local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local BottomContainer = require("ui/widget/container/bottomcontainer") local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer") local Device = require("device") local Event = require("ui/event") local FocusManager = require("ui/widget/focusmanager") local Font = require("ui/font") local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange") local HorizontalGroup = require("ui/widget/horizontalgroup") local HorizontalSpan = require("ui/widget/horizontalspan") local ImageWidget = require("ui/widget/imagewidget") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local KeyboardLayoutDialog = require("ui/widget/keyboardlayoutdialog") local Size = require("ui/size") local TextWidget = require("ui/widget/textwidget") local TimeVal = require("ui/timeval") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local VerticalGroup = require("ui/widget/verticalgroup") local VerticalSpan = require("ui/widget/verticalspan") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local Screen = Device.screen local keyboard_state = { force_current_layout = false, -- Set to true to get/set current layout (instead of default layout) } local DEFAULT_LABEL_SIZE = 22 local VirtualKeyPopup local VirtualKey = InputContainer:new{ key = nil, icon = nil, label = nil, bold = nil, keyboard = nil, callback = nil, -- This is to inhibit the key's own refresh (useful to avoid conflicts on Layer changing keys) skiptap = nil, skiphold = nil, width = nil, height = math.max(Screen:getWidth(), Screen:getHeight())*0.33, bordersize = 0, focused_bordersize = Size.border.default, radius = 0, face = Font:getFace("infont"), } function VirtualKey:init() local label_font_size = G_reader_settings:readSetting("keyboard_key_font_size", DEFAULT_LABEL_SIZE) self.face = Font:getFace("infont", label_font_size) self.bold = G_reader_settings:isTrue("keyboard_key_bold") if self.keyboard.symbolmode_keys[self.label] ~= nil then self.callback = function () self.keyboard:setLayer("Sym") end self.skiptap = true elseif self.keyboard.shiftmode_keys[self.label] ~= nil then self.callback = function () self.keyboard:setLayer("Shift") end self.skiptap = true elseif self.keyboard.utf8mode_keys[self.label] ~= nil then self.key_chars = self:genKeyboardLayoutKeyChars() self.callback = function () local current = G_reader_settings:readSetting("keyboard_layout") local default = G_reader_settings:readSetting("keyboard_layout_default") local keyboard_layouts = G_reader_settings:readSetting("keyboard_layouts", {}) local next_layout = nil local layout_index = util.arrayContains(keyboard_layouts, current) if layout_index then if layout_index == #keyboard_layouts then layout_index = 1 else layout_index = layout_index + 1 end else if default and current ~= default then next_layout = default else layout_index = 1 end end next_layout = next_layout or keyboard_layouts[layout_index] or "en" self.keyboard:setKeyboardLayout(next_layout) end self.hold_callback = function() if util.tableSize(self.key_chars) > 5 then -- 2 or more layouts enabled self.popup = VirtualKeyPopup:new{ parent_key = self, } else self.keyboard_layout_dialog = KeyboardLayoutDialog:new{ parent = self, keyboard_state = keyboard_state, } UIManager:show(self.keyboard_layout_dialog) end end self.hold_cb_is_popup = true self.swipe_callback = function(ges) local key_function = self.key_chars[ges.direction.."_func"] if key_function then key_function() end end self.skiptap = true elseif self.keyboard.umlautmode_keys[self.label] ~= nil then self.callback = function () self.keyboard:setLayer("Äéß") end self.skiptap = true elseif self.label == "" then self.callback = function () self.keyboard:delChar() end self.hold_callback = function () self.ignore_key_release = true -- don't have delChar called on release self.keyboard:delToStartOfLine() end --self.skiphold = true elseif self.label == "←" then self.callback = function() self.keyboard:leftChar() end self.hold_callback = function() self.ignore_key_release = true self.keyboard:goToStartOfLine() end elseif self.label == "→" then self.callback = function() self.keyboard:rightChar() end self.hold_callback = function() self.ignore_key_release = true self.keyboard:goToEndOfLine() end elseif self.label == "↑" then self.callback = function() self.keyboard:upLine() end self.hold_callback = function() self.ignore_key_release = true self.keyboard:scrollUp() end elseif self.label == "↓" then self.callback = function() self.keyboard:downLine() end self.hold_callback = function() self.ignore_key_release = true self.keyboard:scrollDown() end else self.callback = function () self.keyboard:addChar(self.key) end self.hold_callback = function() if not self.key_chars then return end VirtualKeyPopup:new{ parent_key = self, } end self.hold_cb_is_popup = true self.swipe_callback = function(ges) local key_string = self.key_chars[ges.direction] or self.key local key_function = self.key_chars[ges.direction.."_func"] if not key_function and key_string then if type(key_string) == "table" and key_string.key then key_string = key_string.key end self.keyboard:addChar(key_string) elseif key_function then key_function() end end end local label_widget if self.icon then -- Scale icon to fit other characters height -- (use *1.5 as our icons have a bit of white padding) local icon_height = math.ceil(self.face.size * 1.5) label_widget = ImageWidget:new{ file = self.icon, scale_factor = 0, -- keep icon aspect ratio height = icon_height, width = self.width - 2*self.bordersize, } else label_widget = TextWidget:new{ text = self.label, face = self.face, bold = self.bold or false, } -- Make long labels fit by decreasing font size local max_width = self.width - 2*self.bordersize - 2*Size.padding.small while label_widget:getWidth() > max_width do local new_size = label_widget.face.orig_size - 1 label_widget:free() if new_size < 8 then break end -- don't go too small label_widget = TextWidget:new{ text = self.label, face = Font:getFace(self.face.orig_font, new_size), bold = self.bold or false, } end end if self.alt_label then local OverlapGroup = require("ui/widget/overlapgroup") local alt_label_widget = TextWidget:new{ text = self.alt_label, face = Font:getFace(self.face.orig_font, label_font_size - 4), bold = self.bold or false, fgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY, padding = 0, -- no additional padding to font line height } local key_inner_dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width - 2*self.bordersize - 2*Size.padding.default, h = self.height - 2*self.bordersize - 2*Size.padding.small, -- already some padding via line height } label_widget = OverlapGroup:new{ CenterContainer:new{ dimen = key_inner_dimen, label_widget, }, WidgetContainer:new{ overlap_align = "right", dimen = Geom:new{ w = alt_label_widget:getSize().w, h = key_inner_dimen.h, }, alt_label_widget, }, } end self[1] = FrameContainer:new{ margin = 0, bordersize = self.bordersize, background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, radius = 0, padding = 0, allow_mirroring = false, CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width - 2*self.bordersize, h = self.height - 2*self.bordersize, }, label_widget, }, } self.dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width, h = self.height, } --self.dimen = self[1]:getSize() if Device:isTouchDevice() then self.ges_events = { TapSelect = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = self.dimen, }, }, HoldSelect = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "hold", range = self.dimen, }, }, HoldReleaseKey = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "hold_release", range = self.dimen, }, }, PanReleaseKey = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "pan_release", range = self.dimen, }, }, SwipeKey = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "swipe", range = self.dimen, }, }, } end if (self.keyboard.shiftmode_keys[self.label] ~= nil and self.keyboard.shiftmode) or (self.keyboard.umlautmode_keys[self.label] ~= nil and self.keyboard.umlautmode) or (self.keyboard.symbolmode_keys[self.label] ~= nil and self.keyboard.symbolmode) then self[1].background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY end self.flash_keyboard = G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("flash_keyboard") end function VirtualKey:genKeyboardLayoutKeyChars() local positions = { "northeast", "north", "northwest", "west", } local keyboard_layouts = G_reader_settings:readSetting("keyboard_layouts", {}) local key_chars = { { label = "🌐", }, east = { label = "⋮", }, east_func = function () UIManager:close(self.popup) self.keyboard_layout_dialog = KeyboardLayoutDialog:new{ parent = self, keyboard_state = keyboard_state, } UIManager:show(self.keyboard_layout_dialog) end, } for i = 1, #keyboard_layouts do key_chars[positions[i]] = string.sub(keyboard_layouts[i], 1, 2) key_chars[positions[i] .. "_func"] = function() UIManager:close(self.popup) self.keyboard:setKeyboardLayout(keyboard_layouts[i]) end end return key_chars end -- NOTE: We currently don't ever set want_flash to true (c.f., our invert method). function VirtualKey:update_keyboard(want_flash, want_fast) -- NOTE: We mainly use "fast" when inverted & "ui" when not, with a cherry on top: -- we flash the *full* keyboard instead when we release a hold. if want_flash then UIManager:setDirty(self.keyboard, function() return "flashui", self.keyboard[1][1].dimen end) else local refresh_type = "ui" if want_fast then refresh_type = "fast" end -- Only repaint the key itself, not the full board... UIManager:widgetRepaint(self[1], self[1].dimen.x, self[1].dimen.y) UIManager:setDirty(nil, function() logger.dbg("update key region", self[1].dimen) return refresh_type, self[1].dimen end) end end function VirtualKey:onFocus() self[1].inner_bordersize = self.focused_bordersize end function VirtualKey:onUnfocus() self[1].inner_bordersize = 0 end function VirtualKey:onTapSelect(skip_flash) Device:performHapticFeedback("KEYBOARD_TAP") -- just in case it's not flipped to false on hold release where it's supposed to self.keyboard.ignore_first_hold_release = false if self.flash_keyboard and not skip_flash and not self.skiptap then self:invert(true) UIManager:forceRePaint() UIManager:yieldToEPDC() self:invert(false) if self.callback then self.callback() end UIManager:forceRePaint() else if self.callback then self.callback() end end return true end function VirtualKey:onHoldSelect() Device:performHapticFeedback("LONG_PRESS") -- No visual feedback necessary if we're going to show a popup on top of the key ;). if self.flash_keyboard and not self.skiphold and not self.hold_cb_is_popup then self:invert(true) UIManager:forceRePaint() UIManager:yieldToEPDC() -- NOTE: We do *NOT* set hold to true here, -- because some mxcfb drivers apparently like to merge the flash that it would request -- with the following key redraw, leading to an unsightly double flash :/. self:invert(false) if self.hold_callback then self.hold_callback() end UIManager:forceRePaint() else if self.hold_callback then self.hold_callback() end end return true end function VirtualKey:onSwipeKey(arg, ges) Device:performHapticFeedback("KEYBOARD_TAP") if self.flash_keyboard and not self.skipswipe then self:invert(true) UIManager:forceRePaint() UIManager:yieldToEPDC() self:invert(false) if self.swipe_callback then self.swipe_callback(ges) end UIManager:forceRePaint() else if self.swipe_callback then self.swipe_callback(ges) end end return true end function VirtualKey:onHoldReleaseKey() if self.ignore_key_release then self.ignore_key_release = nil return true end Device:performHapticFeedback("LONG_PRESS") if self.keyboard.ignore_first_hold_release then self.keyboard.ignore_first_hold_release = false return true end self:onTapSelect() return true end function VirtualKey:onPanReleaseKey() if self.ignore_key_release then self.ignore_key_release = nil return true end Device:performHapticFeedback("LONG_PRESS") if self.keyboard.ignore_first_hold_release then self.keyboard.ignore_first_hold_release = false return true end self:onTapSelect() return true end -- NOTE: We currently don't ever set hold to true (c.f., our onHoldSelect method) function VirtualKey:invert(invert, hold) if invert then self[1].inner_bordersize = self.focused_bordersize else self[1].inner_bordersize = 0 end self:update_keyboard(hold, false) end VirtualKeyPopup = FocusManager:new{ modal = true, disable_double_tap = true, inputbox = nil, layout = {}, } function VirtualKeyPopup:onTapClose(arg, ges) if ges.pos:notIntersectWith(self[1][1].dimen) then UIManager:close(self) return true end return false end function VirtualKeyPopup:onClose() UIManager:close(self) return true end function VirtualKeyPopup:onCloseWidget() self:free() UIManager:setDirty(nil, function() return "ui", self[1][1].dimen end) end function VirtualKeyPopup:onPressKey() local item = self:getFocusItem() if item then item:handleEvent(Event:new("TapSelect")) return true end return false end function VirtualKeyPopup:init() local parent_key = self.parent_key local key_chars = parent_key.key_chars local key_char_orig = key_chars[1] local key_char_orig_func = parent_key.callback local rows = { extra_key_chars = { key_chars[2], key_chars[3], key_chars[4], -- _func equivalent for unnamed extra keys key_chars[5], key_chars[6], key_chars[7], }, top_key_chars = { key_chars.northwest, key_chars.north, key_chars.northeast, key_chars.northwest_func, key_chars.north_func, key_chars.northeast_func, }, middle_key_chars = { key_chars.west, key_char_orig, key_chars.east, key_chars.west_func, key_char_orig_func, key_chars.east_func, }, bottom_key_chars = { key_chars.southwest, key_chars.south, key_chars.southeast, key_chars.southwest_func, key_chars.south_func, key_chars.southeast_func, }, } if util.tableSize(rows.extra_key_chars) == 0 then rows.extra_key_chars = nil end if util.tableSize(rows.top_key_chars) == 0 then rows.top_key_chars = nil end -- we should always have a middle if util.tableSize(rows.bottom_key_chars) == 0 then rows.bottom_key_chars = nil end -- to store if a column exists local columns = {} local blank = { HorizontalSpan:new{width = 0}, HorizontalSpan:new{width = parent_key.width}, HorizontalSpan:new{width = 0}, } local h_key_padding = { HorizontalSpan:new{width = 0}, HorizontalSpan:new{width = parent_key.keyboard.key_padding}, HorizontalSpan:new{width = 0}, } local v_key_padding = VerticalSpan:new{width = parent_key.keyboard.key_padding} local vertical_group = VerticalGroup:new{ allow_mirroring = false } local horizontal_group_extra = HorizontalGroup:new{ allow_mirroring = false } local horizontal_group_top = HorizontalGroup:new{ allow_mirroring = false } local horizontal_group_middle = HorizontalGroup:new{ allow_mirroring = false } local horizontal_group_bottom = HorizontalGroup:new{ allow_mirroring = false } local function horizontalRow(chars, group) local layout_horizontal = {} for i = 1,3 do local v = chars[i] local v_func = chars[i+3] if v then columns[i] = true blank[i].width = blank[2].width if i == 1 then h_key_padding[i].width = h_key_padding[2].width end local key = type(v) == "table" and v.key or v local label = type(v) == "table" and v.label or key local icon = type(v) == "table" and v.icon local bold = type(v) == "table" and v.bold local virtual_key = VirtualKey:new{ key = key, label = label, icon = icon, bold = bold, keyboard = parent_key.keyboard, key_chars = key_chars, width = parent_key.width, height = parent_key.height, } -- Support any function as a callback. if v_func then virtual_key.callback = v_func end -- don't open another popup on hold virtual_key.hold_callback = nil -- close popup on hold release virtual_key.onHoldReleaseKey = function() -- NOTE: Check our *parent* key! if parent_key.ignore_key_release then parent_key.ignore_key_release = nil return true end Device:performHapticFeedback("LONG_PRESS") if virtual_key.keyboard.ignore_first_hold_release then virtual_key.keyboard.ignore_first_hold_release = false return true end virtual_key:onTapSelect(true) UIManager:close(self) return true end virtual_key.onPanReleaseKey = virtual_key.onHoldReleaseKey if v == key_char_orig then virtual_key[1].background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY -- restore ability to hold/pan release on central key after opening popup virtual_key._keyOrigHoldPanHandler = function() virtual_key.onHoldReleaseKey = virtual_key._onHoldReleaseKey virtual_key.onPanReleaseKey = virtual_key._onPanReleaseKey end virtual_key._onHoldReleaseKey = virtual_key.onHoldReleaseKey virtual_key.onHoldReleaseKey = virtual_key._keyOrigHoldPanHandler virtual_key._onPanReleaseKey = virtual_key.onPanReleaseKey virtual_key.onPanReleaseKey = virtual_key._keyOrigHoldPanHandler end table.insert(group, virtual_key) table.insert(layout_horizontal, virtual_key) else table.insert(group, blank[i]) end table.insert(group, h_key_padding[i]) end table.insert(vertical_group, group) table.insert(self.layout, layout_horizontal) end if rows.extra_key_chars then horizontalRow(rows.extra_key_chars, horizontal_group_extra) table.insert(vertical_group, v_key_padding) end if rows.top_key_chars then horizontalRow(rows.top_key_chars, horizontal_group_top) table.insert(vertical_group, v_key_padding) end -- always middle row horizontalRow(rows.middle_key_chars, horizontal_group_middle) if rows.bottom_key_chars then table.insert(vertical_group, v_key_padding) horizontalRow(rows.bottom_key_chars, horizontal_group_bottom) end if not columns[3] then h_key_padding[2].width = 0 end local num_rows = util.tableSize(rows) local num_columns = util.tableSize(columns) local keyboard_frame = FrameContainer:new{ margin = 0, bordersize = Size.border.default, background = G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("keyboard_key_border") and Blitbuffer.COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY or Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, radius = 0, padding = parent_key.keyboard.padding, allow_mirroring = false, CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = parent_key.width*num_columns + 2*Size.border.default + (num_columns+1)*parent_key.keyboard.key_padding, h = parent_key.height*num_rows + 2*Size.border.default + (num_rows+1)*parent_key.keyboard.key_padding, }, vertical_group, } } keyboard_frame.dimen = keyboard_frame:getSize() self.ges_events = { TapClose = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", } }, } self.tap_interval_override = G_reader_settings:readSetting("ges_tap_interval_on_keyboard", 0) self.tap_interval_override = TimeVal:new{ usec = self.tap_interval_override } if Device:hasDPad() then self.key_events.PressKey = { {"Press"}, doc = "select key" } end if Device:hasKeys() then self.key_events.Close = { {Device.input.group.Back}, doc = "close keyboard" } end local offset_x = 2*keyboard_frame.bordersize + keyboard_frame.padding + parent_key.keyboard.key_padding if columns[1] then offset_x = offset_x + parent_key.width + parent_key.keyboard.key_padding end local offset_y = 2*keyboard_frame.bordersize + keyboard_frame.padding + parent_key.keyboard.key_padding if rows.extra_key_chars then offset_y = offset_y + parent_key.height + parent_key.keyboard.key_padding end if rows.top_key_chars then offset_y = offset_y + parent_key.height + parent_key.keyboard.key_padding end local position_container = WidgetContainer:new{ dimen = { x = parent_key.dimen.x - offset_x, y = parent_key.dimen.y - offset_y, h = Screen:getSize().h, w = Screen:getSize().w, }, keyboard_frame, } if position_container.dimen.x < 0 then position_container.dimen.x = 0 -- We effectively move the popup, which means the key underneath our finger may no longer *exactly* be parent_key. -- Make sure we won't close the popup right away, as that would risk being a *different* key, in order to make that less confusing. parent_key.ignore_key_release = true elseif position_container.dimen.x + keyboard_frame.dimen.w > Screen:getWidth() then position_container.dimen.x = Screen:getWidth() - keyboard_frame.dimen.w parent_key.ignore_key_release = true end if position_container.dimen.y < 0 then position_container.dimen.y = 0 parent_key.ignore_key_release = true elseif position_container.dimen.y + keyboard_frame.dimen.h > Screen:getHeight() then position_container.dimen.y = Screen:getHeight() - keyboard_frame.dimen.h parent_key.ignore_key_release = true end self[1] = position_container UIManager:show(self) UIManager:setDirty(self, function() return "ui", keyboard_frame.dimen end) end local VirtualKeyboard = FocusManager:new{ name = "VirtualKeyboard", modal = true, disable_double_tap = true, inputbox = nil, KEYS = {}, -- table to store layouts shiftmode_keys = {}, symbolmode_keys = {}, utf8mode_keys = {}, umlautmode_keys = {}, keyboard_layer = 2, shiftmode = false, symbolmode = false, umlautmode = false, layout = {}, height = nil, default_label_size = DEFAULT_LABEL_SIZE, bordersize = Size.border.default, padding = 0, key_padding = Size.padding.small, lang_to_keyboard_layout = { ar_AA = "ar_AA_keyboard", bg_BG = "bg_keyboard", de = "de_keyboard", el = "el_keyboard", en = "en_keyboard", es = "es_keyboard", fa = "fa_keyboard", fr = "fr_keyboard", he = "he_keyboard", ja = "ja_keyboard", ka = "ka_keyboard", pl = "pl_keyboard", pt_BR = "pt_keyboard", ro = "ro_keyboard", ko_KR = "ko_KR_keyboard", ru = "ru_keyboard", tr = "tr_keyboard", }, lang_has_submenu = { ja = true, }, } function VirtualKeyboard:init() if self.uwrap_func then self.uwrap_func() self.uwrap_func = nil end local lang = self:getKeyboardLayout() local keyboard_layout = self.lang_to_keyboard_layout[lang] or self.lang_to_keyboard_layout["en"] local keyboard = require("ui/data/keyboardlayouts/" .. keyboard_layout) self.KEYS = keyboard.keys self.shiftmode_keys = keyboard.shiftmode_keys self.symbolmode_keys = keyboard.symbolmode_keys self.utf8mode_keys = keyboard.utf8mode_keys self.umlautmode_keys = keyboard.umlautmode_keys self.width = Screen:getWidth() local keys_height = G_reader_settings:isTrue("keyboard_key_compact") and 48 or 64 self.height = Screen:scaleBySize(keys_height * #self.KEYS) self.min_layer = keyboard.min_layer self.max_layer = keyboard.max_layer self:initLayer(self.keyboard_layer) self.tap_interval_override = G_reader_settings:readSetting("ges_tap_interval_on_keyboard", 0) self.tap_interval_override = TimeVal:new{ usec = self.tap_interval_override } if Device:hasDPad() then self.key_events.PressKey = { {"Press"}, doc = "select key" } end if Device:hasKeys() then self.key_events.Close = { {"Back"}, doc = "close keyboard" } end if keyboard.wrapInputBox then self.uwrap_func = keyboard.wrapInputBox(self.inputbox) or self.uwrap_func end if Device:hasDPad() and Device:hasKeyboard() and Device:isTouchDevice() then -- hadDPad() would have FocusManager handle arrow keys strokes to navigate -- and activate this VirtualKeyboard's touch keys (needed on non-touch Kindle). -- If we have a keyboard, we'd prefer arrow keys (and Enter, and Del) to be -- handled by InputText to navigate the cursor inside the text box, and to -- add newline and delete chars. And if we are a touch device, we don't -- need focus manager to help us navigate keys and fields. -- So, disable all key_event handled by FocusManager self.key_events.FocusLeft = nil self.key_events.FocusRight = nil self.key_events.FocusUp = nil self.key_events.FocusDown = nil self.key_events.PressKey = nil -- added above end end function VirtualKeyboard:getKeyboardLayout() if G_reader_settings:isFalse("keyboard_remember_layout") and not keyboard_state.force_current_layout then local lang = G_reader_settings:readSetting("keyboard_layout_default") or G_reader_settings:readSetting("keyboard_layout", "en") G_reader_settings:saveSetting("keyboard_layout", lang) end return G_reader_settings:readSetting("keyboard_layout") or G_reader_settings:readSetting("language") end function VirtualKeyboard:setKeyboardLayout(layout) keyboard_state.force_current_layout = true local prev_keyboard_height = self.dimen and self.dimen.h G_reader_settings:saveSetting("keyboard_layout", layout) self:init() if prev_keyboard_height and self.dimen.h ~= prev_keyboard_height then self:_refresh(true, true) -- Keyboard height change: notify parent (InputDialog) if self.inputbox and self.inputbox.parent and self.inputbox.parent.onKeyboardHeightChanged then self.inputbox.parent:onKeyboardHeightChanged() end else self:_refresh(true) end keyboard_state.force_current_layout = false end function VirtualKeyboard:onClose() UIManager:close(self) return true end function VirtualKeyboard:onPressKey() local item = self:getFocusItem() if item then item:handleEvent(Event:new("TapSelect")) return true end return false end function VirtualKeyboard:_refresh(want_flash, fullscreen) local refresh_type = "ui" if want_flash then refresh_type = "flashui" end if fullscreen then UIManager:setDirty("all", refresh_type) return end UIManager:setDirty(self, function() return refresh_type, self[1][1].dimen end) end function VirtualKeyboard:onShow() self:_refresh(true) return true end function VirtualKeyboard:onCloseWidget() self:_refresh(false) end function VirtualKeyboard:initLayer(layer) local function VKLayer(b1, b2, b3) local function boolnum(bool) return bool and 1 or 0 end return 2 - boolnum(b1) + 2 * boolnum(b2) + 4 * boolnum(b3) end if layer then -- to be sure layer is selected properly layer = math.max(layer, self.min_layer) layer = math.min(layer, self.max_layer) self.keyboard_layer = layer -- fill the layer modes self.shiftmode = (layer == 1 or layer == 3 or layer == 5 or layer == 7 or layer == 9 or layer == 11) self.symbolmode = (layer == 3 or layer == 4 or layer == 7 or layer == 8 or layer == 11 or layer == 12) self.umlautmode = (layer == 5 or layer == 6 or layer == 7 or layer == 8) else -- or, without input parameter, restore layer from current layer modes self.keyboard_layer = VKLayer(self.shiftmode, self.symbolmode, self.umlautmode) end self:addKeys() end function VirtualKeyboard:addKeys() self:free() -- free previous keys' TextWidgets self.layout = {} local base_key_width = math.floor((self.width - (#self.KEYS[1] + 1)*self.key_padding - 2*self.padding)/#self.KEYS[1]) local base_key_height = math.floor((self.height - (#self.KEYS + 1)*self.key_padding - 2*self.padding)/#self.KEYS) local h_key_padding = HorizontalSpan:new{width = self.key_padding} local v_key_padding = VerticalSpan:new{width = self.key_padding} local vertical_group = VerticalGroup:new{ allow_mirroring = false } for i = 1, #self.KEYS do local horizontal_group = HorizontalGroup:new{ allow_mirroring = false } local layout_horizontal = {} for j = 1, #self.KEYS[i] do local key local key_chars = self.KEYS[i][j][self.keyboard_layer] local label local alt_label local width_factor if type(key_chars) == "table" then key = key_chars[1] label = key_chars.label alt_label = key_chars.alt_label width_factor = key_chars.width else key = key_chars key_chars = nil end width_factor = width_factor or self.KEYS[i][j].width or self.KEYS[i].width or 1.0 local key_width = math.floor((base_key_width + self.key_padding) * width_factor) - self.key_padding local key_height = base_key_height label = label or self.KEYS[i][j].label or key local virtual_key = VirtualKey:new{ key = key, key_chars = key_chars, icon = self.KEYS[i][j].icon, label = label, alt_label = alt_label, bold = self.KEYS[i][j].bold, keyboard = self, width = key_width, height = key_height, } if not virtual_key.key_chars then virtual_key.swipe_callback = nil end table.insert(horizontal_group, virtual_key) table.insert(layout_horizontal, virtual_key) if j ~= #self.KEYS[i] then table.insert(horizontal_group, h_key_padding) end end table.insert(vertical_group, horizontal_group) table.insert(self.layout, layout_horizontal) if i ~= #self.KEYS then table.insert(vertical_group, v_key_padding) end end local keyboard_frame = FrameContainer:new{ margin = 0, bordersize = Size.border.default, background = G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("keyboard_key_border") and Blitbuffer.COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY or Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, radius = 0, padding = self.padding, allow_mirroring = false, CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.width - 2*Size.border.default - 2*self.padding, h = self.height - 2*Size.border.default - 2*self.padding, }, vertical_group, } } self[1] = BottomContainer:new{ dimen = Screen:getSize(), keyboard_frame, } self.dimen = keyboard_frame:getSize() end function VirtualKeyboard:setLayer(key) if key == "Shift" then self.shiftmode = not self.shiftmode elseif key == "Sym" or key == "ABC" then self.symbolmode = not self.symbolmode elseif key == "Äéß" then self.umlautmode = not self.umlautmode end self:initLayer() self:_refresh(false) end function VirtualKeyboard:addChar(key) logger.dbg("add char", key) self.inputbox:addChars(key) end function VirtualKeyboard:delChar() logger.dbg("delete char") self.inputbox:delChar() end function VirtualKeyboard:delToStartOfLine() logger.dbg("delete to start of line") self.inputbox:delToStartOfLine() end function VirtualKeyboard:leftChar() self.inputbox:leftChar() end function VirtualKeyboard:rightChar() self.inputbox:rightChar() end function VirtualKeyboard:goToStartOfLine() self.inputbox:goToStartOfLine() end function VirtualKeyboard:goToEndOfLine() self.inputbox:goToEndOfLine() end function VirtualKeyboard:upLine() self.inputbox:upLine() end function VirtualKeyboard:scrollUp() self.inputbox:scrollUp() end function VirtualKeyboard:downLine() self.inputbox:downLine() end function VirtualKeyboard:scrollDown() self.inputbox:scrollDown() end function VirtualKeyboard:clear() logger.dbg("clear input") self.inputbox:clear() end return VirtualKeyboard