You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package org.mozilla.fenix.helpers.assertions
import android.view.View
import androidx.test.espresso.ViewAssertion
import mozilla.components.browser.awesomebar.BrowserAwesomeBar
class AwesomeBarAssertion {
companion object {
fun suggestionsAreGreaterThan(minimumSuggestions: Int): ViewAssertion {
return ViewAssertion { view, noViewFoundException ->
if (noViewFoundException != null) throw noViewFoundException
val suggestionsCount = getSuggestionCountFromView(view)
if (suggestionsCount <= minimumSuggestions)
throw AssertionError("The suggestion count is less than or equal to the minimum suggestions")
fun suggestionsAreEqualTo(expectedItemCount: Int): ViewAssertion {
return ViewAssertion { view, noViewFoundException ->
if (noViewFoundException != null) throw noViewFoundException
val suggestionsCount = getSuggestionCountFromView(view)
if (suggestionsCount != expectedItemCount)
throw AssertionError("The expected item count is $expectedItemCount, and the suggestions count within the AwesomeBar is $suggestionsCount")
private fun getSuggestionCountFromView(view: View): Int {
return (view as BrowserAwesomeBar).adapter?.itemCount
?: throw AssertionError("This view is not of type BrowserAwesomeBar")