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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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package org.mozilla.fenix.ext
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Test
import org.mozilla.fenix.library.bookmarks.testBookmarkItem
import org.mozilla.fenix.library.bookmarks.testFolder
class BookmarkNodeTest {
private val bookmarkChild1 = testBookmarkItem("someFolder", "", "Child 1")
private val bookmarkChild2 = testBookmarkItem("someFolder", "", "Child 2")
private val bookmarkChild3 = testBookmarkItem("someFolder", "", "Child 3")
private val allChildren = listOf(bookmarkChild1, bookmarkChild2)
fun `GIVEN a bookmark node with children WHEN minusing a sub set of children THEN the children subset is removed and rest remains`() {
val bookmarkNode = testFolder("parent1", "root", allChildren)
val subsetToSubtract = setOf(bookmarkChild1)
val expectedRemainingSubset = listOf(bookmarkChild2)
val bookmarkNodeSubsetRemoved = bookmarkNode.minus(subsetToSubtract)
assertEquals(expectedRemainingSubset, bookmarkNodeSubsetRemoved.children)
fun `GIVEN a bookmark node with children WHEN minusing a set of all children THEN all children are removed and empty list remains`() {
val bookmarkNode = testFolder("parent1", "root", allChildren)
val setofAllChildren = setOf(bookmarkChild1, bookmarkChild2)
val bookmarkNodeAllChildrenRemoved = bookmarkNode.minus(setofAllChildren)
assertEquals(emptyList<BookmarkNode>(), bookmarkNodeAllChildrenRemoved.children)
fun `GIVEN a bookmark node with children WHEN minusing a set of non-children THEN no children are removed`() {
val setofNonChildren = setOf(bookmarkChild3)
val bookmarkNode = testFolder("parent1", "root", allChildren)
val bookmarkNodeNonChildrenRemoved = bookmarkNode.minus(setofNonChildren)
assertEquals(allChildren, bookmarkNodeNonChildrenRemoved.children)
fun `GIVEN a bookmark node with children WHEN minusing an empty set THEN no children are removed`() {
val bookmarkNode = testFolder("parent1", "root", allChildren)
val bookmarkNodeEmptySetRemoved = bookmarkNode.minus(emptySet())
assertEquals(allChildren, bookmarkNodeEmptySetRemoved.children)
fun `GIVEN a bookmark node with an empty list as children WHEN minusing a set of non-children from an empty parent THEN an empty list remains`() {
val parentWithEmptyList = testFolder("parent1", "root", emptyList())
val setofAllChildren = setOf(bookmarkChild1, bookmarkChild2)
val parentWithEmptyListNonChildRemoved = parentWithEmptyList.minus(setofAllChildren)
assertEquals(emptyList<BookmarkNode>(), parentWithEmptyListNonChildRemoved.children)
fun `GIVEN a bookmark node with null as children WHEN minusing a set of non-children from a parent with null children THEN null remains`() {
val parentWithNullList = testFolder("parent1", "root", null)
val parentWithNullListNonChildRemoved = parentWithNullList.minus(allChildren.toSet())
assertEquals(null, parentWithNullListNonChildRemoved.children)
fun `GIVEN a bookmark node with children WHEN minusing a sub-set of children THEN the rest of the parents object should remain the same`() {
val bookmarkNode = testFolder("parent1", "root", allChildren)
val subsetToSubtract = setOf(bookmarkChild1)
val expectedRemainingSubset = listOf(bookmarkChild2)
val resultBookmarkNode = bookmarkNode.minus(subsetToSubtract)
// We're pinning children to the same value so we can compare the rest.
val restOfResult = resultBookmarkNode.copy(children = expectedRemainingSubset)
val restofOriginal = bookmarkNode.copy(children = expectedRemainingSubset)
assertEquals(restOfResult, restofOriginal)