You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

90 lines
3.3 KiB

-- helper function to convert decimal value to hex value(with trailing zeros)
function rgb_to_hex(r, g, b)
r = string.format("%x", r)
g = string.format("%x", g)
b = string.format("%x", b)
-- add trailing zeros
if #r == 1 then
r = "0" .. r
if #g == 1 then
g = "0" .. g
if #b == 1 then
b = "0" .. b
return "#" .. r .. g .. b
-- helper function to map time to JET color
function timecolor(time)
local r,g,b
local year = 3600*24*30*12
local lapse = os.time() - time
if lapse <= 1*year then
r,g,b = 255, 255*(year-lapse)/year, 0
elseif lapse > 1*year and lapse < 2*year then
r,g,b = 255*(lapse-year)/year, 255, 255*(2*year-lapse)/year
elseif lapse >= 2*year then
r,g,b = 0, 255*(lapse-2*year)/year, 255
r = r > 255 and 255 or math.floor(r)
r = r < 0 and 0 or math.floor(r)
g = g > 255 and 255 or math.floor(g)
g = g < 0 and 0 or math.floor(g)
b = b > 255 and 255 or math.floor(b)
b = b < 0 and 0 or math.floor(b)
return rgb_to_hex(r, g, b)
function htmlescape(text)
if text == nil then return "" end
local esc, _ = text:gsub('&', '&amp;'):gsub('<', '&lt;'):gsub('>', '&gt;')
return esc
function newline_to_br(text)
return text:gsub("\n", "<br/>")
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>#{= htmlescape(document_title) }#</title>
<div style="width:90%; max-width:600px; margin:0 auto; padding:5px; font-size:12pt; font-family:Georgia, serif">
#{ for _, booknotes in ipairs(clippings) do }#
<h2 style="font-size:18pt; text-align:right;">#{= htmlescape(booknotes.title) }#</h2>
<h5 style="font-size:12pt; text-align:right; color:gray;">#{= htmlescape( }#</h5>
#{ for _, chapter in ipairs(booknotes.chapters) do }#
#{ if chapter.title then }#
<div style="font-size:14pt; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; margin:0.5em;"><span>#{= htmlescape(chapter.title) }#</span></div>
#{ end }#
#{ for index, clipping in ipairs(chapter.entries) do }#
<div style="padding-top:0.5em; padding-bottom:0.5em;#{ if index > 1 then }# border-top:1px dotted lightgray;#{ end }#">
<div style="font-size:10pt; margin-bottom:0.2em; color:darkgray">
<div style="display:inline-block; width:0.2em; height:0.9em; margin-right:0.2em; background-color:#{= timecolor(clipping.time)}#;"></div>
<span>#{="%x", clipping.time) }#</span><span style="float:right">#{ if clipping.chapter then }#<b>#{= clipping.chapter }#</b>: #{ end }# #{= }#</span>
<div style="font-size:12pt">
<span>#{= newline_to_br(htmlescape(clipping.text)) }#</span>
#{ if clipping.image then }#
<en-media type="image/png" hash="#{= clipping.image.hash }#"/>
#{ end }#
#{ if clipping.note then }#
<div style="font-size:11pt; margin-top:0.2em; margin-left:2em;">
<span style="color:#888888">#{= newline_to_br(htmlescape(clipping.note)) }#</span>
#{ end }#
#{ end }#
#{ end }#
#{ end }#