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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.fenix.components.toolbar
import android.view.View
import android.widget.EditText
import android.widget.ImageView
import android.widget.TextView
import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4
import mozilla.components.browser.toolbar.BrowserToolbar
import mozilla.components.concept.engine.EngineView
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Assert.assertFalse
import org.junit.Assert.assertTrue
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.mockito.Mockito.doReturn
import org.mockito.Mockito.spy
import org.mockito.Mockito.verify
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.toolbar.navbar.EngineViewClippingBehavior
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.toolbar.navbar.ToolbarContainerView
class EngineViewClippingBehaviorTest {
// Bottom toolbar position tests
fun `GIVEN the toolbar is at the bottom WHEN toolbar is being shifted THEN EngineView adjusts bottom clipping && EngineViewParent position doesn't change`() {
val engineView: EngineView = spy(FakeEngineView(testContext))
val engineParentView: View = spy(View(testContext))
val toolbar: BrowserToolbar = mock()
assertEquals(0f, engineParentView.translationY)
context = mock(),
attrs = null,
engineViewParent = engineParentView,
topToolbarHeight = 0,
).apply {
this.engineView = engineView
}.run {
onDependentViewChanged(mock(), mock(), toolbar)
// We want to position the engine view popup content
// right above the bottom toolbar when the toolbar
// is being shifted down. The top of the bottom toolbar
// is either positive or zero, but for clipping
// the values should be negative because the baseline
// for clipping is bottom toolbar height.
val bottomClipping = -Y_DOWN_TRANSITION.toInt()
assertEquals(0f, engineParentView.translationY)
fun `GIVEN the toolbar is at the bottom && the navbar is enabled WHEN toolbar is being shifted THEN EngineView adjusts bottom clipping && EngineViewParent position doesn't change`() {
val engineView: EngineView = spy(FakeEngineView(testContext))
val engineParentView: View = spy(View(testContext))
val toolbar: ToolbarContainerView = mock()
assertEquals(0f, engineParentView.translationY)
context = mock(),
attrs = null,
engineViewParent = engineParentView,
topToolbarHeight = 0,
).apply {
this.engineView = engineView
}.run {
onDependentViewChanged(mock(), mock(), toolbar)
// We want to position the engine view popup content
// right above the bottom toolbar when the toolbar
// is being shifted down. The top of the bottom toolbar
// is either positive or zero, but for clipping
// the values should be negative because the baseline
// for clipping is bottom toolbar height.
val bottomClipping = -Y_DOWN_TRANSITION.toInt()
assertEquals(0f, engineParentView.translationY)
// Top toolbar position tests
fun `GIVEN the toolbar is at the top WHEN toolbar is being shifted THEN EngineView adjusts bottom clipping && EngineViewParent shifts as well`() {
val engineView: EngineView = spy(FakeEngineView(testContext))
val engineParentView: View = spy(View(testContext))
val toolbar: BrowserToolbar = mock()
assertEquals(0f, engineParentView.translationY)
context = mock(),
attrs = null,
engineViewParent = engineParentView,
topToolbarHeight = TOOLBAR_HEIGHT.toInt(),
).apply {
this.engineView = engineView
}.run {
onDependentViewChanged(mock(), mock(), toolbar)
// Here we are adjusting the vertical position of
// the engine view container to be directly under
// the toolbar. The top toolbar is shifting up, so
// its translation will be either negative or zero.
assertEquals(bottomClipping, engineParentView.translationY)
// Combined toolbar position tests
fun `WHEN both of the toolbars are being shifted GIVEN the toolbar is at the top && the navbar is enabled THEN EngineView adjusts bottom clipping`() {
val engineView: EngineView = spy(FakeEngineView(testContext))
val engineParentView: View = spy(View(testContext))
val toolbar: BrowserToolbar = mock()
val toolbarContainerView: ToolbarContainerView = mock()
context = mock(),
attrs = null,
engineViewParent = engineParentView,
topToolbarHeight = TOOLBAR_HEIGHT.toInt(),
).apply {
this.engineView = engineView
}.run {
onDependentViewChanged(mock(), mock(), toolbar)
onDependentViewChanged(mock(), mock(), toolbarContainerView)
fun `WHEN both of the toolbars are being shifted GIVEN the toolbar is at the top && the navbar is enabled THEN EngineViewParent shifts as well`() {
val engineView: EngineView = spy(FakeEngineView(testContext))
val engineParentView: View = spy(View(testContext))
val toolbar: BrowserToolbar = mock()
val toolbarContainerView: ToolbarContainerView = mock()
context = mock(),
attrs = null,
engineViewParent = engineParentView,
topToolbarHeight = TOOLBAR_HEIGHT.toInt(),
).apply {
this.engineView = engineView
}.run {
onDependentViewChanged(mock(), mock(), toolbar)
onDependentViewChanged(mock(), mock(), toolbarContainerView)
// The top of the parent should be positioned right below the toolbar,
// so when we are given the new Y position of the top of the toolbar,
// which is always negative as the element is being "scrolled" out of
// the screen, the bottom of the toolbar is just a toolbar height away
// from it.
val parentTranslation = Y_UP_TRANSITION + TOOLBAR_HEIGHT
assertEquals(parentTranslation, engineParentView.translationY)
// Edge cases
fun `GIVEN top toolbar is much bigger than bottom WHEN bottom stopped shifting && top is shifting THEN bottom clipping && engineParentView shifting is still accurate`() {
val largeYUpTransition = -500f
val largeTopToolbarHeight = 500
val engineView: EngineView = spy(FakeEngineView(testContext))
val engineParentView: View = spy(View(testContext))
val toolbar: BrowserToolbar = mock()
context = mock(),
attrs = null,
engineViewParent = engineParentView,
topToolbarHeight = largeTopToolbarHeight,
).apply {
this.engineView = engineView
this.recentBottomToolbarTranslation = Y_DOWN_TRANSITION
}.run {
onDependentViewChanged(mock(), mock(), toolbar)
val doubleClipping = largeYUpTransition - Y_DOWN_TRANSITION
val parentTranslation = largeYUpTransition + largeTopToolbarHeight
assertEquals(parentTranslation, engineParentView.translationY)
fun `GIVEN bottom toolbar is much bigger than top WHEN top stopped shifting && bottom is shifting THEN bottom clipping && engineParentView shifting is still accurate`() {
val largeYBottomTransition = 500f
val engineView: EngineView = spy(FakeEngineView(testContext))
val engineParentView: View = spy(View(testContext))
val toolbarContainerView: ToolbarContainerView = mock()
context = mock(),
attrs = null,
engineViewParent = engineParentView,
topToolbarHeight = TOOLBAR_HEIGHT.toInt(),
).apply {
this.engineView = engineView
this.recentTopToolbarTranslation = Y_UP_TRANSITION
}.run {
onDependentViewChanged(mock(), mock(), toolbarContainerView)
val doubleClipping = Y_UP_TRANSITION - largeYBottomTransition
val parentTranslation = Y_UP_TRANSITION + TOOLBAR_HEIGHT
assertEquals(parentTranslation, engineParentView.translationY)
fun `GIVEN a bottom toolbar WHEN translation returns NaN THEN no exception thrown`() {
val engineView: EngineView = spy(FakeEngineView(testContext))
val engineParentView: View = spy(View(testContext))
val toolbar: View = mock()
context = mock(),
attrs = null,
engineViewParent = engineParentView,
topToolbarHeight = 0,
).apply {
this.engineView = engineView
}.run {
onDependentViewChanged(mock(), mock(), toolbar)
assertEquals(0f, engineView.asView().translationY)
// General tests
fun `WHEN layoutDependsOn receives a class that isn't a ScrollableToolbar THEN it ignores it`() {
val behavior = EngineViewClippingBehavior(
context = mock(),
attrs = null,
engineViewParent = mock(),
topToolbarHeight = 0,
assertFalse(behavior.layoutDependsOn(mock(), mock(), TextView(testContext)))
assertFalse(behavior.layoutDependsOn(mock(), mock(), EditText(testContext)))
assertFalse(behavior.layoutDependsOn(mock(), mock(), ImageView(testContext)))
fun `WHEN layoutDependsOn receives a class that is a ScrollableToolbar THEN it recognizes it as a dependency`() {
val behavior = EngineViewClippingBehavior(
context = mock(),
attrs = null,
engineViewParent = mock(),
topToolbarHeight = 0,
assertTrue(behavior.layoutDependsOn(mock(), mock(), BrowserToolbar(testContext)))
assertTrue(behavior.layoutDependsOn(mock(), mock(), ToolbarContainerView(testContext)))
private const val TOOLBAR_HEIGHT = 100f
private const val Y_UP_TRANSITION = -42f
private const val Y_DOWN_TRANSITION = -42f