local FtpApi = require("frontend/apps/cloudstorage/ftpapi") local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local MultiInputDialog = require("ui/widget/multiinputdialog") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local _ = require("gettext") local T = require("ffi/util").template local ReaderUI = require("apps/reader/readerui") local Screen = require("device").screen local Ftp = { } local function generateUrl(address, user, pass) local colon_sign = "" local at_sign = "" if user ~= "" then at_sign = "@" end if pass ~= "" then colon_sign = ":" end local replace = "://" .. user .. colon_sign .. pass .. at_sign local url = string.gsub(address, "://", replace) return url end function Ftp:run(address, user, pass, path) local url = generateUrl(address, user, pass) .. path return FtpApi:listFolder(url) end function Ftp:downloadFile(item, address, user, pass, path, close) local url = generateUrl(address, user, pass) .. item.url local response = FtpApi:downloadFile(url) if response ~= nil then local file = io.open(path, "w") file:write(response) file:close() UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("File saved to:\n %1\nWould you like to read the downloaded book now?"), path), ok_callback = function() close() ReaderUI:showReader(path) end }) else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Could not save file to:\n") .. path, timeout = 3, }) end end function Ftp:config(item, callback) local text_info = "FTP address must be in the format ftp://example.domian.com\n".. "Also supported is format with IP e.g:\n".. "Username and password are optional." local hint_name = _("Your FTP name") local text_name = "" local hint_address = _("FTP address eg ftp://example.com") local text_address = "" local hint_username = _("FTP username") local text_username = "" local hint_password = _("FTP password") local text_password = "" local title local text_button_right = _("Add") if item then title = _("Edit FTP account") text_button_right = _("Apply") text_name = item.text text_address = item.address text_username = item.username text_password = item.password else title = _("Add FTP account") end self.settings_dialog = MultiInputDialog:new { title = title, fields = { { text = text_name, input_type = "string", hint = hint_name , }, { text = text_address, input_type = "string", hint = hint_address , }, { text = text_username, input_type = "string", hint = hint_username, }, { text = text_password, input_type = "string", hint = hint_password, }, }, buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() self.settings_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.settings_dialog) end }, { text = _("Info"), callback = function() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{text = text_info }) end }, { text = text_button_right, callback = function() local fields = MultiInputDialog:getFields() if fields[1] ~= "" and fields[2] ~= "" then if item then -- edit callback(item, fields) else -- add new callback(fields) end self.settings_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.settings_dialog) else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{text = "Please fill in all fields." }) end end }, }, }, width = Screen:getWidth() * 0.95, height = Screen:getHeight() * 0.2, input_type = "text", } self.settings_dialog:onShowKeyboard() UIManager:show(self.settings_dialog) end function Ftp:info(item) local info_text = T(_"Type: %1\nName: %2\nAddress: %3", "FTP", item.text, item.address) UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{text = info_text}) end return Ftp