versions that clients may adhere to. Note that this is not a flagged enum. If a particular protocol version adds a feature, then in general all the preceding features are also supported. Exception to this is when features get deprecated. */ enum ProtocolVersion { /// No protocol version reported at all. LEGACY = 0; /// Client may attempt to send the loop out payment in multiple parts. MULTI_LOOP_OUT = 1; /** Loop will use native segwit (P2WSH) htlcs by default, while externally published htlcs may use native (P2WSH) or nested (NP2WSH) segwit as well. */ NATIVE_SEGWIT_LOOP_IN = 2; /* Once the on chain loop out htlc is confirmed, the client can push the swap preimage to the server to speed up claim of their off chain htlc (acquiring incoming liquidity more quickly than if the server waited for the on chain claim tx). */ PREIMAGE_PUSH_LOOP_OUT = 3; // The client will propose a cltv expiry height for loop out. USER_EXPIRY_LOOP_OUT = 4; // The client will use the new v2 HTLC scripts. HTLC_V2 = 5; // The client creates a probe invoice so that the server can perform a // multi-path probe. MULTI_LOOP_IN = 6; // The client supports loop out swap cancelation. LOOP_OUT_CANCEL = 7; // The client is able to ask the server to probe to test inbound // liquidity. PROBE = 8; // The client may ask the server to use a custom routing helper plugin in // order to enhance off-chain payments corresponding to a swap. ROUTING_PLUGIN = 9; // The client will use the new v3 (taproot) HTLC scripts. HTLC_V3 = 10; } message ServerLoopOutRequest { bytes receiver_key = 1; bytes swap_hash = 2; uint64 amt = 3; /// The unix time in seconds we want the on-chain swap to be published by. int64 swap_publication_deadline = 4; /// The protocol version that the client adheres to. ProtocolVersion protocol_version = 5; // The requested absolute block height of the on-chain htlc. This is // subjected to min and max constraints as reported in the LoopOutTerms // response. int32 expiry = 6; // The user agent string that identifies the software running on the user's // side. This can be changed in the user's client software but it _SHOULD_ // conform to the following pattern: // Agent-Name/semver-version(/additional-info) // Examples: // loopd/v0.10.0-beta/commit=3b635821 // litd/v0.2.0-alpha/commit=326d754 string user_agent = 7; } message ServerLoopOutResponse { string swap_invoice = 1; string prepay_invoice = 2; bytes sender_key = 3; // The height at which the on-chain htlc will expire. Deprecated because the // field is already specified in the request. int32 expiry = 4 [deprecated = true]; // A human-readable message from the loop server. string server_message = 5; } message ServerLoopOutQuoteRequest { /// The swap amount. If zero, a quote for a maximum amt swap will be given. uint64 amt = 1; /// The unix time in seconds we want the on-chain swap to be published by. int64 swap_publication_deadline = 2; /// The protocol version that the client adheres to. ProtocolVersion protocol_version = 3; // The requested absolute block height of the on-chain htlc. This is // subjected to min and max constraints as reported in the LoopOutTerms // response. int32 expiry = 4; } message ServerLoopOutQuote { string swap_payment_dest = 1; /// The total estimated swap fee given the quote amt. int64 swap_fee = 2; /// Deprecated, total swap fee given quote amt is calculated in swap_fee. int64 swap_fee_rate = 3 [deprecated = true]; uint64 prepay_amt = 4; uint64 min_swap_amount = 5 [deprecated = true]; uint64 max_swap_amount = 6 [deprecated = true]; // The server-proposed cltv delta of the on-chain htlc. Deprecated because // the field is already specified in the request. int32 cltv_delta = 7 [deprecated = true]; } message ServerLoopOutTermsRequest { /// The protocol version that the client adheres to. ProtocolVersion protocol_version = 1; } message ServerLoopOutTerms { uint64 min_swap_amount = 1; uint64 max_swap_amount = 2; // The minimally accepted cltv delta of the on-chain htlc. int32 min_cltv_delta = 3; // The maximally accepted cltv delta of the on-chain htlc. int32 max_cltv_delta = 4; } message ServerLoopInRequest { bytes sender_key = 1; bytes swap_hash = 2; uint64 amt = 3; string swap_invoice = 4; bytes last_hop = 5; /// The protocol version that the client adheres to. ProtocolVersion protocol_version = 6; string probe_invoice = 7; // The user agent string that identifies the software running on the user's // side. This can be changed in the user's client software but it _SHOULD_ // conform to the following pattern: // Agent-Name/semver-version(/additional-info) // Examples: // loopd/v0.10.0-beta/commit=3b635821 // litd/v0.2.0-alpha/commit=326d754 string user_agent = 8; } message ServerLoopInResponse { bytes receiver_key = 1; int32 expiry = 2; // A human-readable message from the loop server. string server_message = 3; } message ServerLoopInQuoteRequest { /// The swap amount. If zero, a quote for a maximum amt swap will be given. uint64 amt = 1; // The destination pubkey. Will be used to retrieve cached probed routing // fee. bytes pubkey = 3; // The last hop to use. Will be used to retrieve cached probed routing fee. bytes last_hop = 4; // Optional route hints to reach the destination through private channels. repeated RouteHint route_hints = 5; /// The protocol version that the client adheres to. ProtocolVersion protocol_version = 2; } message ServerLoopInQuoteResponse { int64 swap_fee = 1; int64 swap_fee_rate = 2 [deprecated = true]; uint64 min_swap_amount = 4 [deprecated = true]; uint64 max_swap_amount = 5 [deprecated = true]; int32 cltv_delta = 6; } message ServerLoopInTermsRequest { /// The protocol version that the client adheres to. ProtocolVersion protocol_version = 1; } message ServerLoopInTerms { uint64 min_swap_amount = 1; uint64 max_swap_amount = 2; } // ServerLoopOutPushPreimageRequest pushes a preimage to the server. Note that // this call returns with no error after the server acknowledges the preimage // and does not block until the invoice is settled. message ServerLoopOutPushPreimageRequest { // The protocol version that the client adheres to. ProtocolVersion protocol_version = 1; /* Preimage is the preimage of the loop out swap that we wish to push to the server to speed up off-chain claim once the on-chain htlc has confirmed. */ bytes preimage = 2; } message ServerLoopOutPushPreimageResponse { } message SubscribeUpdatesRequest { // The protocol version that the client adheres to. ProtocolVersion protocol_version = 1; // Swap hash is the hash of the swap to subscribe to updates for. bytes swap_hash = 2; } // ServerSwapState is an enum which represents all the states a swap may have // from the server's perspective. enum ServerSwapState { // The server has created the swap. SERVER_INITIATED = 0; // The server has published the loop out on chain htlc. SERVER_HTLC_PUBLISHED = 1; // The swap completed successfully. SERVER_SUCCESS = 2; /* The swap failed for a reason that is unknown to the server, this is only set for older swaps. */ SERVER_FAILED_UNKNOWN = 3; // No htlc was confirmed in time for the loop in swap to complete. SERVER_FAILED_NO_HTLC = 4; // A loop in htlc confirmed on chain, but it did not have the correct value. SERVER_FAILED_INVALID_HTLC_AMOUNT = 5; /* We did not succeed in completing the loop in off chain payment before the timeout. */ SERVER_FAILED_OFF_CHAIN_TIMEOUT = 6; // The on chain timeout was claimed. SERVER_FAILED_TIMEOUT = 7; /* The server could not publish the loop out on chain htlc before the deadline provided. */ SERVER_FAILED_SWAP_DEADLINE = 8; // The server could not publish the loop out on chain htlc. SERVER_FAILED_HTLC_PUBLICATION = 9; // The server has published the loop out on chain timeout tx. SERVER_TIMEOUT_PUBLISHED = 10; // The swap has failed for unknown reasons, it will not be completed. SERVER_UNEXPECTED_FAILURE = 11; // The swap htlc has confirmed on chain. SERVER_HTLC_CONFIRMED = 12; // The client canceled the swap because they could not route the prepay. SERVER_CLIENT_PREPAY_CANCEL = 13; // The client canceled the swap because they could not route the swap // payment. SERVER_CLIENT_INVOICE_CANCEL = 14; /* A loop in swap was rejected because it contained multiple outputs for a single swap. */ SERVER_FAILED_MULTIPLE_SWAP_SCRIPTS = 15; /* The swap failed during creation. */ SERVER_FAILED_INITIALIZATION = 16; } message SubscribeLoopOutUpdatesResponse { // The unix timestamp in nanoseconds when the swap was updated. int64 timestamp_ns = 1; // The swap's current state. ServerSwapState state = 2; } message SubscribeLoopInUpdatesResponse { // The unix timestamp in nanoseconds when the swap was updated. int64 timestamp_ns = 1; // The swap's current state. ServerSwapState state = 2; } enum RoutePaymentType { // No reason, used to distinguish from the default value. ROUTE_UNKNOWN = 0; // Prepay route indicates that the swap was canceled because the client // could not find a route to the server for the prepay. PREPAY_ROUTE = 1; // Invoice route indicates that the swap was canceled because the client // could not find a route to the server for the swap invoice. INVOICE_ROUTE = 2; } // PaymentFailureReason describes the reason that a payment failed. These // values are copied directly from lnd. enum PaymentFailureReason { /* Payment isn't failed (yet). */ LND_FAILURE_REASON_NONE = 0; /* There are more routes to try, but the payment timeout was exceeded. */ LND_FAILURE_REASON_TIMEOUT = 1; /* All possible routes were tried and failed permanently. Or were no routes to the destination at all. */ LND_FAILURE_REASON_NO_ROUTE = 2; /* A non-recoverable error has occured. */ LND_FAILURE_REASON_ERROR = 3; /* Payment details incorrect (unknown hash, invalid amt or invalid final cltv delta) */ LND_FAILURE_REASON_INCORRECT_PAYMENT_DETAILS = 4; /* Insufficient local balance. */ LND_FAILURE_REASON_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE = 5; } message RouteCancel { // The type of the payment that failed. RoutePaymentType route_type = 1; // The htlcs that the client tried to pay the server with, if any. repeated HtlcAttempt attempts = 2; // The reason that the payment failed. PaymentFailureReason failure = 3; } message HtlcAttempt { // The number of hops from the htlc's failure hop that it needed to take // to reach the server's node. uint32 remaining_hops = 1; } message CancelLoopOutSwapRequest { // The protocol version that the client adheres to. ProtocolVersion protocol_version = 1; // The swap hash. bytes swap_hash = 2; // The payment address for the swap invoice, used to ensure that only the // swap owner can cancel the payment. bytes payment_address = 3; // Additional information about the swap cancelation. oneof cancel_info { RouteCancel route_cancel = 5; } } message CancelLoopOutSwapResponse { } message ServerProbeRequest { /// The protocol version that the client adheres to. ProtocolVersion protocol_version = 1; // The probe amount. uint64 amt = 2; // The target node for the probe. bytes target = 3; // Optional last hop to use when probing the client. bytes last_hop = 4; /* Optional route hints to reach the destination through private channels. */ repeated RouteHint route_hints = 5; } message ServerProbeResponse { } message RecommendRoutingPluginReq { ProtocolVersion protocol_version = 1; // The hash of the swap requesting a routing plugin. bytes swap_hash = 2; // The payment address for the swap invoice, used to ensure that only the // swap owner can request routing plugin recommendation. bytes payment_address = 3; } enum RoutingPlugin { // Client won't use any plugins to help with payment routing. NONE = 0; // Client will try more expensive routes for off-chain payments. LOW_HIGH = 1; } message RecommendRoutingPluginRes { // The routing plugin to use for off-chain payments. RoutingPlugin plugin = 1; } message ReportRoutingResultReq { ProtocolVersion protocol_version = 1; // The swap hash. bytes swap_hash = 2; // The payment address for the swap invoice, used to ensure that only the // swap owner can report routing result. bytes payment_address = 3; // The routing plugin that was used. RoutingPlugin plugin = 4; // Whether this payment succeeded. bool success = 5; // The number of payment attempts using the plugin. int32 attempts = 6; // Total time used in milliseconds. int64 total_time = 7; } message ReportRoutingResultRes { }