local BD = require("ui/bidi") local ButtonDialogTitle = require("ui/widget/buttondialogtitle") local FileChooser = require("ui/widget/filechooser") local Font = require("ui/font") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local ffiutil = require("ffi/util") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local T = ffiutil.template local PathChooser = FileChooser:extend{ title = true, -- or a string -- if let to true, a generic title will be set in init() no_title = false, show_path = true, is_popout = false, covers_fullscreen = true, -- set it to false if you set is_popout = true is_borderless = true, -- smaller font to allow displaying our long titles tface = Font:getFace("smalltfont"), select_directory = true, -- allow selecting directories select_file = true, -- allow selecting files show_files = true, -- show files, even if select_files=false -- (directories are always shown, to allow navigation) show_hidden = G_reader_settings:readSetting("show_hidden"), detailed_file_info = false, -- show size and last mod time in Select message } function PathChooser:init() if self.title == true then -- default title depending on options if self.select_directory and not self.select_file then self.title = _("Long-press to select directory") elseif not self.select_directory and self.select_file then self.title = _("Long-press to select file") else self.title = _("Long-press to select") end end if not self.show_files then self.file_filter = function() return false end -- filter out regular files end if self.select_directory then -- Let FileChooser display "Long press to select current directory" self.show_current_dir_for_hold = true end FileChooser.init(self) end function PathChooser:onMenuSelect(item) local path = item.path if path:sub(-2, -1) == "/." then -- with show_current_dir_for_hold -- Don't navigate to same directory return true end path = ffiutil.realpath(path) if not path then -- If starting in a no-more existing directory, allow -- not getting stuck in it self:changeToPath("/") return true end local attr = lfs.attributes(path) if not attr then -- Same as above self:changeToPath("/") return true end if attr.mode ~= "directory" then -- Do nothing if Tap on other than directories return true end -- Let this method check permissions and if we can list -- this directory: we should get at least one item: ".." local sub_table = self:genItemTableFromPath(path) if #sub_table > 0 then self:changeToPath(path) end return true end function PathChooser:onMenuHold(item) local path = item.path if path:sub(-2, -1) == "/." then -- with show_current_dir_for_hold path = path:sub(1, -3) end path = ffiutil.realpath(path) if not path then return true end local attr = lfs.attributes(path) if not attr then return true end if attr.mode == "file" and not self.select_file then return true end if attr.mode == "directory" and not self.select_directory then return true end local title if attr.mode == "file" then if self.detailed_file_info then local filesize = util.getFormattedSize(attr.size) local lastmod = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", attr.modification) title = T(_("Select this file?\n\n%1\n\nFile size: %2 bytes\nLast modified: %3"), BD.filepath(path), filesize, lastmod) else title = T(_("Select this file?\n\n%1"), BD.filepath(path)) end elseif attr.mode == "directory" then title = T(_("Select this directory?\n\n%1"), BD.dirpath(path)) else -- just in case we get something else title = T(_("Select this path?\n\n%1"), BD.path(path)) end local onConfirm = self.onConfirm self.button_dialog = ButtonDialogTitle:new{ title = title, buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() UIManager:close(self.button_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Select"), callback = function() if onConfirm then onConfirm(path) end UIManager:close(self.button_dialog) UIManager:close(self) end, }, }, }, } UIManager:show(self.button_dialog) return true end return PathChooser