local logger = require("logger") local BasePowerD = { fl_min = 0, -- min frontlight intensity fl_max = 10, -- max frontlight intensity fl_intensity = nil, -- frontlight intensity battCapacity = nil, -- battery capacity device = nil, -- device object capacity_pulled_count = 0, capacity_cached_count = 10, } function BasePowerD:new(o) o = o or {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self if o.init then o:init() end return o end function BasePowerD:init() end function BasePowerD:toggleFrontlight() end function BasePowerD:setIntensityHW() end function BasePowerD:getCapacityHW() return "0" end function BasePowerD:isChargingHW() end -- Anything needs to be done before do a real hardware suspend. Such as turn off -- front light. function BasePowerD:beforeSuspend() end -- Anything needs to be done after do a real hardware resume. Such as resume -- front light state. function BasePowerD:afterResume() end function BasePowerD:read_int_file(file) local fd = io.open(file, "r") if fd then local int = fd:read("*all"):match("%d+") fd:close() return int and tonumber(int) or 0 else return 0 end end function BasePowerD:read_str_file(file) local fd = io.open(file, "r") if fd then local str = fd:read("*all") fd:close() return str else return "" end end function BasePowerD:normalizeIntensity(intensity) intensity = intensity < self.fl_min and self.fl_min or intensity return intensity > self.fl_max and self.fl_max or intensity end function BasePowerD:setIntensity(intensity) if intensity == self.fl_intensity then return end self.fl_intensity = self:normalizeIntensity(intensity) logger.dbg("set light intensity", self.fl_intensity) self:setIntensityHW() end function BasePowerD:getCapacity() if self.capacity_pulled_count == self.capacity_cached_count then self.capacity_pulled_count = 0 return self:getCapacityHW() else self.capacity_pulled_count = self.capacity_pulled_count + 1 return self.battCapacity or self:getCapacityHW() end end function BasePowerD:refreshCapacity() -- We want our next getCapacity call to actually pull up to date info -- instead of a cached value ;) self.capacity_pulled_count = self.capacity_cached_count end function BasePowerD:isCharging() return self:isChargingHW() end return BasePowerD