10 Highlight export
Pawel edited this page 8 months ago

The bundled highlight export plugin is able to export highlights and notes added from both native reader in Kindle and the Koreader itself to Joplin and Readwise as well as local JSON, HTML, Markdown, or TXT files.

This plugin replaces the deprecated Evernote export.

1. First time setup

You can select one or more export targets from the Export Highlights > Choose Formats.

Supported services (remote)


See Joplin setup instructions here: https://github.com/koreader/koreader/wiki/Joplin


Get your Readwise authorization token from here: https://readwise.io/access_token

Memos / Flomo

Create your Access Token from the Settings menu of your Memos installation and use it in Koreader's Set Memos Token field. The Set Memos API URL should have the following format: http://<your-memos-IP>:<port>/api/v1/memo or https://your-memos.tld/api/v1/memo

Since the token is very long, you may find it easier to create a random string in Koreader, then edit the file settings.reader.lua located in Koreader -> Settings: find your random string and paste your token over it. Alternatively, create a file with your token and save it to your Koreader docs, then open it from within Koreader like any other book, copy the token, and paste it in the relevant settings field.

Supported formats (local)

Plain text

Nothing to configure


Nothing to configure


Nothing to configure


You can configure Markdown formatting by navigating to Export Highlights > Choose Formats and Services > Markdown.

2. Usage

There are two export options are available:

  1. Export all notes in this book
  2. Export all notes in your library

Upon exporting this plugin will export notes to all enabled targets.