local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local DocumentRegistry = require("document/documentregistry") local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local Menu = require("ui/widget/menu") local Screen = require("device").screen local util = require("ffi/util") local Font = require("ui/font") local DEBUG = require("dbg") local _ = require("gettext") local FileSearcher = InputContainer:new{ search_dialog = nil, --filesearcher -- state buffer dirs = {}, files = {}, results = {}, items = 0, commands = nil, --filemanagersearch use_previous_search_results = false, lastsearch = nil, } function FileSearcher:readDir() self.dirs = {self.path} DEBUG("self.path", self.path) self.files = {} while #self.dirs ~= 0 do local new_dirs = {} -- handle each dir for __, d in pairs(self.dirs) do -- handle files in d for f in lfs.dir(d) do local fullpath = d.."/"..f local attributes = lfs.attributes(fullpath) if attributes.mode == "directory" and f ~= "." and f~=".." then table.insert(new_dirs, fullpath) elseif attributes.mode == "file" and DocumentRegistry:getProvider(fullpath) then table.insert(self.files, {name = f, path = fullpath, attr = attributes}) end end end self.dirs = new_dirs end end function FileSearcher:setSearchResults() local ReaderUI = require("apps/reader/readerui") local keywords = self.search_value --DEBUG("self.files", self.files) self.results = {} if keywords == " " then -- one space to show all files self.results = self.files else for __,f in pairs(self.files) do DEBUG("f", f) if string.find(string.lower(f.name), string.lower(keywords)) then f.text = f.name f.name = nil f.callback = function() ReaderUI:showReader(f.path) end table.insert(self.results, f) end end end --DEBUG("self.results", self.results) self.keywords = keywords self.items = #self.results end function FileSearcher:init(search_path) self.path = search_path or lfs.currentdir() self:showSearch() end function FileSearcher:close() if self.search_value then UIManager:close(self.search_dialog) if string.len(self.search_value) > 0 then self:readDir() -- TODO this probably doesn't need to be repeated once it's been done self:setSearchResults() -- TODO doesn't have to be repeated if the search term is the same if #self.results > 0 then self:showSearchResults() -- TODO something about no results else UIManager:show( InfoMessage:new{ text = util.template(_("Found no files matching '%1'."), self.search_value) } ) end end end end function FileSearcher:showSearch() local dummy = self.search_value self.search_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Search for books by filename"), input = self.search_value, buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), enabled = true, callback = function() self.search_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.search_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Find books"), enabled = true, callback = function() self.search_value = self.search_dialog:getInputText() if self.search_value == dummy then -- probably DELETE this if/else block self.use_previous_search_results = true else self.use_previous_search_results = false end self:close() end, }, }, }, } self.search_dialog:onShowKeyboard() UIManager:show(self.search_dialog) end function FileSearcher:showSearchResults() local menu_container = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Screen:getSize(), } self.search_menu = Menu:new{ width = Screen:getWidth()-15, height = Screen:getHeight()-15, show_parent = menu_container, onMenuHold = self.onMenuHold, cface = Font:getFace("cfont", 22), _manager = self, } table.insert(menu_container, self.search_menu) self.search_menu.close_callback = function() UIManager:close(menu_container) end table.sort(self.results, function(v1,v2) return v1.text < v2.text end) self.search_menu:swithItemTable(_("Search Results"), self.results) UIManager:show(menu_container) end return FileSearcher