# Lightning Loop Lightning Loop is a non-custodial service offered by [Lightning Labs](https://lightning.engineering/) to bridge on-chain and off-chain Bitcoin using submarine swaps. This repository is home to the Loop client and depends on the Lightning Network daemon [lnd](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd). All of lnd’s supported chain backends are fully supported when using the Loop client: Neutrino, Bitcoin Core, and btcd. In the current iteration of the Loop software, only off-chain to on-chain swaps are supported, where the Loop client sends funds off-chain in exchange for the funds back on-chain. This is called a **Loop Out**. The service can be used in various situations: - Acquiring inbound channel liquidity from arbitrary nodes on the Lightning network - Depositing funds to a Bitcoin on-chain address without closing active channels - Paying to on-chain fallback addresses in the case of insufficient route liquidity Future iterations of the Loop software will also allow on-chain to off-chain swaps. These swaps can be useful for additional use-cases: - Refilling depleted channels with funds from cold-wallets or exchange withdrawals - Servicing off-chain Lightning withdrawals using on-chain payments, with no funds in channels required - As a failsafe payment method that can be used when channel liquidity along a route is insufficient ## Development and Support The Loop client is current in an early beta state, and offers a simple command line application. Future APIs will be added to support implementation or use of the Loop service. The [GitHub issue tracker](https://github.com/lightninglabs/loop/issues) can be used to request specific improvements or register and get help with any problems. Community support is also available in the [LND Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/lightningcommunity/shared_invite/enQtMzQ0OTQyNjE5NjU1LWRiMGNmOTZiNzU0MTVmYzc1ZGFkZTUyNzUwOGJjMjYwNWRkNWQzZWE3MTkwZjdjZGE5ZGNiNGVkMzI2MDU4ZTE) . ## Setup and Install LND and the loop client are using Go modules. Make sure that the `GO111MODULE` env variable is set to `on`. In order to execute a swap, **You need to run lnd 0.6.0+, or master built with sub-servers enabled.** ### LND If you are building from source, and not using a 0.6.0 or higher release of lnd, make sure that you are using the `master` branch of lnd. You can get this by git cloning the repository ``` git clone https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd.git ``` Once the lnd repository is cloned, it will need to be built with special build tags that enable the swap. This enables the required lnd rpc services. ``` cd lnd make install tags="signrpc walletrpc chainrpc invoicesrpc" ``` Check to see if you have already installed lnd. If you have, you will need to delete the `.macaroon` files from your lnd directory and restart lnd. **Do not delete any other files other than the `.macaroon` files** ``` // Example on Linux to see macaroons in the default directory: ls ~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet ``` This should show no `.macaroon` files. If it does? Stop lnd, delete macaroons, restart lnd. ``` lncli stop ``` Now delete the .macaroon files and restart lnd. (don't delete any other files) ### Loopd After lnd is installed, you will need to clone the Lightning Loop repo and install the command line interface and swap client service. ``` git clone https://github.com/lightninglabs/loop.git cd loop/cmd go install ./... ``` ## Execute a Swap After you have lnd and the Loop client installed, you can execute a Loop swap. The Loop client needs its own short-lived daemon which will deal with the swaps in progress. Command to start `loopd`:: ``` loopd // Or if you want to do everything in the same terminal and background loopd loopd & // For testnet mode, you'll need to specify the network as mainnet is the default: loopd --network=testnet ``` By default `loopd` attempts to connect to the lnd instance running on `localhost:10009` and reads the macaroon and tls certificate from `~/.lnd`. This can be altered using command line flags. See `loopd --help`. `loopd` only listens on localhost and uses an unencrypted and unauthenticated connection. Now that loopd is running, you can initiate a simple Loop Out. This will pay out Lightning off-chain funds and you will receive Bitcoin on-chain funds in return. There will be some chain and routing fees associated with this swap. ``` loop out ``` This will take some time, as it requires an on-chain confirmation. When the swap is initiated successfully, `loopd` will see the process through. To query in-flight swap statuses, run `loop monitor`. ## Resume When `loopd` is terminated (or killed) for whatever reason, it will pickup pending swaps after a restart. Information about pending swaps is stored persistently in the swap database. Its location is `~/.loopd//loop.db`. ## Multiple Simultaneous Swaps It is possible to execute multiple swaps simultaneously. Just keep loopd running.