--[[-- Subclass of LuaSettings dedicated to handling the legacy global constants. ]] local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local LuaSettings = require("luasettings") local dump = require("dump") local ffiutil = require("ffi/util") local util = require("util") local isAndroid, android = pcall(require, "android") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local logger = require("logger") local LuaDefaults = LuaSettings:extend{ ro = nil, -- will contain the defaults.lua k/v pairs (const) rw = nil, -- will only contain non-defaults user-modified k/v pairs } --- Opens a settings file. function LuaDefaults:open(path) local file_path = path or DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/defaults.custom.lua" local new = LuaDefaults:extend{ file = file_path, } local ok, stored -- File being absent and returning an empty table is a use case, -- so logger.warn() only if there was an existing file local existing = lfs.attributes(new.file, "mode") == "file" ok, stored = pcall(dofile, new.file) if ok and stored then new.rw = stored else if existing then logger.warn("Failed reading", new.file, "(probably corrupted).") end -- Fallback to .old if it exists ok, stored = pcall(dofile, new.file..".old") if ok and stored then if existing then logger.warn("read from backup file", new.file..".old") end new.rw = stored else if existing then logger.warn("no usable backup file for", new.file, "to read from") end new.rw = {} end end -- The actual defaults file, on the other hand, is set in stone. -- We just have to deal with some platform shenanigans... local defaults_path = DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/defaults.lua" if isAndroid then defaults_path = android.dir .. "/defaults.lua" elseif os.getenv("APPIMAGE") then defaults_path = "defaults.lua" end ok, stored = pcall(dofile, defaults_path) if ok and stored then new.ro = stored else error("Failed reading " .. defaults_path) end return new end --- Reads a setting, optionally initializing it to a default. function LuaDefaults:readSetting(key, default) if not default then if self:hasBeenCustomized(key) then return self.rw[key] else return self.ro[key] end end if not self:hasBeenCustomized(key) then self.rw[key] = default return self.rw[key] end if self:hasBeenCustomized(key) then return self.rw[key] else return self.ro[key] end end --- Saves a setting. function LuaDefaults:saveSetting(key, value) if util.tableEquals(self.ro[key], value, true) then -- Only keep actually custom settings in the rw table ;). return self:delSetting(key) else self.rw[key] = value end return self end --- Deletes a setting. function LuaDefaults:delSetting(key) self.rw[key] = nil return self end --- Checks if setting exists. function LuaDefaults:has(key) return self.ro[key] ~= nil end --- Checks if setting does not exist. function LuaDefaults:hasNot(key) return self.ro[key] == nil end --- Checks if setting has been customized. function LuaDefaults:hasBeenCustomized(key) return self.rw[key] ~= nil end --- Checks if setting has NOT been customized. function LuaDefaults:hasNotBeenCustomized(key) return self.rw[key] == nil end --- Checks if setting is `true` (boolean). function LuaDefaults:isTrue(key) if self:hasBeenCustomized(key) then return self.rw[key] == true else return self.ro[key] == true end end --- Checks if setting is `false` (boolean). function LuaDefaults:isFalse(key) if self:hasBeenCustomized(key) then return self.rw[key] == false else return self.ro[key] == false end end --- Low-level API for filemanagersetdefaults function LuaDefaults:getDataTables() return self.ro, self.rw end function LuaDefaults:readDefaultSetting(key) return self.ro[key] end -- NOP unsupported LuaSettings APIs function LuaDefaults:wrap() end function LuaDefaults:child() end function LuaDefaults:initializeExtSettings() end function LuaDefaults:getSettingForExt() end function LuaDefaults:saveSettingForExt() end function LuaDefaults:addTableItem() end function LuaDefaults:removeTableItem() end function LuaDefaults:reset() end --- Writes settings to disk. function LuaDefaults:flush() if not self.file then return end local directory_updated = false if lfs.attributes(self.file, "mode") == "file" then -- As an additional safety measure (to the ffiutil.fsync* calls used below), -- we only backup the file to .old when it has not been modified in the last 60 seconds. -- This should ensure in the case the fsync calls are not supported -- that the OS may have itself sync'ed that file content in the meantime. local mtime = lfs.attributes(self.file, "modification") if mtime < os.time() - 60 then os.rename(self.file, self.file .. ".old") directory_updated = true -- fsync directory content too below end end local f_out = io.open(self.file, "w") if f_out ~= nil then f_out:write("-- we can read Lua syntax here!\nreturn ") f_out:write(dump(self.rw, nil, true)) f_out:write("\n") ffiutil.fsyncOpenedFile(f_out) -- force flush to the storage device f_out:close() end if directory_updated then -- Ensure the file renaming is flushed to storage device ffiutil.fsyncDirectory(self.file) end return self end return LuaDefaults