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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.fenix.perf
import android.os.Build
import android.os.StrictMode
import android.os.strictmode.Violation
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
import org.mozilla.fenix.utils.ManufacturerCodes
private const val FCQN_EDM_STORAGE_PROVIDER_BASE = ""
* A [StrictMode.OnThreadViolationListener] that recreates
* [StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder.penaltyDeath] but will ignore some violations. For example,
* sometimes OEMs will add code that violates StrictMode so we can ignore them here instead of
* cluttering up our code with resetAfter.
* This class can only be used with Android P+ so we'd have to implement workarounds if the
* violations we want to ignore affect older devices.
class ThreadPenaltyDeathWithIgnoresListener(
private val logger: Logger = Performance.logger
) : StrictMode.OnThreadViolationListener {
override fun onThreadViolation(violation: Violation?) {
if (violation == null) return
// Unfortunately, this method gets called many (~5+) times with the same violation so we end
// up logging/throwing redundantly.
if (shouldViolationBeIgnored(violation)) {
logger.debug("Ignoring StrictMode ThreadPolicy violation", violation)
} else {
@Suppress("TooGenericExceptionThrown") // we throw what StrictMode's penaltyDeath throws.
private fun penaltyDeath(violation: Violation) {
throw RuntimeException("StrictMode ThreadPolicy violation", violation)
private fun shouldViolationBeIgnored(violation: Violation): Boolean =
private fun isSamsungLgEdmStorageProviderStartupViolation(violation: Violation): Boolean {
// Root issue:
// This fix may address the issues seen in this bug:
// So we might be able to back out the changes made there. However, I don't have a device to
// test so I didn't bother.
// This issue occurs on the Galaxy S10e, Galaxy A50, Note 10, and LG G7 FIT but not the S7:
// I'm guessing it's just a problem on recent Samsungs and LGs so it's okay being in this P+
// listener.
if (!ManufacturerCodes.isSamsung && !ManufacturerCodes.isLG) {
return false
// To ignore this warning, we can inspect the stack trace. There are no parts of the
// violation stack trace that are clearly unique to this violation but
// EdmStorageProviderBase doesn't appear in Android code search so we match against it.
// This class may be used in other violations that we're capable of fixing but this
// code may ignore them. I think it's okay - we keep this code simple and if it was a serious
// issue, we'd catch it on other manufacturers.
return violation.stackTrace.any { it.className == FCQN_EDM_STORAGE_PROVIDER_BASE }