--[[-- A TextWidget that handles long text wrapping Example: local Foo = TextBoxWidget:new{ face = Font:getFace("cfont", 25), text = 'We can show multiple lines.\nFoo.\nBar.', -- width = Screen:getWidth()*2/3, } UIManager:show(Foo) ]] local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local Widget = require("ui/widget/widget") local LineWidget = require("ui/widget/linewidget") local RenderText = require("ui/rendertext") local Screen = require("device").screen local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local util = require("util") local DEBUG= require("dbg") local TextBoxWidget = Widget:new{ text = nil, charlist = nil, charpos = nil, char_width_list = nil, -- list of widths of the chars in `charlist`. vertical_string_list = nil, editable = false, -- Editable flag for whether drawing the cursor or not. cursor_line = nil, -- LineWidget to draw the vertical cursor. face = nil, bold = nil, line_height = 0.3, -- in em fgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK, width = 400, -- in pixels height = nil, -- nil value indicates unscrollable text widget virtual_line_num = 1, -- used by scroll bar _bb = nil, } function TextBoxWidget:init() self.line_height_px = (1 + self.line_height) * self.face.size self.cursor_line = LineWidget:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = Screen:scaleBySize(1), h = self.line_height_px, } } self:_evalCharWidthList() self:_splitCharWidthList() if self.height == nil then self:_renderText(1, #self.vertical_string_list) else self:_renderText(1, self:getVisLineCount()) end if self.editable then local x, y x, y = self:_findCharPos() self.cursor_line:paintTo(self._bb, x, y) end self.dimen = Geom:new(self:getSize()) end function TextBoxWidget:unfocus() self.editable = false self:init() end function TextBoxWidget:focus() self.editable = true self:init() end -- Split `self.text` into `self.charlist` and evaluate the width of each char in it. function TextBoxWidget:_evalCharWidthList() if self.charlist == nil then self.charlist = util.splitToChars(self.text) self.charpos = #self.charlist + 1 end self.char_width_list = {} for _, v in ipairs(self.charlist) do local w = RenderText:sizeUtf8Text(0, Screen:getWidth(), self.face, v, true, self.bold).x table.insert(self.char_width_list, {char = v, width = w}) end end -- Split the text into logical lines to fit into the text box. function TextBoxWidget:_splitCharWidthList() self.vertical_string_list = {} local idx = 1 local size = #self.char_width_list local ln = 1 local offset, cur_line_width, cur_line_text while idx <= size do offset = idx -- Appending chars until the accumulated width exceeds `self.width`, -- or a newline occurs, or no more chars to consume. cur_line_width = 0 local hard_newline = false while idx <= size do if self.char_width_list[idx].char == "\n" then hard_newline = true break end cur_line_width = cur_line_width + self.char_width_list[idx].width if cur_line_width > self.width then break else idx = idx + 1 end end if cur_line_width <= self.width then -- a hard newline or end of string cur_line_text = table.concat(self.charlist, "", offset, idx - 1) else -- Backtrack the string until the length fit into one line. local c = self.char_width_list[idx].char if util.isSplitable(c) then cur_line_text = table.concat(self.charlist, "", offset, idx - 1) cur_line_width = cur_line_width - self.char_width_list[idx].width else local adjusted_idx = idx local adjusted_width = cur_line_width repeat adjusted_width = adjusted_width - self.char_width_list[adjusted_idx].width if adjusted_idx == 1 then break end adjusted_idx = adjusted_idx - 1 c = self.char_width_list[adjusted_idx].char until adjusted_idx > offset and util.isSplitable(c) if adjusted_idx == offset then -- a very long english word ocuppying more than one line cur_line_text = table.concat(self.charlist, "", offset, idx - 1) cur_line_width = cur_line_width - self.char_width_list[idx].width else cur_line_text = table.concat(self.charlist, "", offset, adjusted_idx) cur_line_width = adjusted_width idx = adjusted_idx + 1 end end -- endif util.isSplitable(c) end -- endif cur_line_width > self.width if cur_line_width < 0 then break end self.vertical_string_list[ln] = { text = cur_line_text, offset = offset, width = cur_line_width } if hard_newline then idx = idx + 1 -- FIXME: reuse newline entry self.vertical_string_list[ln+1] = {text = "", offset = idx, width = 0} end ln = ln + 1 -- Make sure `idx` point to the next char to be processed in the next loop. end end function TextBoxWidget:_renderText(start_row_idx, end_row_idx) local font_height = self.face.size if start_row_idx < 1 then start_row_idx = 1 end if end_row_idx > #self.vertical_string_list then end_row_idx = #self.vertical_string_list end local row_count = end_row_idx == 0 and 1 or end_row_idx - start_row_idx + 1 local h = self.line_height_px * row_count self._bb = Blitbuffer.new(self.width, h) self._bb:fill(Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE) local y = font_height for i = start_row_idx, end_row_idx do local line = self.vertical_string_list[i] local pen_x = self.alignment == "center" and (self.width - line.width)/2 or 0 --@TODO Don't use kerning for monospaced fonts. (houqp) -- refert to cb25029dddc42693cc7aaefbe47e9bd3b7e1a750 in master tree RenderText:renderUtf8Text(self._bb, pen_x, y, self.face, line.text, true, self.bold, self.fgcolor) y = y + self.line_height_px end -- -- if text is shorter than one line, shrink to text's width -- if #v_list == 1 then -- self.width = pen_x -- end end -- Return the position of the cursor corresponding to `self.charpos`, -- Be aware of virtual line number of the scorllTextWidget. function TextBoxWidget:_findCharPos() if self.text == nil or string.len(self.text) == 0 then return 0, 0 end -- Find the line number. local ln = self.height == nil and 1 or self.virtual_line_num while ln + 1 <= #self.vertical_string_list do if self.vertical_string_list[ln + 1].offset > self.charpos then break else ln = ln + 1 end end -- Find the offset at the current line. local x = 0 local offset = self.vertical_string_list[ln].offset while offset < self.charpos do x = x + self.char_width_list[offset].width offset = offset + 1 end return x + 1, (ln - 1) * self.line_height_px -- offset `x` by 1 to avoid overlap end function TextBoxWidget:moveCursorToCharpos(charpos) self.charpos = charpos local x, y = self:_findCharPos() self.cursor_line:paintTo(self._bb, x, y) end -- Click event: Move the cursor to a new location with (x, y), in pixels. -- Be aware of virtual line number of the scorllTextWidget. function TextBoxWidget:moveCursor(x, y) local w = 0 local ln = self.height == nil and 1 or self.virtual_line_num ln = ln + math.ceil(y / self.line_height_px) - 1 if ln > #self.vertical_string_list then ln = #self.vertical_string_list x = self.width end local offset = self.vertical_string_list[ln].offset local idx = ln == #self.vertical_string_list and #self.char_width_list or self.vertical_string_list[ln + 1].offset - 1 while offset <= idx do w = w + self.char_width_list[offset].width if w > x then break else offset = offset + 1 end end if w > x then local w_prev = w - self.char_width_list[offset].width if x - w_prev < w - x then -- the previous one is more closer w = w_prev end end self:free() self:_renderText(1, #self.vertical_string_list) self.cursor_line:paintTo(self._bb, w + 1, (ln - self.virtual_line_num) * self.line_height_px) return offset end function TextBoxWidget:getVisLineCount() return math.floor(self.height / self.line_height_px) end function TextBoxWidget:getAllLineCount() return #self.vertical_string_list end -- TODO: modify `charpos` so that it can render the cursor function TextBoxWidget:scrollDown() local visible_line_count = self:getVisLineCount() if self.virtual_line_num + visible_line_count <= #self.vertical_string_list then self:free() self.virtual_line_num = self.virtual_line_num + visible_line_count self:_renderText(self.virtual_line_num, self.virtual_line_num + visible_line_count - 1) end return (self.virtual_line_num - 1) / #self.vertical_string_list, (self.virtual_line_num - 1 + visible_line_count) / #self.vertical_string_list end -- TODO: modify `charpos` so that it can render the cursor function TextBoxWidget:scrollUp() local visible_line_count = self:getVisLineCount() if self.virtual_line_num > 1 then self:free() if self.virtual_line_num <= visible_line_count then self.virtual_line_num = 1 else self.virtual_line_num = self.virtual_line_num - visible_line_count end self:_renderText(self.virtual_line_num, self.virtual_line_num + visible_line_count - 1) end return (self.virtual_line_num - 1) / #self.vertical_string_list, (self.virtual_line_num - 1 + visible_line_count) / #self.vertical_string_list end function TextBoxWidget:getSize() if self.width and self.height then return Geom:new{ w = self.width, h = self.height} else return Geom:new{ w = self.width, h = self._bb:getHeight()} end end function TextBoxWidget:paintTo(bb, x, y) self.dimen.x, self.dimen.y = x, y bb:blitFrom(self._bb, x, y, 0, 0, self.width, self._bb:getHeight()) end function TextBoxWidget:free() if self._bb then self._bb:free() self._bb = nil end end function TextBoxWidget:onHoldWord(callback, ges) if not callback then return end local x, y = ges.pos.x - self.dimen.x, ges.pos.y - self.dimen.y local line_num = math.ceil(y / self.line_height_px) local line = self.vertical_string_list[line_num] DEBUG("holding on line", line) if line then local char_start = line.offset local char_end -- char_end is non-inclusive if line_num >= #self.vertical_string_list then char_end = #self.char_width_list + 1 else char_end = self.vertical_string_list[line_num+1].offset end local char_probe_x = 0 local idx = char_start -- find which character the touch is holding while idx < char_end do local c = self.char_width_list[idx] -- FIXME: this might break if kerning is enabled char_probe_x = char_probe_x + c.width if char_probe_x > x then -- ignore spaces if c.char == " " then break end -- now find which word the character is in local words = util.splitToWords(line.text) local probe_idx = char_start for _, w in ipairs(words) do -- +1 for word separtor probe_idx = probe_idx + #util.splitToChars(w) if idx <= probe_idx - 1 then callback(w) return end end break end idx = idx + 1 end end return end return TextBoxWidget