You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable
import mozilla.components.lib.state.State
* UI state of the review quality check feature.
sealed interface ReviewQualityCheckState : State {
* The initial state of the feature, it's also the default state set in the store.
object Initial : ReviewQualityCheckState
* The state when the user has not opted in for the feature.
* @property productVendors List of vendors to be displayed in order in the onboarding UI.
data class NotOptedIn(
val productVendors: List<ProductVendor> = enumValues<ProductVendor>().toList(),
) : ReviewQualityCheckState
* Supported product retailers.
enum class ProductVendor {
* The state when the user has opted in for the feature.
* @property productReviewState The state of the product the user is browsing.
* @property productRecommendationsPreference User preference whether to show product
* recommendations. True if product recommendations should be shown. Null indicates that product
* recommendations are disabled.
* @property productRecommendationsExposure Whether product recommendations exposure is enabled.
* @property productVendor The vendor of the product.
* @property isSettingsExpanded Whether or not the settings card is expanded.
* @property isInfoExpanded Whether or not the info card is expanded.
* @property isHighlightsExpanded Whether or not the highlights card is expanded.
data class OptedIn(
val productReviewState: ProductReviewState = ProductReviewState.Loading,
val productRecommendationsPreference: Boolean?,
val productRecommendationsExposure: Boolean,
val productVendor: ProductVendor,
val isSettingsExpanded: Boolean = false,
val isInfoExpanded: Boolean = false,
val isHighlightsExpanded: Boolean = false,
) : ReviewQualityCheckState {
* The state of the product the user is browsing.
sealed interface ProductReviewState {
* Denotes content is loading.
object Loading : ProductReviewState
* Denotes an error has occurred.
sealed interface Error : ProductReviewState {
* Denotes a network error has occurred.
object NetworkError : Error
* Denotes a product is not supported.
object UnsupportedProductTypeError : Error
* Denotes a product does not have enough reviews to be analyzed.
object NotEnoughReviews : Error
* Denotes a generic error has occurred.
object GenericError : Error
* Denotes no analysis is present for the product the user is browsing.
data class NoAnalysisPresent(
val isReanalyzing: Boolean = false,
) : ProductReviewState
* Denotes the state where analysis of the product is fetched and present.
* @property productId The id of the product, e.g ASIN, SKU.
* @property reviewGrade The review grade of the product.
* @property analysisStatus The status of the product analysis.
* @property adjustedRating The adjusted rating taking review quality into consideration.
* @property productUrl The url of the product the user is browsing.
* @property highlightsInfo Optional highlights based on recent reviews of the product.
* @property recommendedProductState The state of the recommended product.
data class AnalysisPresent(
val productId: String,
val reviewGrade: Grade?,
val analysisStatus: AnalysisStatus,
val adjustedRating: Float?,
val productUrl: String,
val highlightsInfo: HighlightsInfo?,
val recommendedProductState: RecommendedProductState = RecommendedProductState.Initial,
) : ProductReviewState {
init {
require(!(highlightsInfo == null && reviewGrade == null && adjustedRating == null)) {
"AnalysisPresent state should only be created when at least one of " +
"reviewGrade, adjustedRating or highlights is not null"
* Container for highlights and it's derived properties
* @property highlights highlights based on recent reviews of the product.
data class HighlightsInfo(
val highlights: Map<HighlightType, List<String>>,
) {
* Highlights to display in compact mode that contains first 2 highlights of the
* first highlight type.
val highlightsForCompactMode: Map<HighlightType, List<String>> =
highlights.entries.first().let { entry ->
entry.key to entry.value.take(NUMBER_OF_HIGHLIGHTS_FOR_COMPACT_MODE),
val showMoreButtonVisible: Boolean = highlights != highlightsForCompactMode
val highlightsFadeVisible: Boolean =
showMoreButtonVisible && highlightsForCompactMode.entries.first().value.size > 1
* The status of the product analysis.
enum class AnalysisStatus {
* Review Grade of the product - A being the best and F being the worst. There is no grade E.
enum class Grade {
A, B, C, D, F
* Factors for which highlights are available based on recent reviews of the product.
enum class HighlightType {
* The state of the recommended product.
sealed interface RecommendedProductState {
* The initial state of the recommended product.
object Initial : RecommendedProductState
* The state when the recommended product is available.
* @property aid The unique identifier of the product.
* @property name The name of the product.
* @property productUrl The url of the product.
* @property imageUrl The url of the image of the product.
* @property formattedPrice The formatted price of the product.
* @property reviewGrade The review grade of the product.
* @property adjustedRating The adjusted rating of the product.
* @property isSponsored True if the product is sponsored.
* @property analysisUrl The url of the analysis of the product.
data class Product(
val aid: String,
val name: String,
val productUrl: String,
val imageUrl: String,
val formattedPrice: String,
val reviewGrade: Grade,
val adjustedRating: Float,
val isSponsored: Boolean,
val analysisUrl: String,
) : RecommendedProductState
* Returns [ReviewQualityCheckState] applying the given [transform] function if the current
* state is [OptedIn].
fun mapIfOptedIn(transform: (OptedIn) -> ReviewQualityCheckState): ReviewQualityCheckState =
if (this is OptedIn) {
} else {