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import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Test
class ProductAnalysisMapperTest {
fun `WHEN GeckoProductAnalysis has data THEN it is mapped to AnalysisPresent`() {
val actual = ProductAnalysisTestData.productAnalysis(
productId = "id1",
grade = "C",
needsAnalysis = false,
adjustedRating = 3.4,
analysisURL = "",
highlights = Highlight(
quality = listOf("quality"),
price = listOf("price"),
shipping = listOf("shipping"),
appearance = listOf("appearance"),
competitiveness = listOf("competitiveness"),
val expected = ProductAnalysisTestData.analysisPresent(
productId = "id1",
reviewGrade = ReviewQualityCheckState.Grade.C,
needsAnalysis = false,
adjustedRating = 3.4f,
productUrl = "",
highlights = sortedMapOf(
HighlightType.QUALITY to listOf("quality"),
HighlightType.PRICE to listOf("price"),
HighlightType.SHIPPING to listOf("shipping"),
HighlightType.PACKAGING_AND_APPEARANCE to listOf("appearance"),
HighlightType.COMPETITIVENESS to listOf("competitiveness"),
assertEquals(expected, actual)
fun `WHEN GeckoProductAnalysis has data with some missing highlights THEN it is mapped to AnalysisPresent with the non null highlights`() {
val actual = ProductAnalysisTestData.productAnalysis(
productId = "id1",
grade = "C",
needsAnalysis = false,
adjustedRating = 3.4,
analysisURL = "",
highlights = Highlight(
quality = listOf("quality"),
price = null,
shipping = null,
appearance = listOf("appearance"),
competitiveness = listOf("competitiveness"),
val expected = ProductAnalysisTestData.analysisPresent(
productId = "id1",
reviewGrade = ReviewQualityCheckState.Grade.C,
needsAnalysis = false,
adjustedRating = 3.4f,
productUrl = "",
highlights = sortedMapOf(
HighlightType.QUALITY to listOf("quality"),
HighlightType.PACKAGING_AND_APPEARANCE to listOf("appearance"),
HighlightType.COMPETITIVENESS to listOf("competitiveness"),
assertEquals(expected, actual)
fun `WHEN GeckoProductAnalysis has an invalid grade THEN it is mapped to AnalysisPresent with grade as null`() {
val actual = ProductAnalysisTestData.productAnalysis(
productId = "id1",
grade = "?",
needsAnalysis = false,
adjustedRating = 3.4,
analysisURL = "",
val expected = ProductAnalysisTestData.analysisPresent(
productId = "id1",
reviewGrade = null,
needsAnalysis = false,
adjustedRating = 3.4f,
productUrl = "",
assertEquals(expected, actual)
fun `WHEN product analysis is null THEN it is mapped to Error`() {
val actual = null.toProductReviewState()
val expected = ReviewQualityCheckState.OptedIn.ProductReviewState.Error
assertEquals(expected, actual)
fun `WHEN product id is null THEN it is mapped to Error`() {
val actual =
ProductAnalysisTestData.productAnalysis(productId = null).toProductReviewState()
val expected = ReviewQualityCheckState.OptedIn.ProductReviewState.Error
assertEquals(expected, actual)
fun `WHEN grade, rating and highlights are all null THEN it is mapped to no analysis present`() {
val actual =
grade = null,
adjustedRating = 0.0,
highlights = null,
val expected = ReviewQualityCheckState.OptedIn.ProductReviewState.NoAnalysisPresent
assertEquals(expected, actual)
fun `WHEN ProductAnalysis is not GeckoProductAnalysis THEN it is mapped to Error`() {
val randomAnalysis = object : ProductAnalysis {
override val productId: String = "id1"
val actual = randomAnalysis.toProductReviewState()
val expected = ReviewQualityCheckState.OptedIn.ProductReviewState.Error
assertEquals(expected, actual)