var $serial = (typeof(exports) !== 'undefined') ? exports : {}; (function () { "use strict"; // We need this so we can test locally and still save layouts to AWS $serial.base_href = ""; // Helper to copy an object; doesn't handle loops/circular refs, etc. function copy(o) { if (typeof(o) !== 'object') { // primitive value return o; } else if (o instanceof Array) { // array var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) { result[i] = copy(o[i]); } return result; } else { // Object var result = {}; for (var prop in o) { result[prop] = copy(o[prop]); } return result; } } function isEmptyObject(o) { for(var prop in o) return false; return true; } function extend(target, source) { target = target || {}; for (var prop in source) { if (typeof source[prop] === 'object') { target[prop] = extend(target[prop], source[prop]); } else { target[prop] = source[prop]; } } return target; } // Map from serialized label position to normalized position, // depending on the alignment flags. var labelMap = [ //0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 // align flags [ 0, 6, 2, 8, 9,11, 3, 5, 1, 4, 7,10], // 0 = no centering [ 1, 7,-1,-1, 9,11, 4,-1,-1,-1,-1,10], // 1 = center x [ 3,-1, 5,-1, 9,11,-1,-1, 4,-1,-1,10], // 2 = center y [ 4,-1,-1,-1, 9,11,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,10], // 3 = center x & y [ 0, 6, 2, 8,10,-1, 3, 5, 1, 4, 7,-1], // 4 = center front (default) [ 1, 7,-1,-1,10,-1, 4,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1], // 5 = center front & x [ 3,-1, 5,-1,10,-1,-1,-1, 4,-1,-1,-1], // 6 = center front & y [ 4,-1,-1,-1,10,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1], // 7 = center front & x & y ]; var disallowedAlignmentForLabels = [ [1,2,3,5,6,7], //0 [2,3,6,7], //1 [1,2,3,5,6,7], //2 [1,3,5,7], //3 [], //4 [1,3,5,7], //5 [1,2,3,5,6,7], //6 [2,3,6,7], //7 [1,2,3,5,6,7], //8 [4,5,6,7], //9 [], //10 [4,5,6,7] //11 ]; // Lenient JSON reader/writer $serial.toJsonL = function(obj) { var res = [], key; if(obj instanceof Array) { obj.forEach(function(elem) { res.push($serial.toJsonL(elem)); }); return '['+res.join(',')+']'; } if(typeof obj === 'object') { for(key in obj) { if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { res.push(key+':'+$serial.toJsonL(obj[key])); } } return '{'+res.join(',')+'}'; } if(typeof obj === 'number') { return Math.round10(obj,-4); } return angular.toJson(obj); }; $serial.fromJsonL = function(json) { return jsonl.parse(json); }; // function to sort the key array $serial.sortKeys = function(keys) { keys.sort(function(a,b) { return ((a.rotation_angle+360)%360 - (b.rotation_angle+360)%360) || (a.rotation_x - b.rotation_x) || (a.rotation_y - b.rotation_y) || (a.y - b.y) || (a.x - b.x); }); }; var _defaultKeyProps = { x: 0, y: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0, // position width: 1, height: 1, width2: 1, height2: 1, // size rotation_angle: 0, rotation_x: 0, rotation_y: 0, // rotation labels:[], textColor: [], textSize: [], // label properties default: { textColor: "#000000", textSize: 3 }, // label defaults color: "#cccccc", profile: "", nub: false, // cap appearance ghost: false, stepped: false, decal: false, // miscellaneous options sm: "", sb:"", st:"" // switch }; var _defaultMetaData = { backcolor: '#eeeeee', name: '', author: '', notes: '', background: undefined, radii: '', switchMount: '', switchBrand: '', switchType: '' }; $serial.defaultKeyProps = function() { return copy(_defaultKeyProps); }; $serial.defaultMetaData = function() { return copy(_defaultMetaData); }; function reorderLabels(key,current) { // Possible alignment flags in order of preference (this is fairly // arbitrary, but hoped to reduce raw data size). var align = [7,5,6,4,3,1,2,0]; // remove impossible flag combinations for(var i = 0; i < key.labels.length; ++i) { if(key.labels[i]) { align.remove.apply(align, disallowedAlignmentForLabels[i]); } } // For the chosen alignment, generate the label array in the correct order var ret = { align: align[0], labels: ["","","","","","","","","","","",""], textColor: ["","","","","","","","","","","",""], textSize: [] }; for(var i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { var ndx = labelMap[ret.align].indexOf(i); if(ndx >= 0) { if(key.labels[i]) ret.labels[ndx] = key.labels[i]; if(key.textColor[i]) ret.textColor[ndx] = key.textColor[i]; if(key.textSize[i]) ret.textSize[ndx] = key.textSize[i]; } } // Clean up for(var i = 0; i < ret.textSize.length; ++i) { if(!ret.labels[i]) ret.textSize[i] = current.textSize[i]; if(!ret.textSize[i] || ret.textSize[i] == key.default.textSize) ret.textSize[i] = 0; } return ret; } function compareTextSizes(current,key,labels) { if(typeof(current) === "number") current = [current]; for(var i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { if( labels[i] && ((!!current[i] !== !!key[i]) || (current[i] && current[i] !== key[i])) ) return false; } return true; } // Convert between our in-memory format & our serialized format function serializeProp(props, nname, val, defval) { if(val !== defval) { props[nname] = val; } return val; } $serial.serialize = function(keyboard) { var keys = keyboard.keys; var rows = [], row = []; var current = $serial.defaultKeyProps(); current.textColor = current.default.textColor; current.align = 4; var cluster = {r:0, rx:0, ry:0}; // Serialize metadata var meta = {}; for(var metakey in keyboard.meta) { serializeProp(meta, metakey, keyboard.meta[metakey], _defaultMetaData[metakey]); } if(!isEmptyObject(meta)) { rows.push(meta); } var newRow = true; current.y--; // will be incremented on first row // Serialize row/key-data $serial.sortKeys(keys); keys.forEach(function(key) { var props = {}; var ordered = reorderLabels(key,current); // start a new row when necessary var clusterChanged = (key.rotation_angle != cluster.r || key.rotation_x != cluster.rx || key.rotation_y != cluster.ry); var rowChanged = (key.y !== current.y); if(row.length>0 && (rowChanged || clusterChanged)) { // Push the old row rows.push(row); row = []; newRow = true; } if(newRow) { // Set up for the new row current.y++; // 'y' is reset if *either* 'rx' or 'ry' are changed if(key.rotation_y != cluster.ry || key.rotation_x != cluster.rx) current.y = key.rotation_y; current.x = key.rotation_x; // always reset x to rx (which defaults to zero) // Update current cluster cluster.r = key.rotation_angle; cluster.rx = key.rotation_x; cluster.ry = key.rotation_y; newRow = false; } current.rotation_angle = serializeProp(props, "r", key.rotation_angle, current.rotation_angle); current.rotation_x = serializeProp(props, "rx", key.rotation_x, current.rotation_x); current.rotation_y = serializeProp(props, "ry", key.rotation_y, current.rotation_y); current.y += serializeProp(props, "y", key.y-current.y, 0); current.x += serializeProp(props, "x", key.x-current.x, 0) + key.width; current.color = serializeProp(props, "c", key.color, current.color); if(!ordered.textColor[0]) { ordered.textColor[0] = key.default.textColor; } else { for(var i = 2; i < 12; ++i) { if(!ordered.textColor[i] && ordered.textColor[i] !== ordered.textColor[0]) { ordered.textColor[i] !== key.default.textColor; } } } current.textColor = serializeProp(props, "t", ordered.textColor.join("\n").trimEnd(), current.textColor); current.ghost = serializeProp(props, "g", key.ghost, current.ghost); current.profile = serializeProp(props, "p", key.profile, current.profile); = serializeProp(props, "sm",,; = serializeProp(props, "sb",,; = serializeProp(props, "st",,; current.align = serializeProp(props, "a", ordered.align, current.align); current.default.textSize = serializeProp(props, "f", key.default.textSize, current.default.textSize); if(props.f) current.textSize = []; if(!compareTextSizes(current.textSize, ordered.textSize, ordered.labels)) { if(ordered.textSize.length == 0) { serializeProp(props, "f", key.default.textSize, -1); // Force 'f' to be written } else { var optimizeF2 = !ordered.textSize[0]; for(var i = 2; i < ordered.textSize.length && optimizeF2; ++i) { optimizeF2 = (ordered.textSize[i] == ordered.textSize[1]); } if(optimizeF2) { var f2 = ordered.textSize[1]; current.f2 = serializeProp(props, "f2", f2, -1); current.textSize = [0,f2,f2,f2,f2,f2,f2,f2,f2,f2,f2,f2]; } else { current.f2 = undefined; current.textSize = serializeProp(props, "fa", ordered.textSize, []); } } } serializeProp(props, "w", key.width, 1); serializeProp(props, "h", key.height, 1); serializeProp(props, "w2", key.width2, key.width); serializeProp(props, "h2", key.height2, key.height); serializeProp(props, "x2", key.x2, 0); serializeProp(props, "y2", key.y2, 0); serializeProp(props, "n", key.nub || false, false); serializeProp(props, "l", key.stepped || false, false); serializeProp(props, "d", key.decal || false, false); if(!isEmptyObject(props)) { row.push(props); } current.labels = ordered.labels; row.push(ordered.labels.join("\n").trimEnd()); }); if(row.length>0) { rows.push(row); } return rows; } function deserializeError(msg,data) { throw "Error: " + msg + (data ? (":\n " + $serial.toJsonL(data)) : ""); } function reorderLabelsIn(labels, align, skipdefault) { var ret = []; for(var i = skipdefault ? 1 : 0; i < labels.length; ++i) { ret[labelMap[align][i]] = labels[i]; } return ret; } $serial.deserialize = function(rows) { // Initialize with defaults var current = $serial.defaultKeyProps(); var meta = $serial.defaultMetaData(); var keys = []; var cluster = { x: 0, y: 0 }; var align = 4; for(var r = 0; r < rows.length; ++r) { if(rows[r] instanceof Array) { for(var k = 0; k < rows[r].length; ++k) { var key = rows[r][k]; if(typeof key === 'string') { var newKey = copy(current); newKey.width2 = newKey.width2 === 0 ? current.width : current.width2; newKey.height2 = newKey.height2 === 0 ? current.height : current.height2; newKey.labels = reorderLabelsIn(key.split('\n'), align); newKey.textSize = reorderLabelsIn(newKey.textSize, align); // Clean up the data for(var i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { if(!newKey.labels[i]) { newKey.textSize[i] = undefined; newKey.textColor[i] = undefined; } if(newKey.textSize[i] == newKey.default.textSize) newKey.textSize[i] = undefined; if(newKey.textColor[i] == newKey.default.textColor) newKey.textColor[i] = undefined; } // Add the key! keys.push(newKey); // Set up for the next key current.x += current.width; current.width = current.height = 1; current.x2 = current.y2 = current.width2 = current.height2 = 0; current.nub = current.stepped = current.decal = false; } else { if(key.r != null) { if(k!=0) {deserializeError("'r' can only be used on the first key in a row", key);} current.rotation_angle = key.r; } if(key.rx != null) { if(k!=0) {deserializeError("'rx' can only be used on the first key in a row", key);} current.rotation_x = cluster.x = key.rx; extend(current, cluster); } if(key.ry != null) { if(k!=0) {deserializeError("ry' can only be used on the first key in a row", key);} current.rotation_y = cluster.y = key.ry; extend(current, cluster); } if(key.a != null) { align = key.a; } if(key.f) { current.default.textSize = key.f; current.textSize = []; } if(key.f2) { for(var i = 1; i < 12; ++i) { current.textSize[i] = key.f2; } } if(key.fa) { current.textSize = key.fa; } if(key.p) { current.profile = key.p; } if(key.c) { current.color = key.c; } if(key.t) { var split = key.t.split('\n'); current.default.textColor = split[0]; current.textColor = reorderLabelsIn(split, align); } if(key.x) { current.x += key.x; } if(key.y) { current.y += key.y; } if(key.w) { current.width = current.width2 = key.w; } if(key.h) { current.height = current.height2 = key.h; } if(key.x2) { current.x2 = key.x2; } if(key.y2) { current.y2 = key.y2; } if(key.w2) { current.width2 = key.w2; } if(key.h2) { current.height2 = key.h2; } if(key.n) { current.nub = key.n; } if(key.l) { current.stepped = key.l; } if(key.d) { current.decal = key.d; } if(key.g != null) { current.ghost = key.g; } if( { =; } if( { =; } if( { =; } } } // End of the row current.y++; } else if(typeof rows[r] === 'object') { if(r != 0) { throw "Error: keyboard metadata must the be first element:\n "+$serial.toJsonL(rows[r]); } extend(meta, rows[r]); } current.x = current.rotation_x; } return { meta:meta, keys:keys }; } }());