--[[ A LRU cache, based on https://github.com/starius/lua-lru ]]-- local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local logger = require("logger") local lru = require("ffi/lru") local md5 = require("ffi/sha2").md5 local CanvasContext = require("document/canvascontext") if CanvasContext.should_restrict_JIT then jit.off(true, true) end local Cache = { -- Cache configuration: -- Max storage space, in bytes size = 8 * 1024 * 1024, -- Average item size is used to compute the amount of slots in the LRU avg_itemsize = 8196, -- Generally, only DocCache uses this disk_cache = false, cache_path = nil, } function Cache:new(o) o = o or {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self if o.init then o:init() end return o end function Cache:init() -- Compute the amount of slots in the LRU based on the max size & the average item size self.slots = math.floor(self.size / self.avg_itemsize) self.cache = lru.new(self.slots, self.size) if self.disk_cache then self.cached = self:_getDiskCache() else -- No need to go through our own check or even get methods if there's no disk cache, hit lru directly self.check = self.cache.get end end --[[ -- return a snapshot of disk cached items for subsequent check --]] function Cache:_getDiskCache() local cached = {} for key_md5 in lfs.dir(self.cache_path) do local file = self.cache_path .. key_md5 if lfs.attributes(file, "mode") == "file" then cached[key_md5] = file end end return cached end -- For documentation purposes, here's a battle-tested shell version of calcFreeMem --[[ if grep -q 'MemAvailable' /proc/meminfo ; then # We'll settle for 85% of available memory to leave a bit of breathing room tmpfs_size="$(awk '/MemAvailable/ {printf "%d", $2 * 0.85}' /proc/meminfo)" elif grep -q 'Inactive(file)' /proc/meminfo ; then # Basically try to emulate the kernel's computation, c.f., https://unix.stackexchange.com/q/261247 # Again, 85% of available memory tmpfs_size="$(awk -v low=$(grep low /proc/zoneinfo | awk '{k+=$2}END{printf "%d", k}') \ '{a[$1]=$2} END{ printf "%d", (a["MemFree:"]+a["Active(file):"]+a["Inactive(file):"]+a["SReclaimable:"]-(12*low))*0.85; }' /proc/meminfo)" else # Ye olde crap workaround of Free + Buffers + Cache... # Take it with a grain of salt, and settle for 80% of that... tmpfs_size="$(awk \ '{a[$1]=$2} END{ printf "%d", (a["MemFree:"]+a["Buffers:"]+a["Cached:"])*0.80; }' /proc/meminfo)" fi --]] -- And here's our simplified Lua version... function Cache:_calcFreeMem() local memtotal, memfree, memavailable, buffers, cached local meminfo = io.open("/proc/meminfo", "r") if meminfo then for line in meminfo:lines() do if not memtotal then memtotal = line:match("^MemTotal:%s-(%d+) kB") if memtotal then -- Next! goto continue end end if not memfree then memfree = line:match("^MemFree:%s-(%d+) kB") if memfree then -- Next! goto continue end end if not memavailable then memavailable = line:match("^MemAvailable:%s-(%d+) kB") if memavailable then -- Best case scenario, we're done :) break end end if not buffers then buffers = line:match("^Buffers:%s-(%d+) kB") if buffers then -- Next! goto continue end end if not cached then cached = line:match("^Cached:%s-(%d+) kB") if cached then -- Ought to be the last entry we care about, we're done break end end ::continue:: end meminfo:close() else -- Not on Linux? return 0, 0 end if memavailable then -- Leave a bit of margin, and report 85% of that... return math.floor(memavailable * 0.85) * 1024, memtotal * 1024 else -- Crappy Free + Buffers + Cache version, because the zoneinfo approach is a tad hairy... -- So, leave an even larger margin, and only report 75% of that... return math.floor((memfree + buffers + cached) * 0.75) * 1024, memtotal * 1024 end end function Cache:insert(key, object) -- If this object is single-handledly too large for the cache, don't cache it. if not self:willAccept(object.size) then logger.warn("Too much memory would be claimed by caching", key) return end self.cache:set(key, object, object.size) -- Accounting debugging --[[ print(string.format("Cache %s (%d/%d) [%.2f/%.2f @ ~%db] inserted %db key: %s", self, self.cache:used_slots(), self.slots, self.cache:used_size() / 1024 / 1024, self.size / 1024 / 1024, self.cache:used_size() / self.cache:used_slots(), object.size, key)) --]] end --[[ -- check for cache item by key -- if ItemClass is given, disk cache is also checked. --]] function Cache:check(key, ItemClass) local value = self.cache:get(key) if value then return value elseif ItemClass then local cached = self.cached[md5(key)] if cached then local item = ItemClass:new{} local ok, msg = pcall(item.load, item, cached) if ok then self:insert(key, item) return item else logger.warn("Failed to load on-disk cache:", msg) --- It's apparently unusable, purge it and refresh the snapshot. os.remove(cached) self:refreshSnapshot() end end end end -- Shortcut when disk_cache is disabled function Cache:get(key) return self.cache:get(key) end function Cache:willAccept(size) -- We only allow a single object to fill 75% of the cache return size*4 < self.size*3 end function Cache:serialize() if not self.disk_cache then return end -- Calculate the current disk cache size local cached_size = 0 local sorted_caches = {} for _, file in pairs(self.cached) do table.insert(sorted_caches, {file=file, time=lfs.attributes(file, "access")}) cached_size = cached_size + (lfs.attributes(file, "size") or 0) end table.sort(sorted_caches, function(v1, v2) return v1.time > v2.time end) -- Only serialize the second most recently used cache item (as the MRU would be the *hinted* page). local mru_key local mru_found = 0 for key, item in self.cache:pairs() do -- Only dump cache items that actually request persistence if item.persistent and item.dump then mru_key = key mru_found = mru_found + 1 if mru_found >= 2 then -- We found the second MRU item, i.e., the *displayed* page break end end end if mru_key then local cache_full_path = self.cache_path .. md5(mru_key) local cache_file_exists = lfs.attributes(cache_full_path) if not cache_file_exists then logger.dbg("Dumping cache item", mru_key) local cache_item = self.cache:get(mru_key) local cache_size = cache_item:dump(cache_full_path) if cache_size then cached_size = cached_size + cache_size end end end -- Allocate the same amount of storage to the disk cache than the memory cache while cached_size > self.size do -- discard the least recently used cache local discarded = table.remove(sorted_caches) if discarded then cached_size = cached_size - lfs.attributes(discarded.file, "size") os.remove(discarded.file) else logger.warn("Cache accounting is broken") break end end -- We may have updated the disk cache's content, so refresh its state self:refreshSnapshot() end -- Blank the cache function Cache:clear() self.cache:clear() end -- Terribly crappy workaround: evict half the cache if we appear to be redlining on free RAM... function Cache:memoryPressureCheck() local memfree, memtotal = self:_calcFreeMem() -- Nonsensical values? (!Linux), skip this. if memtotal == 0 then return end -- If less that 20% of the total RAM is free, drop half the Cache... if memfree / memtotal < 0.20 then logger.warn("Running low on memory, evicting half of the cache...") self.cache:chop() -- And finish by forcing a GC sweep now... collectgarbage() collectgarbage() end end -- Refresh the disk snapshot (mainly used by ui/data/onetime_migration) function Cache:refreshSnapshot() if not self.disk_cache then return end self.cached = self:_getDiskCache() end -- Evict the disk cache (ditto) function Cache:clearDiskCache() if not self.disk_cache then return end for _, file in pairs(self.cached) do os.remove(file) end self:refreshSnapshot() end return Cache