You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

142 lines
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
package org.mozilla.fenix.library.bookmarks
import mozilla.appservices.places.BookmarkRoot
import mozilla.components.lib.state.Action
import mozilla.components.lib.state.State
import mozilla.components.lib.state.Store
import org.mozilla.fenix.library.SelectionHolder
class BookmarkFragmentStore(
initialState: BookmarkFragmentState
) : Store<BookmarkFragmentState, BookmarkFragmentAction>(
initialState, ::bookmarkFragmentStateReducer
* The complete state of the bookmarks tree and multi-selection mode
* @property tree The current tree of bookmarks, if one is loaded
* @property mode The current bookmark multi-selection mode
* @property guidBackstack A set of guids for bookmark nodes we have visited. Used to traverse back
* up the tree after a sync.
* @property isLoading true if bookmarks are still being loaded from disk
* @property isSwipeToRefreshEnabled true if swipe to refresh should be enabled
data class BookmarkFragmentState(
val tree: BookmarkNode?,
val mode: Mode = Mode.Normal(),
val guidBackstack: List<String> = emptyList(),
val isLoading: Boolean = true,
val isSwipeToRefreshEnabled: Boolean = true
) : State {
sealed class Mode : SelectionHolder<BookmarkNode> {
override val selectedItems = emptySet<BookmarkNode>()
data class Normal(val showMenu: Boolean = true) : Mode()
data class Selecting(override val selectedItems: Set<BookmarkNode>) : Mode()
object Syncing : Mode()
* Actions to dispatch through the `BookmarkStore` to modify `BookmarkState` through the reducer.
sealed class BookmarkFragmentAction : Action {
data class Change(val tree: BookmarkNode) : BookmarkFragmentAction()
data class Select(val item: BookmarkNode) : BookmarkFragmentAction()
data class Deselect(val item: BookmarkNode) : BookmarkFragmentAction()
object DeselectAll : BookmarkFragmentAction()
object StartSync : BookmarkFragmentAction()
object FinishSync : BookmarkFragmentAction()
data class SwipeRefreshAvailabilityChanged(val enabled: Boolean) : BookmarkFragmentAction()
* Reduces the bookmarks state from the current state and an action performed on it.
* @param state the current bookmarks state
* @param action the action to perform
* @return the new bookmarks state
private fun bookmarkFragmentStateReducer(
state: BookmarkFragmentState,
action: BookmarkFragmentAction
): BookmarkFragmentState {
return when (action) {
is BookmarkFragmentAction.Change -> {
// If we change to a node we have already visited, we pop the backstack until the node
// is the last item. If we haven't visited the node yet, we just add it to the end of the
// backstack
val backstack = state.guidBackstack.takeWhile { guid ->
guid != action.tree.guid
} + action.tree.guid
val items = state.mode.selectedItems.filter { it in action.tree }
val mode = when {
state.mode is BookmarkFragmentState.Mode.Syncing -> {
items.isEmpty() -> {
else -> BookmarkFragmentState.Mode.Selecting(items.toSet())
tree = action.tree,
mode = mode,
guidBackstack = backstack,
isLoading = false,
isSwipeToRefreshEnabled = mode !is BookmarkFragmentState.Mode.Selecting
is BookmarkFragmentAction.Select -> state.copy(
mode = BookmarkFragmentState.Mode.Selecting(state.mode.selectedItems + action.item),
isSwipeToRefreshEnabled = false
is BookmarkFragmentAction.Deselect -> {
val items = state.mode.selectedItems - action.item
val mode = if (items.isEmpty()) {
} else {
mode = mode,
isSwipeToRefreshEnabled = mode !is BookmarkFragmentState.Mode.Selecting
is BookmarkFragmentAction.DeselectAll ->
mode = if (state.mode is BookmarkFragmentState.Mode.Syncing) {
} else {
isSwipeToRefreshEnabled = true
is BookmarkFragmentAction.StartSync -> state.copy(
mode = BookmarkFragmentState.Mode.Syncing,
isSwipeToRefreshEnabled = true
is BookmarkFragmentAction.FinishSync -> state.copy(
mode = BookmarkFragmentState.Mode.Normal(
showMenu = shouldShowMenu(state.tree?.guid)
isSwipeToRefreshEnabled = true
is BookmarkFragmentAction.SwipeRefreshAvailabilityChanged -> state.copy(
isSwipeToRefreshEnabled = action.enabled && state.mode !is BookmarkFragmentState.Mode.Selecting
private fun shouldShowMenu(currentGuid: String?): Boolean = != currentGuid
operator fun BookmarkNode.contains(item: BookmarkNode): Boolean {
return children?.contains(item) ?: false