You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

79 lines
2.5 KiB

local VerticalGroup = require("ui/widget/verticalgroup")
local HorizontalGroup = require("ui/widget/horizontalgroup")
local VerticalSpan = require("ui/widget/verticalspan")
local LineWidget = require("ui/widget/linewidget")
local Button = require("ui/widget/button")
local Screen = require("ui/screen")
local Geom = require("ui/geometry")
local ButtonTable = VerticalGroup:new{
width = Screen:getWidth(),
buttons = {
{text="OK", enabled=true, callback=nil},
{text="Cancel", enabled=false, callback=nil},
sep_width = Screen:scaleByDPI(1),
padding = Screen:scaleByDPI(2),
zero_sep = false,
button_font_face = "cfont",
button_font_size = 20,
function ButtonTable:init()
--local vertical_group = VerticalGroup:new{}
if self.zero_sep then
for i = 1, #self.buttons do
local horizontal_group = HorizontalGroup:new{}
local line = self.buttons[i]
local sizer_space = self.sep_width * (#line - 1) + 2
for j = 1, #line do
local button = Button:new{
text = line[j].text,
enabled = line[j].enabled,
callback = line[j].callback,
width = (self.width - sizer_space)/#line,
bordersize = 0,
margin = 0,
padding = 0,
text_font_face = self.button_font_face,
text_font_size = self.button_font_size,
local button_dim = button:getSize()
local vertical_sep = LineWidget:new{
background = 8,
dimen = Geom:new{
w = self.sep_width,
h = button_dim.h,
table.insert(horizontal_group, button)
if j < #line then
table.insert(horizontal_group, vertical_sep)
end -- end for each button
table.insert(self, horizontal_group)
if i < #self.buttons then
end -- end for each button line
function ButtonTable:addHorizontalSep()
table.insert(self, VerticalSpan:new{ width = Screen:scaleByDPI(2) })
table.insert(self, LineWidget:new{
background = 8,
dimen = Geom:new{
w = self.width,
h = self.sep_width,
table.insert(self, VerticalSpan:new{ width = Screen:scaleByDPI(2) })
return ButtonTable