#!/usr/bin/env luajit -- tool to generate localized metadata -- -- metadata is fetched by F-Droid on each tagged release and used to update -- https://f-droid.org/packages/org.koreader.launcher.fdroid/ -- -- usage: ./tools/update_metadata.lua -- -- NOTE: title and screenshots are not translated. These resources are located in metadata/en-US package.path = "frontend/?.lua;base/" .. package.path local _ = require("gettext") local metadata = { ["short_description.txt"] = _("Ebook reader with support for many formats like PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2, CBZ."), ["full_description.txt"] = _([[* portable: runs on embedded devices (Cervantes, Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook), Android and Linux computers. Developers can run a KOReader emulator in Linux and MacOS. * multi-format documents: supports fixed page formats (PDF, DjVu, CBT, CBZ) and reflowable e-book formats (EPUB, FB2, Mobi, DOC, CHM, TXT). Scanned PDF/DjVu documents can also be reflowed with the built-in K2pdfopt library. * full-featured reading: multi-lingual user interface with a highly customizable reader view and many typesetting options. You can set arbitrary page margins, override line spacing and choose external fonts and styles. It has multi-lingual hyphenation dictionaries bundled into the application. * integrated with calibre (search metadata, receive ebooks wirelessly, browse library via OPDS), Wallabag, Wikipedia, Google Translate and other content providers. * optimized for e-ink devices: custom UI without animation, with paginated menus, adjustable text contrast, and easy zoom to fit content or page in paged media. * extensible via plugins * and much more: look up words with StarDict dictionaries / Wikipedia, add your own online OPDS catalogs and RSS feeds, online over-the-air software updates, an FTP client, an SSH server, … ]]), } local function isFile(str) local f = io.open(str, "r") if f then f:close() return true end return false end local function writeFile(str, path) local f = io.open(path, "w") if f then f:write(str) f:write("\n") f:close() end end local function isLocaleDir(str) for _, v in ipairs({"templates", "README.md", "LICENSE"}) do if str == v then return false end end return true end local function getLocales() local locales = {} local output = io.popen('ls l10n') if not output then return {} end for dir in output:lines() do if isLocaleDir(dir) then locales[#locales + 1] = dir end end output:close() return locales end ---------------------------------------------------------------- print("updating metadata for " .. #getLocales() .. " languages") for file, str in pairs(metadata) do local count = { new = 0, updated = 0, not_translated = 0 } -- update english _.changeLang("en") local source = _(str) local metadata_file = "metadata/en-US/" .. file writeFile(source, metadata_file) -- update translations for __, lang in ipairs(getLocales()) do _.changeLang(lang) local translation = _(str) if source ~= translation then local metadata_dir = "metadata/" .. lang metadata_file = metadata_dir .. "/" .. file os.execute('mkdir -p ' .. metadata_dir) if isFile(metadata_file) then count.updated = count.updated + 1 else count.new = count.new + 1 end writeFile(translation, metadata_file) else count.not_translated = count.not_translated + 1 end end print(string.format("%s: %d new | %d updated | %d not translated", file, count.new, count.updated, count.not_translated)) end