You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

241 lines
9.4 KiB

--[[--This module is responsible for generating the quickstart guide.
local DataStorage = require("datastorage")
local FileConverter = require("apps/filemanager/filemanagerconverter")
local DocSettings = require("docsettings")
local Version = require("version")
local FFIUtil = require("ffi/util")
local T = FFIUtil.template
local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs")
local _ = require("gettext")
local QuickStart = {
quickstart_force_show_version = 2021070000,
local language = G_reader_settings:readSetting("language") or "en"
local version = Version:getNormalizedCurrentVersion()
local rev = Version:getCurrentRevision()
local stylesheet = [[
div.logo { float: right; }
div.logo > img { height: 4em; }
h1 { page-break-before: avoid; margin-bottom: 1em; text-transform: uppercase; }
h2 { background-color: black; color: white; text-align: center; page-break-after: avoid; text-transform: uppercase; }
hr { margin: 1em 20%; }
div.generated { font-size: x-small; }
li { margin: 0.5em 0; page-break-inside: avoid; }
blockquote { text-align: center; page-break-before: avoid; page-break-inside: avoid; } /* Markdown lines starting with '>' */
/* Inline image (icons) */
p img, blockquote img { height: 1.5em; vertical-align: bottom; }
/* Standalone image (UI screenshots) */
div.img-block { text-align: center; margin: 0.5em; }
div.img-block > img { max-height: 60vh; max-width: 80vw; }
div.break-before-avoid { page-break-before: avoid; }
div.break-after-avoid { page-break-after: avoid; }
div.table { display: table; page-break-inside: avoid; width: 100%; }
div.table > div { display: table-row; }
div.table > div > * { display: table-cell; text-indent: 0; padding: 0.3em; }
div.table > div > *:nth-child(2) { text-align: left; hyphens: none; background-color: #eeeeee; }
div.table > div > *:nth-child(3) { white-space: nowrap; }
local quickstart_guide = T(_([[
<div class="logo">![KOReader](../resources/koreader.svg)</div>
# Quickstart guide
* [User interface](#ui)
* [User interface tips](#uitips)
* [Accessing files](#afiles)
* [Transferring files](#tfiles)
* [Frontlight/backlight](#flight)
* [While reading](#reading)
* [Installing dictionaries](#dicts)
* [More info](#more)
You can access the complete user manual from [our GitHub page](
_([[## User interface <a id="ui"></a>
<div class="img-block">![Touch zones](../resources/quickstart/touchzones.png)</div>
- To show the **TOP MENU** or **BOTTOM MENU** you can click the indicated zones. You can click or swipe down the upper zone to show the **TOP MENU**.
- The **STATUS BAR** zone can be used to cycle between STATUS BAR items if one item is visible. This will also hide and show the STATUS BAR if you tap enough times.
_([[## User interface tips <a id="uitips"></a>
- You can change the interface language using:
> **TOP MENU ➔ ![Settings](../resources/icons/mdlight/appbar.settings.svg) ➔ Language**
- If you tap and hold on an option or menu item (font weight, line spacing etc.), you can set its value as **DEFAULT**. The new value will only be applied to documents opened from now on. Previously opened documents will keep their settings. You can identify default values as a STAR in menu or as a black border around indicators as seen below:
<div class="img-block break-before-avoid">![Default setting 1](../resources/quickstart/defaultsetting1.png)</div>
<div class="img-block break-before-avoid">![Default setting 2](../resources/quickstart/defaultsetting2.png)</div>
- You can see explanations for all items on the **BOTTOM MENU** by tapping and holding the name of the option. This is also available for most of the **TOP MENU** menu items.
- You can **CLOSE** full screen dialogs (History, Table of Contents, Bookmarks, Reading Statistics etc.) by swiping down
- **SCREENSHOTS** can be taken by touching opposing corners of the screen diagonally at the same time or by making a long diagonal swipe
<div class="img-block break-after-avoid">![Number picker](../resources/quickstart/numberpicker.png)</div>
- In dialogs containing adjustment arrow buttons like the one above, you can tap and hold on arrow buttons to increase / decrease the value in bigger increments
- You can **CLOSE** this type of dialog (non-full screen) by tapping outside of the window. You can **MOVE** this type of dialog by holding the window title and dragging
- You can make this type of dialog **SEMI-TRANSPARENT** (to see the text under it while adjusting a value) by tapping and holding the window title
- Tapping and holding a word brings up a dialog which allows you to search for the selection to find more occurrences in the document or to look it up on Wikipedia
- You can highlight sections by tapping and holding a word and dragging your finger
- You can move through your document via the **SKIM DOCUMENT** dialog:
> **TOP MENU ➔ ![Navigation](../resources/icons/mdlight/appbar.navigation.svg) ➔ Skim document**
_([[## Accessing files <a id="afiles"></a>
The following methods are available for accessing your books and articles:
* File Browser
* Favorites
* History
You can assign gestures for quick access to each of these dialogs.
You can also set KOReader to open with any of these dialogs on startup via:
> **TOP MENU (in File Browser) ➔ ![Filebrowser](../resources/icons/mdlight/appbar.filebrowser.svg) ➔ Start with**
_([[## Transferring files <a id="tfiles"></a>
In addition to transferring files the same way you would with the built-in reader application, other options are available depending on your device:
1. USB Mass Storage mode within KOReader
2. Cloud storage (Dropbox/FTP/Webdav)
3. SSH/SFTP access
4. Calibre transfer
5. News downloader
6. Wallabag
_([[## Frontlight/backlight <a id="flight"></a>
You can control your screen light via this menu. If you have warm lighting (normal white LEDs+orange ones) you can control them separately from this dialog:
> **TOP MENU ➔ ![Settings](../resources/icons/mdlight/appbar.settings.svg) ➔ Frontlight**
_([[## While reading <a id="reading"></a>
<div class="table"><div>
You can change the font
**TOP MENU ➔ ![Typesettings](../resources/icons/mdlight/appbar.typeset.svg) ➔ Font**
Make font bigger
**BOTTOM MENU ➔ ![Textsize](../resources/icons/mdlight/appbar.textsize.svg)**
Make font bolder
**BOTTOM MENU ➔ ![Contrast](../resources/icons/mdlight/appbar.contrast.svg)**
Invert the colors (white text on black)
**TOP MENU ➔ ![Settings](../resources/icons/mdlight/appbar.settings.svg) ➔ Night mode**
Change many formatting options
**TOP MENU ➔ ![Typesettings](../resources/icons/mdlight/appbar.typeset.svg) ➔ Style tweaks**
_([[## Installing dictionaries <a id="dicts"></a>
KOReader supports dictionary lookup in EPUB and even in scanned PDF/DJVU documents. To see the dictionary definition or translation, tap and hold a word.
To use the dictionary lookup function, first you need to install one or more dictionaries in the StarDict format. KOReader has an inbuilt dictionary installation system:
**TOP MENU ➔ ![Search](../resources/icons/mdlight/ ➔ Dictionary Settings > Download dictionaries**
_([[## More info <a id="more"></a>
You can find more information on our GitHub page
You can find other KOReader users on MobileRead forums
<div class="generated">Generated by KOReader %1.</div>
--[[-- Returns `true` if shown, `false` if the quickstart guide hasn't been
shown yet or if display is forced through a higher version number than when
it was first shown.
function QuickStart:isShown()
local shown_version = G_reader_settings:readSetting("quickstart_shown_version")
return shown_version ~= nil and (shown_version >= self.quickstart_force_show_version)
--[[-- Generates the quickstart guide in the user's language and returns its location.
The fileformat is `quickstart-en-v2015.11-985-g88308992.html`, `en` being the
language of the generated file and `v2015.11-985-g88308992` the KOReader version
used to generate the file.
@treturn string path to generated HTML quickstart guide
function QuickStart:getQuickStart()
local quickstart_dir = ("%s/help"):format(DataStorage:getDataDir())
if lfs.attributes(quickstart_dir, "mode") ~= "dir" then
local quickstart_filename = ("%s/quickstart-%s-%s.html"):format(quickstart_dir, language, rev)
if lfs.attributes(quickstart_filename, "mode") ~= "file" then
-- purge old quickstart guides
local iter, dir_obj = lfs.dir(quickstart_dir)
for f in iter, dir_obj do
if f:match("quickstart-.*%.html") then
local file_abs_path = FFIUtil.realpath(("%s/%s"):format(quickstart_dir, f))
local quickstart_html = FileConverter:mdToHtml(quickstart_guide, _("KOReader Quickstart Guide"), stylesheet)
if quickstart_html then
FileConverter:writeStringToFile(quickstart_html, quickstart_filename)
-- remember filename for file manager
self.quickstart_filename = quickstart_filename
G_reader_settings:saveSetting("quickstart_shown_version", version)
return quickstart_filename
return QuickStart