You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

437 lines
17 KiB

This code was derived from the pico_xml project
which can be found here:
The original C code, written by: Brian O. Bush
Pure Lua Version written by: William A Adams
Dramatic Speed Improvements by: Robert G Jakabosky
local ffi = require "ffi"
local bit = require "bit"
local band =
Types of characters; 0 is not valid, 1 is letters, 2 are digits
(including '.') and 3 whitespace.
local char_type ="const int[256]", {
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-- Internal states that the parser can be in at any given time.
local ST_START = 0; -- starting base state; default state
local ST_TEXT =1; -- text state
local ST_START_TAG = 2; -- start tag state
local ST_START_TAGNAME =3; -- start tagname state
local ST_START_TAGNAME_END =4; -- start tagname ending state
local ST_END_TAG =5; -- end tag state
local ST_END_TAGNAME=6; -- end tag tagname state
local ST_END_TAGNAME_END=7; -- end tag tagname ending
local ST_EMPTY_TAG=8; -- empty tag state
local ST_SPACE=9; -- linear whitespace state
local ST_ATTR_NAME=10; -- attribute name state
local ST_ATTR_NAME_END=11; -- attribute name ending state
local ST_ATTR_VAL=12; -- attribute value starting state
local ST_ATTR_VAL2=13; -- attribute value state
local ST_ERROR=14; -- error state
-- character classes that we will match against; This could be expanded if
-- need be, however, we are aiming for simple.
local CCLASS_NONE = 0; -- matches nothing; a base state
local CCLASS_LEFT_ANGLE=1; -- matches start tag '<'
local CCLASS_SLASH=2; -- matches forward slash
local CCLASS_RIGHT_ANGLE=3; -- matches end tag '>'
local CCLASS_EQUALS=4; -- matches equals sign
local CCLASS_QUOTE=5; -- matches double-quotes
local CCLASS_LETTERS=6; -- matches a-zA-Z letters and digits 0-9
local CCLASS_SPACE=7; -- matches whitespace
local CCLASS_ANY=8; -- matches any ASCII character; will match all above classes
-- Types of events: start element, end element, text, attr name, attr
-- val and start/end document. Other events can be ignored!
local EVENT_START = 0; -- Start tag
local EVENT_END = 1; -- End tag
local EVENT_TEXT = 2; -- Text
local EVENT_ATTR_NAME = 3; -- Attribute name
local EVENT_ATTR_VAL = 4; -- Attribute value
local EVENT_END_DOC = 5; -- End of document
local EVENT_MARK = 6; -- Internal only; notes position in buffer
local EVENT_NONE = 7; -- Internal only; should never see this event
local entity_refs = {
["&lt;"] = '<',
["&gt;"] = '>',
["&amp;"] = '&',
["&apos;"] = '\'',
["&quot;"] = '"',
-- Map constant values to constant names.
local STATE_NAMES = {
State transition table element; contains:
(1) current state,
(2) clazz that must match,
(3) next state if we match, and
(4) event that is emitted upon match.
-- Note: States must be grouped in match order AND grouped together!
local LEXER_STATES = {
-- [0-2] starting state, which also serves as the default state in case of error
{ state = ST_START, cclass = CCLASS_SPACE, next_state = ST_SPACE, event = EVENT_NONE },
{ state = ST_START, cclass = CCLASS_LEFT_ANGLE, next_state = ST_START_TAG, event = EVENT_NONE },
{ state = ST_START, cclass = CCLASS_ANY, next_state = ST_TEXT, event = EVENT_MARK },
-- [3-5] space state handles linear white space
{ state = ST_SPACE, cclass = CCLASS_SPACE, next_state = ST_SPACE, event = EVENT_NONE },
{ state = ST_SPACE, cclass = CCLASS_LEFT_ANGLE, next_state = ST_START_TAG, event = EVENT_TEXT },
{ state = ST_SPACE, cclass = CCLASS_ANY, next_state = ST_TEXT, event = EVENT_MARK },
-- [6-8] handle start tag
{ state = ST_START_TAG, cclass = CCLASS_LETTERS, next_state = ST_START_TAGNAME, event = EVENT_MARK },
{ state = ST_START_TAG, cclass = CCLASS_SLASH, next_state = ST_END_TAG, event = EVENT_MARK },
{ state = ST_START_TAG, cclass = CCLASS_SPACE, next_state = ST_START_TAG, event = EVENT_NONE }, -- < tag >
-- [9-12] handle start tag name
{ state = ST_START_TAGNAME, cclass = CCLASS_LETTERS, next_state = ST_START_TAGNAME, event = EVENT_NONE },
{ state = ST_START_TAGNAME, cclass = CCLASS_SPACE, next_state = ST_START_TAGNAME_END, event = EVENT_START },
{ state = ST_START_TAGNAME, cclass = CCLASS_SLASH, next_state = ST_EMPTY_TAG, event = EVENT_END },
{ state = ST_START_TAGNAME, cclass = CCLASS_RIGHT_ANGLE, next_state = ST_START, event = EVENT_START },
-- [13-16] handle start tag name end
{ state = ST_START_TAGNAME_END, cclass = CCLASS_LETTERS, next_state = ST_ATTR_NAME, event = EVENT_MARK },
{ state = ST_START_TAGNAME_END, cclass = CCLASS_SPACE, next_state = ST_START_TAGNAME_END, event = EVENT_NONE },
{ state = ST_START_TAGNAME_END, cclass = CCLASS_RIGHT_ANGLE, next_state = ST_START, event = EVENT_START },
{ state = ST_START_TAGNAME_END, cclass = CCLASS_SLASH, next_state = ST_EMPTY_TAG, event = EVENT_MARK }, -- Empty tag <br />
-- [17] handle empty tags, e.g., <br />
{ state = ST_EMPTY_TAG, cclass = CCLASS_RIGHT_ANGLE, next_state = ST_START, event = EVENT_END }, -- Empty tag <br />
-- [18] handle end tag, e.g., <tag />
{ state = ST_END_TAG, cclass = CCLASS_LETTERS, next_state = ST_END_TAGNAME, event = EVENT_NONE },
-- [19-21] handle end tag name
{ state = ST_END_TAGNAME, cclass = CCLASS_LETTERS, next_state = ST_END_TAGNAME, event = EVENT_NONE },
{ state = ST_END_TAGNAME, cclass = CCLASS_RIGHT_ANGLE, next_state = ST_START, event = EVENT_END },
{ state = ST_END_TAGNAME, cclass = CCLASS_SPACE, next_state = ST_END_TAGNAME_END, event = EVENT_END }, -- space after end tag name </br >
-- [22-23] handle ending of end tag name
{ state = ST_END_TAGNAME_END, cclass = CCLASS_SPACE, next_state = ST_END_TAGNAME_END, event = EVENT_NONE },
{ state = ST_END_TAGNAME_END, cclass = CCLASS_RIGHT_ANGLE,next_state = ST_START, event = EVENT_NONE },
-- [24-26] handle text
{ state = ST_TEXT, cclass = CCLASS_SPACE, next_state = ST_SPACE, event = EVENT_NONE },
{ state = ST_TEXT, cclass = CCLASS_LEFT_ANGLE, next_state = ST_START_TAG, event = EVENT_TEXT },
{ state = ST_TEXT, cclass = CCLASS_ANY, next_state = ST_TEXT, event = EVENT_NONE },
-- [27-29] handle attribute names
{ state = ST_ATTR_NAME, cclass = CCLASS_LETTERS, next_state = ST_ATTR_NAME, event = EVENT_MARK },
{ state = ST_ATTR_NAME, cclass = CCLASS_SPACE, next_state = ST_ATTR_NAME_END, event = EVENT_ATTR_NAME }, -- space before '=' sign
{ state = ST_ATTR_NAME, cclass = CCLASS_EQUALS, next_state = ST_ATTR_VAL, event = EVENT_ATTR_NAME }, -- <tag attr ="2">
-- [30-32] attribute name end
{ state = ST_ATTR_NAME_END, cclass = CCLASS_SPACE, next_state = ST_ATTR_NAME_END, event = EVENT_NONE },
{ state = ST_ATTR_NAME_END, cclass = CCLASS_LETTERS, next_state = ST_ATTR_NAME, event = EVENT_MARK },
{ state = ST_ATTR_NAME_END, cclass = CCLASS_EQUALS, next_state = ST_ATTR_VAL, event = EVENT_NONE },
-- [33-34] handle attribute values, initial quote and spaces
{ state = ST_ATTR_VAL, cclass = CCLASS_QUOTE, next_state = ST_ATTR_VAL2, event = EVENT_NONE },
{ state = ST_ATTR_VAL, cclass = CCLASS_SPACE, next_state = ST_ATTR_VAL, event = EVENT_NONE }, -- initial spaces before quoted attribute value
-- [35-37] handle actual attribute values
{ state = ST_ATTR_VAL2, cclass = CCLASS_QUOTE, next_state = ST_START_TAGNAME_END, event = EVENT_ATTR_VAL },
{ state = ST_ATTR_VAL2, cclass = CCLASS_LETTERS, next_state = ST_ATTR_VAL2, event = EVENT_MARK },
{ state = ST_ATTR_VAL2, cclass = CCLASS_SLASH, next_state = ST_ATTR_VAL2, event = EVENT_NONE },
-- [38] End of table marker
{ state = ST_ERROR, cclass = CCLASS_NONE, next_state = ST_ERROR, event = EVENT_NONE }
struct parse_state {
const char* buf; /* reference to buffer */
int bufsz; /* size of buf */
int mark;
int i;
int ix; /* index into buffer */
local cclass_match = {
[CCLASS_LETTERS] = "(ctype == 1 or ctype == 2)",
[CCLASS_LEFT_ANGLE] = "(c == T_LT)",
[CCLASS_SLASH] = "(c == T_SLASH)",
[CCLASS_EQUALS] = "(c == T_EQ)",
[CCLASS_QUOTE] = "(c == T_QUOTE)",
[CCLASS_SPACE] = "(ctype == 3)",
[CCLASS_ANY] = "true",
local STATES = {}
local STATE_FUNCS = {}
local function next_char(ps, state, verbose)
local i = ps.ix
if i >= ps.bufsz then
return EVENT_END_DOC, 0, i, state
ps.i = i
local c = band(ps.buf[i], 0xff);
ps.ix = i + 1
if verbose then
verbose(i, STATE_FUNCS[state], c)
-- run state function to find next state.
return state(ps, c, verbose)
local fsm_code = ''
local function code(...)
for i=1,select("#", ...) do
fsm_code = fsm_code .. tostring(select(i, ...))
local STATES, next_char, char_type = ...
local T_LT = string.byte('<')
local T_SLASH = string.byte('/')
local T_GT = string.byte('>')
local T_EQ = string.byte('=')
local T_QUOTE = string.byte('"')
-- pre-define locals for state functions.
for i=0,#STATE_NAMES do
local name = STATE_NAMES[i]
code('local ', name, '_f\n')
-- group LEXER states.
for i=1,#LEXER_STATES do
local p_state = LEXER_STATES[i]
local state = STATES[p_state.state]
local cclasses
if not state then
cclasses = {}
state = { state = p_state.state, cclasses = cclasses }
STATES[p_state.state] = state
cclasses = state.cclasses
cclasses[#cclasses + 1] = p_state
local function gen_cclass_code(prefix, cclass)
local next_state = STATE_NAMES[cclass.next_state]
if cclass.event == EVENT_MARK then
code(prefix, "if(ps.mark == 0) then ps.mark = ps.i end -- mark the position\n")
elseif cclass.event ~= EVENT_NONE then
code(prefix, "if(ps.mark > 0) then\n")
code(prefix,' return ', cclass.event,', ',next_state,'_f\n')
code(prefix, "end\n")
code(prefix,'return next_char(ps, ', next_state,'_f, verbose)\n')
-- generate state functions.
for i=0,#STATE_NAMES do
local name = STATE_NAMES[i]
local state = STATES[i]
local cclasses = state.cclasses
code('function ', name, '_f(ps, c, verbose)\n')
code(' local ctype = char_type[c]\n')
local has_any
for i=1,#cclasses do
local cclass = cclasses[i]
local id = cclass.cclass
local condition = cclass_match[id]
if id == CCLASS_ANY then
has_any = cclass
elseif i == 1 then
code(' if ', condition, ' then\n')
gen_cclass_code(' ', cclass)
code(' elseif ', condition, ' then\n')
gen_cclass_code(' ', cclass)
code(' end\n')
-- catch-all for cclass_any or goto error state.
if has_any then
gen_cclass_code(' ', has_any)
-- exit from FSM on error.
code(' return nil, ',name,'_f, c\n')
-- map state id to state function
code('STATES[', i, '] = ', name, '_f\n')
-- reverse map state function to state id
code('STATES[', name, '_f] = ', i, '\n')
-- Compile FSM code
local state_funcs = assert(loadstring(fsm_code, "luxl FSM code"))
state_funcs(STATE_FUNCS, next_char, char_type)
fsm_code = nil
local luxl = {
EVENT_ATTR_VAL = EVENT_ATTR_VAL; -- Attribute value
EVENT_END_DOC = EVENT_END_DOC; -- End of document
EVENT_MARK = EVENT_MARK; -- Internal only; notes position in buffer
EVENT_NONE = EVENT_NONE; -- Internal only; should never see this event
local luxl_mt = { __index = luxl }
function, bufflen)
local newone = {
buf = ffi.cast("const uint8_t *", buffer); -- pointer to "uint8_t *" buffer (0 based)
bufsz = bufflen; -- size of input buffer
state = ST_START; -- current state
event = EVENT_NONE; -- current event
err = 0; -- number of errors thus far
markix = 0; -- offset of current item of interest
marksz = 0; -- size of current item of interest
MsgHandler = nil; -- Routine to handle messages
ErrHandler = nil; -- Routine to call when there's an error
EventHandler = nil;
ps ='struct parse_state', {
buf = buffer,
bufsz = bufflen,
mark = 0,
i = 0,
ix = 0,
setmetatable(newone, luxl_mt);
return newone;
function luxl:Reset(buffer, bufflen)
self.buf = buffer -- pointer to "uint8_t *" buffer (0 based)
self.bufsz = bufflen -- size of input buffer
self.state = ST_START -- current state
self.event = EVENT_NONE -- current event
self.err = 0 -- number of errors thus far
self.markix = 0 -- offset of current item of interest
self.marksz = 0 -- size of current item of interest
local ps =
ps.buf = buffer
ps.bufsz = bufflen
ps.mark = 0
ps.i = 0
ps.ix = 0
function luxl:SetMessageHandler(handler)
self.MsgHandler = handler;
GetNext is responsible for moving through the stream
of characters. At the moment, it's fairly naive in
terms of character encodings.
In a more robust implementation, luxl will read from a
stream, which knows about the specific encoding, and
will hand out code points based on that particular encoding.
So, only straight ASCII for the moment.
Returns event type, starting offset, size
function luxl:GetNext()
local event, state_f, c
local ps =
ps.mark = 0
state_f = STATE_FUNCS[self.state]
event, state_f, c = next_char(ps, state_f, self.MsgHandler)
-- update state id.
self.state = STATE_FUNCS[state_f]
if not event then
-- handle error
-- default to start state
self.err = self.err + 1;
if self.ErrHandler then
self.ErrHandler(ps.i, self.state, c);
until event
-- basically we are guaranteed never to have an event of
-- type EVENT_MARK or EVENT_NONE here.
self.event = event
local markix = ps.mark
local marksz = ps.i-ps.mark
self.markix = markix
self.marksz = marksz
if(self.EventHandler) then
self.EventHandler(event, markix, marksz)
return event, markix, marksz
function luxl:Lexemes()
return function()
local event, offset, size = self:GetNext();
if(event == EVENT_END_DOC) then
return nil;
return event, offset, size;
return luxl