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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.fenix
import android.content.Intent
import android.os.Bundle
import io.mockk.every
import io.mockk.mockk
import io.mockk.spyk
import io.mockk.verify
import mozilla.components.service.glean.testing.GleanTestRule
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Assert.assertFalse
import org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals
import org.junit.Assert.assertNull
import org.junit.Assert.assertTrue
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Rule
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.mozilla.fenix.GleanMetrics.PerfStartup
import org.mozilla.fenix.HomeActivity.Companion.PRIVATE_BROWSING_MODE
import org.mozilla.fenix.browser.browsingmode.BrowsingMode
import org.mozilla.fenix.browser.browsingmode.BrowsingModeManager
import org.mozilla.fenix.components.metrics.Event
import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.components
import org.mozilla.fenix.ext.settings
import org.mozilla.fenix.helpers.FenixRobolectricTestRunner
import org.mozilla.fenix.utils.Settings
import org.robolectric.Robolectric
class HomeActivityTest {
@get:Rule val gleanTestRule = GleanTestRule(ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext())
private lateinit var activity: HomeActivity
fun setup() {
activity = spyk(HomeActivity())
fun getIntentSource() {
val launcherIntent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN).apply {
assertEquals(Event.OpenedApp.Source.APP_ICON, activity.getIntentSource(launcherIntent))
val viewIntent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW).toSafeIntent()
assertEquals(Event.OpenedApp.Source.LINK, activity.getIntentSource(viewIntent))
val otherIntent = Intent().toSafeIntent()
fun `getModeFromIntentOrLastKnown returns mode from settings when intent does not set`() {
every { activity.applicationContext } returns testContext
testContext.settings().lastKnownMode = BrowsingMode.Private
assertEquals(testContext.settings().lastKnownMode, activity.getModeFromIntentOrLastKnown(null))
fun `getModeFromIntentOrLastKnown returns mode from intent when set`() {
testContext.settings().lastKnownMode = BrowsingMode.Normal
val intent = Intent()
intent.putExtra(PRIVATE_BROWSING_MODE, true)
assertNotEquals(testContext.settings().lastKnownMode, activity.getModeFromIntentOrLastKnown(intent))
assertEquals(BrowsingMode.Private, activity.getModeFromIntentOrLastKnown(intent))
fun `isActivityColdStarted returns true for null savedInstanceState and not launched from history`() {
assertTrue(activity.isActivityColdStarted(Intent(), null))
fun `isActivityColdStarted returns false for valid savedInstanceState and not launched from history`() {
assertFalse(activity.isActivityColdStarted(Intent(), Bundle()))
fun `isActivityColdStarted returns false for null savedInstanceState and launched from history`() {
val startingIntent = Intent().apply {
assertFalse(activity.isActivityColdStarted(startingIntent, null))
fun `navigateToBrowserOnColdStart in normal mode navigates to browser`() {
val browsingModeManager: BrowsingModeManager = mockk()
every { browsingModeManager.mode } returns BrowsingMode.Normal
val settings: Settings = mockk()
every { settings.shouldReturnToBrowser } returns true
every { activity.components.settings.shouldReturnToBrowser } returns true
every { activity.openToBrowser(any(), any()) } returns Unit
activity.browsingModeManager = browsingModeManager
verify(exactly = 1) { activity.openToBrowser(BrowserDirection.FromGlobal, null) }
fun `navigateToBrowserOnColdStart in private mode does not navigate to browser`() {
val browsingModeManager: BrowsingModeManager = mockk()
every { browsingModeManager.mode } returns BrowsingMode.Private
val settings: Settings = mockk()
every { settings.shouldReturnToBrowser } returns true
every { activity.components.settings.shouldReturnToBrowser } returns true
every { activity.openToBrowser(any(), any()) } returns Unit
activity.browsingModeManager = browsingModeManager
verify(exactly = 0) { activity.openToBrowser(BrowserDirection.FromGlobal, null) }
fun `isActivityColdStarted returns false for null savedInstanceState and not launched from history`() {
val startingIntent = Intent().apply {
assertFalse(activity.isActivityColdStarted(startingIntent, Bundle()))
fun `GIVEN the user has been away for a long time WHEN the user opens the app THEN do start on home`() {
val settings: Settings = mockk()
val startingIntent = Intent().apply {
action = Intent.ACTION_MAIN
every { activity.applicationContext } returns testContext
every { settings.shouldStartOnHome() } returns true
every { activity.getSettings() } returns settings
fun `GIVEN the user has been away for a long time WHEN opening a link THEN do not start on home`() {
val settings: Settings = mockk()
val startingIntent = Intent().apply {
action = Intent.ACTION_VIEW
every { settings.shouldStartOnHome() } returns true
every { activity.getSettings() } returns settings
every { activity.applicationContext } returns testContext
fun `WHEN onCreate is called THEN the duration is measured`() {
assertFalse(PerfStartup.homeActivityOnCreate.testHasValue()) // sanity check.
// For some reason, the androidx replacement for this method, ActivityScenario, fails so we
// use the old Robolectric version. Perhaps it's because it forces the Activity to the
// RESUMED state (unlike Robolectric where we can get to CREATED) so not enough code is
// mocked for that to work.
// There are various exceptions thrown on background threads when this test runs but it
// doesn't seem to impact correctness so we ignore them.